This paper aims to present Jonas’ notion of philosophy as theoria, starting from his analyses in some essays of Organism and Freedom. The main target is to point out the continuity and the ge-netic rootedness of theory in vision and in ability to produce and recognize images, that is expres-sion of the highest freedom as a sign of human threshold (homo pictor): the phenomenological characteristics that distinguish vision from other senses correspond to qualities peculiar to philoso-phical process. But as seeing needs other elements – other senses, body movement – in order to carry out its own specificity, in the same way theoria, even though it preserves conceptual form, cannot consider itself as a totally autonomous practice, which can renounce the contribution of be-ing a human activity, proper to a living body in the world. This allows to clarify the peculiarity of the methodological process in Jonas’ philosophical biology, as a phenomenological description of the living through a hermeneutic of nature based on an empathic relationship and it allows also to underline the project at its base, as an attempt to recover a positive relation with the totality of be-ing, the nature.
Questo contributo si propone di articolare la nozione jonasiana di filosofia come theoria partendo dalle analisi condotte da Jonas in alcuni saggi di Organismo e libertà. Si tratta di evidenziare la con-tinuità e il radicamento genetico della teoresi nella visione e nella capacità di produrre e riconoscere immagini, quale espressione di massima libertà indice della soglia dell’umano (homo pictor): alle caratteristiche fenomenologiche che differenziano il vedere dagli altri sensi corrispondono qualità altrettanto peculiari del procedere filosofico. Ma come il vedere necessita di altri elementi – gli altri sensi, il movimento corporeo – per esplicare la propria specificità, così la theoria, pur conservando forma concettuale, non può considerarsi esercizio totalmente autonomo, rinunciando all’apporto proveniente dall’essere attività umana, propria di un ente vivente provvisto di corporeità e inserito nel mondo. Ciò permette di chiarire la peculiarità del procedere metodologico della biologia filoso-fica jonasiana, capace di descrivere fenomenologicamente il vivente attraverso un'ermeneutica della natura fondata su una relazione empatica e di evidenziare il progetto che ne sta al fondamento, qua-le tentativo di recuperare un rapporto positivo con la totalità dell'essere, la natura.
La vista e l’immagine: Hans Jonas e la filosofia come theoria / C. Bonaldi. - In: PARADIGMI. - ISSN 1120-3404. - XXII:(2004), pp. 333-350.
La vista e l’immagine: Hans Jonas e la filosofia come theoria
C. BonaldiPrimo
This paper aims to present Jonas’ notion of philosophy as theoria, starting from his analyses in some essays of Organism and Freedom. The main target is to point out the continuity and the ge-netic rootedness of theory in vision and in ability to produce and recognize images, that is expres-sion of the highest freedom as a sign of human threshold (homo pictor): the phenomenological characteristics that distinguish vision from other senses correspond to qualities peculiar to philoso-phical process. But as seeing needs other elements – other senses, body movement – in order to carry out its own specificity, in the same way theoria, even though it preserves conceptual form, cannot consider itself as a totally autonomous practice, which can renounce the contribution of be-ing a human activity, proper to a living body in the world. This allows to clarify the peculiarity of the methodological process in Jonas’ philosophical biology, as a phenomenological description of the living through a hermeneutic of nature based on an empathic relationship and it allows also to underline the project at its base, as an attempt to recover a positive relation with the totality of be-ing, the nature.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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