Isotypic minerals of the cancrinite-group share the [CAN]-framework type, built up by layers of single six-membered rings of tetrahedra centered in an “A” or “B” position, according to the ABAB stacking sequence. In order to describe a model for the thermo-elastic behavior of these isotypic compounds, we have recently investigated the high-pressure (up to ca. 8 GPa) and low-temperature (100 ≤ T (K) ≤ 293) characteristics of the (CO3)-rich end-members cancrinite {[(Na,Ca)6(CO3)1.2-1.7][Na2(H2O)2][Al6Si6O24]} and balliranoite {[(Na,Ca)6(CO3)1.2-1.7][Ca2Cl2][Al6Si6O24]}, by means of in situ single crystal X-ray diffraction. The results [1-4] showed that, though sharing a similar volume compressibility and thermal expansivity, these minerals have a different thermo-elastic anisotropy, being more pronounced in cancrinite. This is due to different (P,T)-induced structure deformation mechanisms, governed by the different coordination environment of the extraframework population within the cages. We are extending our investigation on (SO4)-rich members of the group, and in particular on vishnevite {[(Na,Ca,K)6(SO4)][Na2(H2O)2][Al6Si6O24], analogue of cancrinite} and davyne {[(Na,Ca,K)6(SO4,Cl)][Ca2Cl2][Al6Si6O24], analogue of balliranoite}. High-pressure and low-temperature in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments are currently in progress. A preliminary analysis allowed an early description of their high-pressure behavior. Vishnevite, which is apparently stable up to 7.40(2) GPa, shows a change of the compressional behavior, with an increase of compressibility, between 2.47(2)-3.83(2) GPa. Experimental data within the range 0.0001-2.47(2) GPa have been fitted with a II-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (II-BM EoS, K' = 4), giving the following refined elastic parameters: V0 = 733.5(4) Å3, KV0 = 51(1) GPa; a0 = 12.762(2) Å, Ka0 = 59.8(9) GPa; c0 = 5.2013(9) Å, Kc0 = 38.0(6) GPa. A III-BM EoS fit of the experimental data within the range 3.83(2)-7.40(2) gave: V0 = 757(6) Å3, KV0 = 30(3) GPa KV' = 2.6(5); a0 = 12.84(2) Å, Ka0 = 40(3) GPa, Ka' = 1.8(4); c0 = 5.33(4) Å, Kc0 = 16(3) GPa, Kc' = 3.6(5). A re-arrangement of the extra-framework population within the channels appear to control the observed change of the compressional behavior. A significantly less pronounced increase of compressibility was observed for cancrinite at 4.62(2)-5.00(2) GPa [2]. Davyne does not show any loss of crystallinity nor a change of compressional behavior up to 7.18(2) GPa. Experimental data have been fitted with a III-BM Eos, leading to the following refined parameters: V0 = 761.6(4) Å3, KV0 = 46.8(9) GPa, KV' = 3.6(3); a0 = 12.815(2) Å, Ka0 = 50.3(9) GPa, Ka' = 4.0(3); c0 = 5.355(1) Å, Kc0 = 41.6(9) GPa, Kc' = 2.9(2), showing a strong similarity with the elastic behavior of balliranoite at high pressure[4]. [1] G.D. Gatta, P. Lotti, V. Kahlenberg, U. Haefeker Miner. Mag. 2012, 76, 933. [2] P. Lotti, G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti, F. Cámara Am. Mineral. 2012, 97, 872. [3] G.D. Gatta, P. Lotti, V. Kahlenberg, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2013, 174, 44. [4] P. Lotti, G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti, F. Cámara, G.E. Harlow Z. Kristallogr. 2013 (in press).
Cancrinite-group minerals at non-ambient conditions: vishnevite and davyne / P. Lotti, G.D. Gatta, V. Kahlenberg, N. Rotiroti, F. Bellatreccia. ((Intervento presentato al convegno MISSCA - Meeting of the Italian, Spanish and Swiss Crystallographic Associations tenutosi a Como nel 2013.
