Persistent Organic Pollutants is a group of structurally diverse man-made chemicals characterized by a high bio-persistence and the ability to travel a long distance on the planetary scale. This class of chemicals includes polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorinated pesticides such as DDT and its metabolites and other chemicals such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo furans. These chemicals are widely distributed in the environment as some of them have long been employed in agriculture and in public health as pesticides, others as industrial chemicals and others are unavoidable by-products of industrial processes. These chemicals can be a source of health risk to human. Despite extensive use of OCPs such DDT in Italy in the 1940s to 1970s especially for public health control of malaria mosquitoes and PCBs in industry, in energy production and in industrial commodities, information on their exposure levels among the general population is limited. This study aims at determining the levels of OCPs and of PCB congeners among the residents from Italians living in three different places: Novafeltria (a village in Central Italy), Pavia (a mid-sized town) and Milan (the second-largest city in Italy) and at exploring the relationship with places of residence, gender, age and individual body size of their accumulation in the population. To measure PCBs concentrations, blood samples were collected from 372 consented subjects whereas to measure OCPs blood samples were collected from 137 subjects. Thirty six PCB congeners and eight OCPs were measured in blood serum by gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry. To normalize PCBs and OCPs concentrations to total blood lipid concentrations (a commonly employed technique to take into account the lipophilic character of the compounds), serum concentrations of triglycerides and total cholesterol were measured by standard clinical chemistry techniques. Personal information such as gender, age, height and weight, dietary habits, education, residence and occupation information were collected through a questionnaire. Statistical analyses were employed to highlight variation in analytes levels with respects to residence, age, gender and body mass index. The analytes concentrations were summarized for the overall population of three sites and separately for the individual sites, for gender, for age groups and for BMI categories. The PCB congeners 138, 153 and 180 were the most frequently detected in overall population sample and were the major contributors of total PCB burden. PCB 153 had the highest median level in each site. Total PCB level differed significantly between the study sites (p < 0.0001) with median concentrations of 837, 1355 and 2062 pmol/g lipid, respectively in Novafeltria, Pavia and Milan. No evidence was found for the difference in distribution of total PCB levels by genders. Total DL–PCB differed significantly (p < 0.0001) between the sites (median 110, 51 and 167 pmol/g lipid, respectively) and genders of Novafeltria and Pavia (p = 0.011 and 0.009, respectively). PCB 138, 153, 170 and 180 differed significantly between the sites (p < 0.0001) with higher values in Milan population. In overall population total PCB, PCB 138, 153, 156, 170 and 180 correlated positively with age (r for linear correlations range between 0.320–0.569, p < 0.0001). In Novafeltria the r correlations range between 0.545–0.670 and 0.516–0.666 in Pavia. In Milan, r correlations with age range between 0.327–0.417 for total PCB, congener 138, 153 and 180. With exception of PCB 170 there was no evidence of significant difference in distribution of most abundant PCB congeners and total PCB across the BMI categories. Among the OCPs, p,p'-DDE and HCB were the most abundant and major contributors of total OCP concentration. Their levels differed significantly between the three towns with a trend Milan > Novafeltria > Pavia (p < 0.0001). Females had significantly higher concentrations of HCB and p,p'-DDE than males in overall population sample. HCB concentrations were significantly higher in females than in males of Milan (p = 0.029). We observed positive correlations of p,p'-DDE and HCB with age in Novafeltria subjects (r = 0.468, p = 0.004). Total OCP concentrations differed significantly across BMI categories (p = 0.018) in overall population. We have demonstrated a pattern of distribution of the levels of the main PCB congeners and OCPs in a fairly large population in Italy. Generally our study provides information on PCBs and OCPs exposure among the Italian general population and provides indications for further investigations.
