The aim of the research developed in the time course of the three years of my Doctoral course in Molecular Medicine was to shed light into the mechanisms involved in Oxidative Stress responses in man at both integrative and molecular levels. To reach this general and high-level purpose we firstly focused our attention towards developing a method capable of returning an absolute quantitative estimation of Free Radicals production level. This particular aim was the subject of the first year of my researching activity. As a matter of fact, as is well known, in any physiological and/or pathological condition a subject could be involved, ‘oxidative stress’ results from the imbalance between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production and his antioxidant capacity. Electron Paramagnetic Technique (EPR) resulted the method of choice since, as is well known, it is the only technique capable of returning, in a non-invasive way, the ‘intrinsic’ quantitative information (the signal is proportional to the number of excited electron spins). Indeed the beginning of my Doctoral period fortunately coincided with the acquisition by the Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology (IBFM) Institute of CNR (Lita Segrate) of an EPR instrument (e-scan Bruker BioSpin, Germany) of recent design, responding to the innovative characteristics of easy portability and handling. The spectrometer operates at the common X-Band microwave frequency and deals with very low concentration levels (nM) even in small sample volumes (50 μl). Aware of the novelty of the method, we first looked for a correlation between the attained EPR experimental data and those returned when adopting the classical enzymatic methods (e.g. ThioBarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) and Protein Carbonyls (PC) data collected from the same subject). Indeed, a correlation could not, by principle, be expected, since, compared to the EPR data, enzymatic methods give a quantitative “a posteriori” evaluation of the damage produced by ROS, on lipids and cellular proteins. As a matter of fact, a positive correlation (ANOVA, p<0.05) was found between EPR ROS production data and TBARS (r2 ~ 0.7) as well as PC concentration (r2 ~ 0.6), which was found in resting subjects. Then, in order to achieve the overall objective of the research, we assumed ‘hypoxia’ as the ‘particular’ condition to be investigated, since it was viewed as a peculiar state capable of: 1) producing un imbalance between oxidative stress and anti-oxidant capacity; 2) offering the possibility of the identification of mechanisms involved in the perturbed balance restoring. To attain this ‘secondary’ aim, the experiments were carried out on: A) healthy subjects, that as such, were expected to start from a balance equilibrium condition; B) subjects affected by neurodegenerative pathologies, for whom, on the contrary, a sure imbalance condition was expected, that would be confirmed by a significant increment of ROS production, even at rest. However a fully innovative method had been developed, so that we lacked of referring literature data: a series of preliminary measurements on a homogeneous group of healthy subjects had to be firstly carried out, not only to optimize the acquisition and environmental conditions (T, pO2 that have to be carefully defined since they greatly affect EPR data), but also to reach reliable resting physiological values and range of variability. A great reproducibility of the data (μmol . min-1) was found on blood capillary samples taken from the same healthy subject six hours apart (r² = 0.99, ~ 0.5% discrepancy) and was calculated; limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of 30 ∙ 10-3 mM and 100 ∙ 10-3 mM were calculated respectively. In healthy subjects, the experimental protocols were designed in order to study the effects of: a) exercise (as inducing a transitory hypoxic state) of both short (in hockey players, swimmers) and long duration (in triathletes); b) training (as inducing a balance restore, in swimmers); c) hypoxia, both hypo- and normobaric (to study the effect of the assumed model condition itself, in young sedentary subjects); d) antioxidant molecules administration as an external way helping to restore the balance. In neurodegenerative pathologies (patients affected by: type II Diabetic Neuropathy (type II DN), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (sALS)) after checking the expected unbalance throughout a significant increase of ROS production (sALS versus healthy subjects: +20%, p<0.05) under resting conditions, the effect of training on the possibility of approaching a normal ROS production level