Cancrinite-group minerals at non-ambient conditions: vishnevite and davyne
P. LottiPrimo
;G.D. GattaSecondo
;N. RotirotiPenultimo
Isotypic minerals of the cancrinite-group share the [CAN]-framework type, built up by layers of single six-membered rings of tetrahedra centered in an “A” or “B” position, according to the ABAB stacking sequence. In order to describe a model for the thermo-elastic behavior of these isotypic compounds, we have recently investigated the high-pressure (up to ca. 8 GPa) and low-temperature (100 ≤ T (K) ≤ 293) characteristics of the (CO3)-rich end-members cancrinite {[(Na,Ca)6(CO3)1.2-1.7][Na2(H2O)2][Al6Si6O24]} and balliranoite {[(Na,Ca)6(CO3)1.2-1.7][Ca2Cl2][Al6Si6O24]}, by means of in situ single crystal X-ray diffraction. The results [1-4] showed that, though sharing a similar volume compressibility and thermal expansivity, these minerals have a different thermo-elastic anisotropy, being more pronounced in cancrinite. This is due to different (P,T)-induced structure deformation mechanisms, governed by the different coordination environment of the extraframework population within the cages. We are extending our investigation on (SO4)-rich members of the group, and in particular on vishnevite {[(Na,Ca,K)6(SO4)][Na2(H2O)2][Al6Si6O24], analogue of cancrinite} and davyne {[(Na,Ca,K)6(SO4,Cl)][Ca2Cl2][Al6Si6O24], analogue of balliranoite}. High-pressure and low-temperature in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments are currently in progress. A preliminary analysis allowed an early description of their high-pressure behavior. Vishnevite, which is apparently stable up to 7.40(2) GPa, shows a change of the compressional behavior, with an increase of compressibility, between 2.47(2)-3.83(2) GPa. Experimental data within the range 0.0001-2.47(2) GPa have been fitted with a II-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (II-BM EoS, K' = 4), giving the following refined elastic parameters: V0 = 733.5(4) Å3, KV0 = 51(1) GPa; a0 = 12.762(2) Å, Ka0 = 59.8(9) GPa; c0 = 5.2013(9) Å, Kc0 = 38.0(6) GPa. A III-BM EoS fit of the experimental data within the range 3.83(2)-7.40(2) gave: V0 = 757(6) Å3, KV0 = 30(3) GPa KV' = 2.6(5); a0 = 12.84(2) Å, Ka0 = 40(3) GPa, Ka' = 1.8(4); c0 = 5.33(4) Å, Kc0 = 16(3) GPa, Kc' = 3.6(5). A re-arrangement of the extra-framework population within the channels appear to control the observed change of the compressional behavior. A significantly less pronounced increase of compressibility was observed for cancrinite at 4.62(2)-5.00(2) GPa [2]. Davyne does not show any loss of crystallinity nor a change of compressional behavior up to 7.18(2) GPa. Experimental data have been fitted with a III-BM Eos, leading to the following refined parameters: V0 = 761.6(4) Å3, KV0 = 46.8(9) GPa, KV' = 3.6(3); a0 = 12.815(2) Å, Ka0 = 50.3(9) GPa, Ka' = 4.0(3); c0 = 5.355(1) Å, Kc0 = 41.6(9) GPa, Kc' = 2.9(2), showing a strong similarity with the elastic behavior of balliranoite at high pressure[4]. [1] G.D. Gatta, P. Lotti, V. Kahlenberg, U. Haefeker Miner. Mag. 2012, 76, 933. [2] P. Lotti, G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti, F. Cámara Am. Mineral. 2012, 97, 872. [3] G.D. Gatta, P. Lotti, V. Kahlenberg, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2013, 174, 44. [4] P. Lotti, G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti, F. Cámara, G.E. Harlow Z. Kristallogr. 2013 (in press).Pubblicazioni consigliate
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