I contaminanti organici persistenti costituiscono un gruppo di sostanze chimiche artificiali strutturalmente tra loro diverse e caratterizzate, quale elemento comune, da un’elevata bio-persistenza e dalla capacità di essere trasportate per lunghe distanze su scala planetaria, lontano dal luogo originario di emissione nell’ambiente. A questa classe di sostanze chimiche appartengono, tra gli altri, i bifenili poli-clorurati, i pesticidi organo-clorurati, tra cui il DDT e i suoi metaboliti, e altri prodotti chimici come le dibenzo-p-diossine e i dibenzo-furani policlorurati. Queste sostanze chimiche sono ormai ampiamente distribuite nell'ambiente, in quanto alcuni di loro sono stati a lungo impiegati in agricoltura e nella sanità pubblica come pesticidi (il DDT e gli altri insetticidi clorurati), altri come prodotti chimici industriali (i bifenili poli–clorurati) e altri sono inevitabili sottoprodotti di processi industriali (le dibenzo-p-diossine e i dibenzo–furani policlorurati). Per le loro caratteristiche tossicologiche, queste sostanze chimiche possono essere fonte di rischio per la salute umana. In Italia si è fatto largo uso di insetticidi della famiglia organo clorurata (DDT e prodotti simili) dagli anni ‘40 agli anni ‘70 del 1900, soprattutto per fini di salute pubblica, per l’eradicazione di vettori (zanzare) della malaria e dei PCB, prodotti in Italia per il settore manifatturiero (produzione di dispositivi elettrici e termici), nella produzione di energia (uso di trasformatori e condensatori) e come materiali industriali in diversi comparti. Ciò nonostante, le informazioni sui livelli di esposizione della popolazione generale rimangono limitate. Questo studio si è proposto di misurare i livelli di alcuni insetticidi organo-clorurati e dei PCB nella popolazione generale italiana in tre luoghi diversi: Novafeltria (un paese del Centro Italia), Pavia (una città di medie dimensioni) e Milano (la seconda città più grande in Italia) e ad esplorare la relazione del loro accumulo nella popolazione con i luoghi di residenza, il sesso, l’età e la costituzione individuale. Per misurare le concentrazioni di PCB, i campioni di sangue sono stati raccolti campioni di sangue da 372 soggetti che hanno fornito il consenso informato e per misurare gli insetticidi organo-clorurati sono stati raccolti i campioni da 137 soggetti. Nel siero sono stati misurati 36 congeneri dei PCB e 8 insetticidi organo-clorurati mediante gas-cromatografia-spettrometria di massa. Per normalizzare le concentrazioni dei PCB e degli insetticidi organo-clorurati alle concentrazioni totali di lipidi nel sangue (una tecnica comunemente impiegata per tener conto del carattere lipofilico dei composti), sono stati misurate le concentrazioni sieriche di trigliceridi e colesterolo totale mediante tecniche standard di chimica clinica. Le informazioni personali quali il sesso, l'età, l'altezza e il peso, le abitudini alimentari, l'istruzione, la residenza e l'occupazione le informazioni sono state raccolte attraverso un questionario. Sono state impiegate analisi statistiche per evidenziare eventuali relazioni dei livelli degli analiti con caratteristiche dei soggetti indagati quali la residenza, l’età, il sesso e l’indice di massa corporea. Le concentrazioni degli analiti sono state indagate in termini sintetici per la popolazione complessiva dei 3 siti, e separatamente per i singoli siti, per sesso, per età e per le categorie di BMI. I PCB congeneri 138, 153 e 180 sono stati quelli più frequentemente rilevati nei campioni e sono risultati quelli maggioritari nel concorrere alla dose totale di PCB. Il PCB 153 ha il più alto livello medio in ciascun sito. Il livello totale di PCB differisce in modo significativo tra questi siti (p < 0,0001) con concentrazioni mediane di 837, 1355 e 2062 pmol/g di lipidi, rispettivamente a Novafeltria, a Pavia e in Milano. Non sono state dimostrate differenze nella distribuzione dei livelli di PCB totali tra i due sessi. La somma dei PCB diossino-simili differiva in modo significativo (p < 0,0001) tra i siti (media 111 e 167 pmol/g di lipidi, rispettivamente) e tra i due sessi a Novafeltria e a Pavia (p = 0,011 e 0,009, rispettivamente). I PCB 138, 153, 170 e 180 differivano in modo significativo tra i luoghi di residenza (p < 0,0001), con valori più elevati nella popolazione di Milano. In generale, nella popolazione totale esaminata i livelli dei PCB totali e dei congeneri 138, 153, 156, 170 e 180 correlano positivamente con l'età (coefficienti r di correlazione compresi tra 0,320 e 0,569, p < 0,0001). A Novafeltria i coefficienti r risultano compresi tra 0,545 e 0,670 e tra 0,516 e 0,666 a Pavia. A Milano, i coefficienti r per le correlazioni con età sono risultati compresi tra 0,327 e 0,417 per i PCB totali e per i congeneri 138, 153 e 180. Ad eccezione del PCB 170 non è stata osservata alcuna differenza significativa nella distribuzione dei più abbondanti congeneri di PCB e PCB totali tra le diverse categorie di BMI (individui ‘più o meno grassi’). Tra gli insetticidi organo-clorurati, il p,p'-DDE e l’HCB contribuiscono in misura magiore al carico corporeo totale per la classe di composti. I loro livelli differiscono in modo significativo tra le tre città, con un trend di Milano > Novafeltria > Pavia (p < 0,0001). Considerando l’intero campione, le femmine hanno concentrazioni significativamente più alte di HCB e p,p'-DDE rispetto ai maschi. Le concentrazioni di HCB sono significativamente più alte nelle femmine rispetto ai maschi di Milano (p = 0,029). Abbiamo osservato correlazioni positive tra la concentrazione di p,p'-DDE e HCB e l’età solo nei soggetti di Novafeltria (r = 0,468, p = 0,004). Considerando l’intera popolazione studiata, le concentrazioni dell’insetticida organo clorurati totali differiscono in modo significativo tra le categorie di BMI (p = 0,018). Abbiamo misurato il pattern dei principali congeneri dei PCB e degli insetticidi organo-clorurati in una campione abbastanza esteso della popolazione italiana. In generale il nostro studio fornisce informazioni sui livelli di esposizione a PCB e ad insetticidi organo-clorurati e fornisce indicazioni per ulteriori indagini.
EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT OF PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS AND ASSOCIATED HEALTH RISKS AMONG ITALIAN POPULATION / E.j. Mrema ; supervisor: C. Colosio ; co-supervisor: F. M. Rubino ; coordinator: G. Costa. DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE CLINICHE E DI COMUNITA', 2013 Feb 07. 25. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2012. [10.13130/mrema-ezra-jonathan_phd2013-02-07].
E.J. Mrema
Persistent Organic Pollutants is a group of structurally diverse man-made chemicals characterized by a high bio-persistence and the ability to travel a long distance on the planetary scale. This class of chemicals includes polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorinated pesticides such as DDT and its metabolites and other chemicals such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo furans. These chemicals are widely distributed in the environment as some of them have long been employed in agriculture and in public health as pesticides, others as industrial chemicals and others are unavoidable by-products of industrial processes. These chemicals can be a source of health risk to human. Despite extensive use of OCPs such DDT in Italy in the 1940s to 1970s especially for public health control of malaria mosquitoes and PCBs in industry, in energy production and in industrial commodities, information on their exposure levels among the general population is limited. This study aims at determining the levels of OCPs and of PCB congeners among the residents from Italians living in three different places: Novafeltria (a village in Central Italy), Pavia (a mid-sized town) and Milan (the second-largest city in Italy) and at exploring the relationship with places of residence, gender, age and individual body size of their accumulation in the population. To measure PCBs concentrations, blood samples were collected from 372 consented subjects whereas to measure OCPs blood samples were collected from 137 subjects. Thirty six PCB congeners and eight OCPs were measured in blood serum by gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry. To normalize PCBs and OCPs concentrations to total blood lipid concentrations (a commonly employed technique to take into account the lipophilic character of the compounds), serum concentrations of triglycerides and total cholesterol were measured by standard clinical chemistry techniques. Personal information such as gender, age, height and weight, dietary habits, education, residence and occupation information were collected through a questionnaire. Statistical analyses were employed to highlight variation in analytes levels with respects to residence, age, gender and body mass index. The analytes concentrations were summarized for the overall population of three sites and separately for the individual sites, for gender, for age groups and for BMI categories. The PCB congeners 138, 153 and 180 were the most frequently detected in overall population sample and were the major contributors of total PCB burden. PCB 153 had the highest median level in each site. Total PCB level differed significantly between the study sites (p < 0.0001) with median concentrations of 837, 1355 and 2062 pmol/g lipid, respectively in Novafeltria, Pavia and Milan. No evidence was found for the difference in distribution of total PCB levels by genders. Total DL–PCB differed significantly (p < 0.0001) between the sites (median 110, 51 and 167 pmol/g lipid, respectively) and genders of Novafeltria and Pavia (p = 0.011 and 0.009, respectively). PCB 138, 153, 170 and 180 differed significantly between the sites (p < 0.0001) with higher values in Milan population. In overall population total PCB, PCB 138, 153, 156, 170 and 180 correlated positively with age (r for linear correlations range between 0.320–0.569, p < 0.0001). In Novafeltria the r correlations range between 0.545–0.670 and 0.516–0.666 in Pavia. In Milan, r correlations with age range between 0.327–0.417 for total PCB, congener 138, 153 and 180. With exception of PCB 170 there was no evidence of significant difference in distribution of most abundant PCB congeners and total PCB across the BMI categories. Among the OCPs, p,p'-DDE and HCB were the most abundant and major contributors of total OCP concentration. Their levels differed significantly between the three towns with a trend Milan > Novafeltria > Pavia (p < 0.0001). Females had significantly higher concentrations of HCB and p,p'-DDE than males in overall population sample. HCB concentrations were significantly higher in females than in males of Milan (p = 0.029). We observed positive correlations of p,p'-DDE and HCB with age in Novafeltria subjects (r = 0.468, p = 0.004). Total OCP concentrations differed significantly across BMI categories (p = 0.018) in overall population. We have demonstrated a pattern of distribution of the levels of the main PCB congeners and OCPs in a fairly large population in Italy. Generally our study provides information on PCBs and OCPs exposure among the Italian general population and provides indications for further investigations.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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