was investigated. The collected data thus far, that have to be nevertheless considered as preliminary results, of the training effect in sALS patients showed a beneficial effects; an decrease ROS production resting value (about -7%) was calculated after twelve weeks of training by the patients. in swimmers a significantly lower (about -25%) basal ROS production value (2.24 ± 0.14 μmol · min-1) after eight weeks training period was calculated. All these experiments were carried out and results obtained during my second and third year of my Doctoral School. Besides and beyond the specific results obtained from the collected data set, pointed out throughout my thesis, general observations can be summarized as follows: 1) There is no way to obtain data quantifying the total amount of ROS produced by a subject under any condition. Rather, EPR data return amount of ROS there were not scavenged by the antioxidant system. In other words, under a given condition, they represent the excess of the ROS produced in a given time, that is ROS production rate (μmol · min-1). Moreover we chose to carry out the measurement on blood instead of tissue samples to obtain most possible integrative data. In particular capillary blood (with respect to venous blood or plasma) gave us the opportunity of developing a mini-invasive, reliable and easy measurement method. Nevertheless when going from capillary to venous data, the different blood pO2 must be taken into account. (ROS production in venous was found about 18% lower than in capillary blood: e.g. 1.79 ± 0.12 vs 1.48 ± 0.29 µmol · min-1 respectively). 2) The obtained data cannot be taken as general parameters, since they strictly depend on the physic-chemical variables (T, pO2) assumed for the measurement that must be taken into great account. From all these considerations, we can therefore conclude that beyond the possibility of obtaining absolute data to report for the first time in literature, this method was found as quite a sensitive and reliable mean to monitor the changes of each subject during time progression, therefore making each subject the control. 3) Despite the reliability and high reproducibility of the afore-developed method, we are anyway aware that EPR data have to be compared and integrated by collecting systemic data: hematochemical parameters (e.g. hematocrit, iron, cholesterol, platelets, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes), oxygen saturation, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Finally we are confident that our method will be in the near future considered suitable to be applied into different medical fields: i) sport medicine, as an effective available help in sports centers to set up and adjusts training protocols by monitoring training effects on oxidative stress. ii) mountain medicine, in studying pathologies induced by hypoxia following high altitude acute and chronic staying; iii) clinic and diagnostic centers, helping in monitoring progression of pathologies and/or effects of therapies. On the other side, second part of my researching activity, the study of hypoxia throughout EPR measurements, was carried out in vitro at a molecular level. In fact, hypoxia orchestrates a multitude of processes of molecular pathway responses. Nevertheless the traditional mechanism of sensing hypoxia involves the presence of a heme protein so that hypoxia can be detected by a reversible binding of O2 at the heme site, which causes an allosteric shift in the hemoprotein from inactive (oxyform) to active (deoxy) form. The activity of a hemoprotein is therefore determined by the presence or absence of bound oxygen. Among heme proteins, the relevance of hypoxic states, suitable to be encountered in both physiological and pathological conditions was, in the present research, made in conjunction with the supporting role recently attributed to deoxy-Myoglobin (Mb) as a ROS scavenger, with particular attention to a peculiar reactive species molecule, that is nitric oxide (NO). NO is a highly diffusive and reactive molecule, produced, in the cells, by the NO synthases enzymes (NOS), using L-arginine and O2 as substrates. Under normoxic conditions, if NO concentration becomes too high, oxy-Mb is able to scavenge and oxidize it into NO3-, maintaining mitochondrial O2 consumption, thus cellular respiration, at the optimum. On the contrary, under hypoxia, the low O2 availability leads to NOS inactivation (being substrate limited). The NO produced by Mb down-regulates mitochondria O2 consumption, contributing to elongate the intracellular oxygen gradient and limiting the formation of deleterious reactive oxygen species. In addition, Mb-produced NO might contribute to hypoxic vasodilatation. Thus, Mb’s nitrite reductase activity (very low pO2 level) might participate both in the modulation of tissue mitochondrial respiration and in the limitation of ischemia-reperfusion injury, under hypoxic. The relevance of hypoxic states, in conjunction with the supporting role recently attributed to deoxy-Myoglobin throughout its scavenging and vasodilatory properties was the rational basis for this study. As regard as Mb, in human’s skeletal muscle, up to five different Mb isoforms are reported in the literature (Mb I-V). Also different Mb percentages are present in the muscle: Mb I 75%, Mb II 29%, Mb III-V 5%. Taking Mb-II as a reference, these proteins differ only for one external amino acid and, namely, they can be seen as the E54K (Mb I), K133N (Mb III), R139Q (Mb IV) and R139W (Mb V) mutants, whose specific functions, if any, are completely unknown. In addition, these general observations were supported by specific findings on populations born and living in extreme hypoxic conditions possibly explaining their better metabolic and mechanic efficiency by the increase of Mb concentration, with particular reference to the 54E isoform (Mb II). Throughout a combined EPR and MD simulations analysis, the present study aimed to give experimental evidenced able to further underline the relevant role played by Mb under hypoxic conditions, then marking a first step towards the identification of different roles played by Mb isoforms, whose presence, among mammals, is a distinct feature of human Mb. Functional results obtained by the EPR study showed up not only a significantly greater NO binding capacity (more than double; p<0.01) of the 54E with respect to the 54K isoform was calculated from the EPR spectra integrated areas but even more circumscribed this property to the deoxygenate state, the binding capacity becoming significantly lower and almost the same for the two proteins in the presence of O2 at the two analyzed pO2 levels (40 and 100 mmHg). This novel and quite intriguing result was supported by structural considerations emerged by the MD simulation analysis and in turn mutually supported by structural EPR results. Concluding remarks and future perspectives can be summarized in our firm belief, which we are confident will be verified and accorded by the reader as well, of the novelty of the developed method and of the reported data. Indeed some of them, especially when concerning pathological subjects, have to considered ‘in fieri’, nevertheless the road to take is extremely interesting, and calls for further investigations.
Scopo della ricerca sviluppata durante questi tre anni di Dottorato è quello di spiegare i meccanismi sottesi alla risposta allo stress ossidativo nell'uomo a livello integrativo e molecolare. Per questo fine, nel primo anno di Dottorato, si è innanzi tutto implementato un metodo quantitativo assoluto atto a valutare la produzione dei radicali liberi. Come è noto ciò che importa è l’equilibrio tra produzione di Specie Reattive dell’Ossigeno (ROS) e la disponibilità di difese antiossidanti. Quando questo equilibrio viene meno, si parla di Stress Ossidativo, con conseguenze a carico degli acidi nucleici, dei lipidi e delle proteine, compromettendo il metabolismo e la vitalità cellulare, fino a indurre apoptosi o necrosi. Questo è un fenomeno ricorrente in molte malattie acute e croniche oltre che nel fisiologico processo di invecchiamento. Allo scopo si è utilizzata la tecnica di Risonanza Paramagnetica Elettronica (EPR) accoppiata a specifiche sonde molecolari (spin trapping) per sviluppare un metodo quantitativo “in vivo” in grado di monitorare la produzione di ROS in campioni biologici quale il sangue e sue frazioni. Gli inizi del mio periodo di Dottorato sono fortunatamente coincisi con l’acquisizione da parte dell’Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare (IBFM) del CNR (Lita di Segrate), di uno strumento EPR che risponde alle esigenze di maneggevolezza e portabilità (e-scan Bruker BioSpin, Germania), di recente immissione sul mercato, che opera in onda continua (CW), nella banda X delle µW, in grado di rilevare concentrazioni molto basse (nM) in piccoli campioni (50 µl), utilizzando una cavità risonante le cui proprietà ottimizzano il fattore di riempimento, conferendo un’elevata sensibilità allo strumento. L’attendibilità dell'efficacia del metodo sviluppato è stata verificata con correlazioni tra metodi classici enzimatici e misure EPR in vari stati: fisiologici e parafisiologici. Trattandosi della messa a punto di un metodo di misura completamente innovativo e mancando pertanto dati di letteratura cui fare riferimento, si sono rese necessarie molte prove sperimentali da campioni ematici, in un vasto gruppo di soggetti, con tantissime acquisizioni modificando e ottimizzando di volta in volta i parametri e le condizioni (T, pO2) Questo procedimento è stato lento e laborioso; una volta superate le difficoltà tecniche, si è avuto a disposizione un piccolo catalogo di misurazioni che è servito ad ottenere i primi dati sperimentali che saranno illustrati nei primi paragrafi di questa tesi. Si è inoltre cercata una correlazione statistica tra la produzione di ROS determinata con tecnica EPR ed i marcatori dello stress ossidativo ottenuti dai vari test convenzionali enzimatici riportati in letteratura quali il dosaggio da sostanze reattive all'acido tiobarbiturico (TBARS) e carbonili proteici (PC) in grado di quantizzare il danno “a posteriori” prodotto dai ROS su lipidi e proteine rispettivamente. Una correlazione sistematica tra i dati EPR e i dati enzimatici non era certa, in quanto questi ultimi rivelano un danno conclamato. Tuttavia, è stata trovata una significativa correlazione (ANOVA, p<0.05) in soggetti a riposo, tra la produzione di ROS/TBARS e PC (rispettivamente: r2=0.74 e r2=0.60). Per rispondere allo scopo della ricerca, abbiamo assunto come modello l’ipossia studiata 1) come situazione che induce uno sbilanciamento tra Stress Ossidativo e capacità antiossidante e 2) nel tentativo di identificare i possibili meccanismi di ripristino dell’equilibrio. Dall'insieme dei dati raccolti, al di là dei risultati specifici, possiamo evincere che anche se la misura quantitativa assoluta della produzione di ROS (umol . mim-1) non può essere un parametro generalizzato, perché funzione di variabili fisico-chimiche (pO2, Temperatura, concentrazione della sonda), acquisizione ed elaborazione dei parametri vanno comunque prese in considerazione. Dal calcolo dei limiti di detenzione (LOD): 30 · 10-3 mM, e quantificazione (LOQ): 100 · 10-3 mM, lo strumento si è rilevato sensibile e affidabile. Allo stesso tempo, va tenuto presente che il dato ottenuto rappresenta la produzione di ROS non tamponati dal sistema antiossidante. Per questo, si è ritenuto che la misura su campione ematico fosse rappresentativa della risposta sistemica integrativa. In particolare, il sangue capillare, oltre alla sua elevata sensibilità e riproducibilità (0,5% di differenza tra misure ripetute), ci ha permesso di disegnare un protocollo agile mini-invasivo. Da quanto fin qui esposto, possiamo ricavare che, al di là della ricerca di un dato assoluto da riportare in letteratura, è una valida procedura che ogni soggetto, monitorato nel tempo risulti controllo di se stesso, ovvero che a indice della risposta equilibrio/squilibrio vengano quantizzate le variazioni. Nel tentativo di identificare i possibili meccanismi di ripristino dell’equilibrio dello stress ossidativo, gli esperimenti sono stati condotti su: A) soggetti sani, che come tali sono caratterizzati da una condizione di equilibrio tra ROS e difese antiossidanti, B) soggetti affetti da patologie neurodegenerative, per i quali era logico attendersi, come confermato dalla realtà, che fossero caratterizzati da una condizione di conclamato squilibrio, rivelabile da un significativo incremento di ROS prodotti in condizioni di riposo. In soggetti sani, si sono disegnati, messi a punto e applicati differenti protocolli sperimentali, per testare l’effetto: a) dell’esercizio fisico (stato ipossico transitorio) di breve (hockeisti e nuotatori) e lunga durata (atleti di triathlon); b) dell’allenamento (nuotatori); c) dell’ipossia normobarica e ipobarica acuta e prolungata (giovani soggetti sedentari); d) dell’assunzione di molecole antiossidanti sulla produzione di ROS. In patologie neurodegenerative (pazienti affetti da: Neuropatia Diabetica (tipo II DN), decadimento cognitivo lieve (MCI) e Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica sporadica (sSLA)) dopo aver rilevato uno squilibrio in condizioni basali, è stato studiato l’effetto dell’esercizio/allenamento (SLA) o dell’assunzione di antiossidanti (tipo II DN) sulla possibilità di un potenziale ripristino a valori di equilibrio. Importanti risultati sono emersi dall’analisi dei dati registrati nelle varie condizioni sperimentali e sono illustrati in questa tesi. ll tema comune di tutti i test, oltre all’evidente studio sulla produzione dei ROS, è stato quello dell’ipossia. Infatti l’Ipossia, nelle sue varie espressioni (intese come deficienze parziali o totali di O2 nel nostro organismo), è stato elemento caratterizzante in tutti i protocolli che abbiamo testato. I protocolli di studio su pazienti sono tuttora in corso; pertanto i dati illustrati devono intendersi come preliminari. Nei soggetti patologici si è costatata una differente produzione di ROS in condizioni di riposo, mostrando un valore significativamente (p<0,05) più alto nei pazienti affetti da SLA (+20%) rispetto ai soggetti sani. L’allenamento, in questi pazienti, sembra giocare un ruolo favorevole nel diminuire la produzione di ROS: un decremento del 7% è stato calcolato nei valori a riposo pre e post allenamento. Un sicuro effetto positivo dell’allenamento controllato, dopo otto settimane, è stato osservato nei nuotatori (-25%) sulla produzione di ROS (2.24 ± 0.14 μmol · min-1). Tutti questi esperimenti sono stati condotti e i risultati ottenuti durante il secondo e terzo anno della mia Scuola di Dottorato. A parte gli specifici risultati ottenuti dal set di dati raccolti, osservazioni generali possono essere riassunte come segue: 1) Non vi è alcun modo per ottenere dati per quantificare il volume totale di ROS prodotta da un soggetto in qualsiasi condizione. Il dato EPR ricavato dalle misurazioni rappresenta l’eccesso di ROS che il sistema ha prodotto (μmol · min-1) in una determinata condizione, ed è quindi un tasso di produzione di ROS Inoltre si è scelto di effettuare la misura da sangue invece che da campioni di tessuto in modo da ottenere dati il più possibile sistematici. In particolare, il sangue capillare (rispetto al sangue venoso o plasma) ha dato la possibilità di sviluppare un metodo di misurazione affidabile, relativamente semplice e mini-invasivo. Tuttavia quando si passa da misurazioni di sangue capillare a venoso, bisogna prendere in considerazione la differente pO2. (la produzione di ROS in sangue venoso è stata trovata circa il 18% inferiore a quella nel sangue capillare: 1.79 ± 0.12 vs 1.48 ± 0.29 μmol·min-1 rispettivamente). 2) I dati non possono essere presi come parametri generali, poiché dipendono strettamente da variabili fisico-chimiche (T, pO2) Da tutti questi punti, si può evincere che, al di là della ricerca di un dato assoluto da riportare in letteratura, è una valida procedura che ogni soggetto, monitorato nel tempo risulti controllo di se stesso, ovvero che a indice della risposta equilibrio/squilibrio vengano quantizzate le variazioni. 3) Tuttavia si è consapevoli che il dato fornito da EPR deve essere integrato con dati sistemici quali: analisi ematochimiche di laboratorio (ematocrito, ferro, colesterolo, piastrine, neutrofili, linfociti, monociti), saturazione dell’ossigeno, cinetica degli scambi gassosi (VO2max). Si ritiene che il metodo possa trovare applicazione i) medicina dello sport offrendo un valido aiuto nei centri sportivi per monitorare l’efficacia dell’allenamento e gli eventuali effetti dello stress provocato ed eventualmente migliorare i protocolli; ii) alla medicina di montagna per lo studio delle patologie da alta quota, poiché l’ipossia è il primo e più delicato problema dell’altitudine sin dalla quota media (1800m); iii) ai centri clinici/diagnostici per monitorare gli effetti delle terapie/trattamenti sulla progressione di patologia. Seconda parte della mia attività di ricerca, è stato lo studio in vitro dell’ipossia da un punto di vista molecolare mediante misurazioni spettroscopiche EPR. Partendo da una visione molecolare, l’ipossia orchestra una moltitudine di processi e di pathway molecolari. Nel tradizionale meccanismo dell’ipossia si ha la presenza di una proteina eme in grado di rilevare il legame reversibile di O2 il quale causa un cambiamento allosterico nell’emo-proteina: da inattivo (forma ossigenata) ad attivo (forma de-ossigenata). Quindi l'attività di una proteina emo è determinata dalla presenza o assenza dell’ossigeno legato. Nella presente ricerca, la rilevanza di stati ipossici, dal punto di vista molecolare, atti ad essere rilevati sia in condizioni fisiologiche che patologiche è stato attribuito all’Ossido Nitrico (NO) e al ruolo della Mioglobina (Mb). E’ noto, infatti, che l’NO è un radicale libero particolarmente espresso in condizioni ipossiche in quanto è in grado di regolare la vasodilatazione, quindi aumenta l’afflusso di sangue e al tempo stesso può essere però dannoso andando ad inibire la catena respiratoria a livello del complesso IV. In letteratura sono riportate cinque isoforme di Mb umana (Mb I-V) presenti nel muscolo scheletrico in percentuali diverse (Mb I: 75%; Mb II: 20%; Mb III-V: 5%) le cui funzioni non sono ancora state chiarite. Prendendo a riferimento Mb II, queste proteine differiscono solo per un singolo residuo aminoacidico: E54K (Mb I), K133N(Mb III), R139Q (Mb IV) a R139W (Mb V). Inoltre popolazioni tibetane, native dell’alta quota, presentano come risposta all’ipossia alte capacità antiossidanti, alto flusso ematico sistemico, metabolismo ed efficienza meccanica migliore, alti livelli di metaboliti circolanti biologicamente attivi all’NO e sono caratterizzate da un significativo aumento della concentrazione di Mb a livello muscolare con particolare riferimento all’ isoforma 54E (Mb II). Il presente studio, grazie all’analisi combinata EPR e simulazioni di Dinamica Molecolare (MD), contribuisce ulteriormente a sottolineare il ruolo importante svolto dalla Mb in condizioni di ipossia; inoltre segna un primo passo verso l'identificazione dei diversi ruoli svolti dalle isoforme della Mb Importanti risultati funzionali si sono ottenuti dallo studio EPR: l’NO ha capacità di legame significativamente maggiore con l’isoforma 54E rispetto all’isoforma 54K; questa è più circoscritta alla struttura dello stato de-ossigenato e la capacità di legame diventa significativamente inferiore (p<0.01) e quasi identica per le due proteine in presenza di O2 anche a differenti livelli di pO2 (40 e 100 mmHg). Concludendo, osservazioni e prospettive future possono essere condensate nella convinzione, che confidiamo saranno condivise e verificate anche dal lettore, della validità del nuovo del metodo sviluppato e dei dati raccolti. Alcuni risultati, in particolar modo quelli concernenti gli stati patologici, sono da considerarsi preliminari; tuttavia la strada da percorrere è estremamente interessante e richiede ulteriori indagini.
REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES, OXIDATIVE DAMAGE, AND ANTIOXIDANT DEFENSE MECHANISMS: IN HUMANS AND IN VITRO ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE SPIN-TRAPPING STUDIES / S. Mrakic - Sposta ; tutore: M. Gussoni ; correlatore: A. Vezzoli ; direttore della Scuola: M. Clerici. DIPARTIMENTO DI FISIOPATOLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA E DEI TRAPIANTI, 2013 Feb 12. 25. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2012. [10.13130/mrakic-sposta-simona_phd2013-02-12].
The aim of the research developed in the time course of the three years of my Doctoral course in Molecular Medicine was to shed light into the mechanisms involved in Oxidative Stress responses in man at both integrative and molecular levels. To reach this general and high-level purpose we firstly focused our attention towards developing a method capable of returning an absolute quantitative estimation of Free Radicals production level. This particular aim was the subject of the first year of my researching activity. As a matter of fact, as is well known, in any physiological and/or pathological condition a subject could be involved, ‘oxidative stress’ results from the imbalance between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production and his antioxidant capacity. Electron Paramagnetic Technique (EPR) resulted the method of choice since, as is well known, it is the only technique capable of returning, in a non-invasive way, the ‘intrinsic’ quantitative information (the signal is proportional to the number of excited electron spins). Indeed the beginning of my Doctoral period fortunately coincided with the acquisition by the Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology (IBFM) Institute of CNR (Lita Segrate) of an EPR instrument (e-scan Bruker BioSpin, Germany) of recent design, responding to the innovative characteristics of easy portability and handling. The spectrometer operates at the common X-Band microwave frequency and deals with very low concentration levels (nM) even in small sample volumes (50 μl). Aware of the novelty of the method, we first looked for a correlation between the attained EPR experimental data and those returned when adopting the classical enzymatic methods (e.g. ThioBarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) and Protein Carbonyls (PC) data collected from the same subject). Indeed, a correlation could not, by principle, be expected, since, compared to the EPR data, enzymatic methods give a quantitative “a posteriori” evaluation of the damage produced by ROS, on lipids and cellular proteins. As a matter of fact, a positive correlation (ANOVA, p<0.05) was found between EPR ROS production data and TBARS (r2 ~ 0.7) as well as PC concentration (r2 ~ 0.6), which was found in resting subjects. Then, in order to achieve the overall objective of the research, we assumed ‘hypoxia’ as the ‘particular’ condition to be investigated, since it was viewed as a peculiar state capable of: 1) producing un imbalance between oxidative stress and anti-oxidant capacity; 2) offering the possibility of the identification of mechanisms involved in the perturbed balance restoring. To attain this ‘secondary’ aim, the experiments were carried out on: A) healthy subjects, that as such, were expected to start from a balance equilibrium condition; B) subjects affected by neurodegenerative pathologies, for whom, on the contrary, a sure imbalance condition was expected, that would be confirmed by a significant increment of ROS production, even at rest. However a fully innovative method had been developed, so that we lacked of referring literature data: a series of preliminary measurements on a homogeneous group of healthy subjects had to be firstly carried out, not only to optimize the acquisition and environmental conditions (T, pO2 that have to be carefully defined since they greatly affect EPR data), but also to reach reliable resting physiological values and range of variability. A great reproducibility of the data (μmol . min-1) was found on blood capillary samples taken from the same healthy subject six hours apart (r² = 0.99, ~ 0.5% discrepancy) and was calculated; limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of 30 ∙ 10-3 mM and 100 ∙ 10-3 mM were calculated respectively. In healthy subjects, the experimental protocols were designed in order to study the effects of: a) exercise (as inducing a transitory hypoxic state) of both short (in hockey players, swimmers) and long duration (in triathletes); b) training (as inducing a balance restore, in swimmers); c) hypoxia, both hypo- and normobaric (to study the effect of the assumed model condition itself, in young sedentary subjects); d) antioxidant molecules administration as an external way helping to restore the balance. In neurodegenerative pathologies (patients affected by: type II Diabetic Neuropathy (type II DN), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (sALS)) after checking the expected unbalance throughout a significant increase of ROS production (sALS versus healthy subjects: +20%, p<0.05) under resting conditions, the effect of training on the possibility of approaching a normal ROS production level was investigated. The collected data thus far, that have to be nevertheless considered as preliminary results, of the training effect in sALS patients showed a beneficial effects; an decrease ROS production resting value (about -7%) was calculated after twelve weeks of training by the patients. in swimmers a significantly lower (about -25%) basal ROS production value (2.24 ± 0.14 μmol · min-1) after eight weeks training period was calculated. All these experiments were carried out and results obtained during my second and third year of my Doctoral School. Besides and beyond the specific results obtained from the collected data set, pointed out throughout my thesis, general observations can be summarized as follows: 1) There is no way to obtain data quantifying the total amount of ROS produced by a subject under any condition. Rather, EPR data return amount of ROS there were not scavenged by the antioxidant system. In other words, under a given condition, they represent the excess of the ROS produced in a given time, that is ROS production rate (μmol · min-1). Moreover we chose to carry out the measurement on blood instead of tissue samples to obtain most possible integrative data. In particular capillary blood (with respect to venous blood or plasma) gave us the opportunity of developing a mini-invasive, reliable and easy measurement method. Nevertheless when going from capillary to venous data, the different blood pO2 must be taken into account. (ROS production in venous was found about 18% lower than in capillary blood: e.g. 1.79 ± 0.12 vs 1.48 ± 0.29 µmol · min-1 respectively). 2) The obtained data cannot be taken as general parameters, since they strictly depend on the physic-chemical variables (T, pO2) assumed for the measurement that must be taken into great account. From all these considerations, we can therefore conclude that beyond the possibility of obtaining absolute data to report for the first time in literature, this method was found as quite a sensitive and reliable mean to monitor the changes of each subject during time progression, therefore making each subject the control. 3) Despite the reliability and high reproducibility of the afore-developed method, we are anyway aware that EPR data have to be compared and integrated by collecting systemic data: hematochemical parameters (e.g. hematocrit, iron, cholesterol, platelets, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes), oxygen saturation, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Finally we are confident that our method will be in the near future considered suitable to be applied into different medical fields: i) sport medicine, as an effective available help in sports centers to set up and adjusts training protocols by monitoring training effects on oxidative stress. ii) mountain medicine, in studying pathologies induced by hypoxia following high altitude acute and chronic staying; iii) clinic and diagnostic centers, helping in monitoring progression of pathologies and/or effects of therapies. On the other side, second part of my researching activity, the study of hypoxia throughout EPR measurements, was carried out in vitro at a molecular level. In fact, hypoxia orchestrates a multitude of processes of molecular pathway responses. Nevertheless the traditional mechanism of sensing hypoxia involves the presence of a heme protein so that hypoxia can be detected by a reversible binding of O2 at the heme site, which causes an allosteric shift in the hemoprotein from inactive (oxyform) to active (deoxy) form. The activity of a hemoprotein is therefore determined by the presence or absence of bound oxygen. Among heme proteins, the relevance of hypoxic states, suitable to be encountered in both physiological and pathological conditions was, in the present research, made in conjunction with the supporting role recently attributed to deoxy-Myoglobin (Mb) as a ROS scavenger, with particular attention to a peculiar reactive species molecule, that is nitric oxide (NO). NO is a highly diffusive and reactive molecule, produced, in the cells, by the NO synthases enzymes (NOS), using L-arginine and O2 as substrates. Under normoxic conditions, if NO concentration becomes too high, oxy-Mb is able to scavenge and oxidize it into NO3-, maintaining mitochondrial O2 consumption, thus cellular respiration, at the optimum. On the contrary, under hypoxia, the low O2 availability leads to NOS inactivation (being substrate limited). The NO produced by Mb down-regulates mitochondria O2 consumption, contributing to elongate the intracellular oxygen gradient and limiting the formation of deleterious reactive oxygen species. In addition, Mb-produced NO might contribute to hypoxic vasodilatation. Thus, Mb’s nitrite reductase activity (very low pO2 level) might participate both in the modulation of tissue mitochondrial respiration and in the limitation of ischemia-reperfusion injury, under hypoxic. The relevance of hypoxic states, in conjunction with the supporting role recently attributed to deoxy-Myoglobin throughout its scavenging and vasodilatory properties was the rational basis for this study. As regard as Mb, in human’s skeletal muscle, up to five different Mb isoforms are reported in the literature (Mb I-V). Also different Mb percentages are present in the muscle: Mb I 75%, Mb II 29%, Mb III-V 5%. Taking Mb-II as a reference, these proteins differ only for one external amino acid and, namely, they can be seen as the E54K (Mb I), K133N (Mb III), R139Q (Mb IV) and R139W (Mb V) mutants, whose specific functions, if any, are completely unknown. In addition, these general observations were supported by specific findings on populations born and living in extreme hypoxic conditions possibly explaining their better metabolic and mechanic efficiency by the increase of Mb concentration, with particular reference to the 54E isoform (Mb II). Throughout a combined EPR and MD simulations analysis, the present study aimed to give experimental evidenced able to further underline the relevant role played by Mb under hypoxic conditions, then marking a first step towards the identification of different roles played by Mb isoforms, whose presence, among mammals, is a distinct feature of human Mb. Functional results obtained by the EPR study showed up not only a significantly greater NO binding capacity (more than double; p<0.01) of the 54E with respect to the 54K isoform was calculated from the EPR spectra integrated areas but even more circumscribed this property to the deoxygenate state, the binding capacity becoming significantly lower and almost the same for the two proteins in the presence of O2 at the two analyzed pO2 levels (40 and 100 mmHg). This novel and quite intriguing result was supported by structural considerations emerged by the MD simulation analysis and in turn mutually supported by structural EPR results. Concluding remarks and future perspectives can be summarized in our firm belief, which we are confident will be verified and accorded by the reader as well, of the novelty of the developed method and of the reported data. Indeed some of them, especially when concerning pathological subjects, have to considered ‘in fieri’, nevertheless the road to take is extremely interesting, and calls for further investigations.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 30/12/2013
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