We measure the B0 lifetime τB0 and the B 0-B̄0 oscillation frequency Δmd with a sample of approximately 14000 exclusively reconstructed B 0→D*-ℓ+vℓ signal events, selected from 23 million BB̄ pairs recorded at the Y(45) resonance with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The decay position of the other B is determined with the remaining tracks in the event, and its b-quark flavor at the time of decay is determined with a tagging algorithm that exploits the correlation between the flavor of the b quark and the charges of its decay products. The lifetime and oscillation frequencies are measured simultaneously with an unbinned maximum-likelihood fit that uses, for each event, the measured difference in decay times of the two B mesons (Δt), the calculated uncertainty on Δt, the signal and background probabilities, and b-quark tagging information for the other B. The results are τB0=(1.523-0.023+0.024±0.022) ps and Δmd=(0.492±0.018 ±0.013) ps-1. The statistical correlation coefficient between τB0 and Δm d is -0.22.

Simultaneous measurement of the B0 meson lifetime and mixing frequency with B0→D*-l+νl decays / B. Aubert, R. Barate, D. Boutigny, J. Gaillard, A. Hicheur, Y. Karyotakis, J. Lees, P. Robbe, V. Tisserand, A. Zghiche, A. Palano, A. Pompili, J. Chen, N. Qi, G. Rong, P. Wang, Y. Zhu, G. Eigen, I. Ofte, B. Stugu, G. Abrams, A. Borgland, A. Breon, D. Brown, J. Button-Shafer, R. Cahn, E. Charles, M. Gill, A. Gritsan, Y. Groysman, R. Jacobsen, R. Kadel, J. Kadyk, L. Kerth, Y. Kolomensky, J. Kral, C. LeClerc, M. Levi, G. Lynch, L. Mir, P. Oddone, T. Orimoto, M. Pripstein, N. Roe, A. Romosan, M. Ronan, V. Shelkov, A. Telnov, W. Wenzel, T. Harrison, C. Hawkes, D. Knowles, S. O’Neale, R. Penny, A. Watson, N. Watson, T. Deppermann, K. Goetzen, H. Koch, B. Lewandowski, M. Pelizaeus, K. Peters, H. Schmuecker, M. Steinke, N. Barlow, W. Bhimji, J. Boyd, N. Chevalier, P. Clark, W. Cottingham, C. Mackay, F. Wilson, C. Hearty, T. Mattison, J. McKenna, D. Thiessen, S. Jolly, P. Kyberd, A. McKemey, V. Blinov, A. Bukin, A. Buzykaev, V. Golubev, V. Ivanchenko, A. Korol, E. Kravchenko, A. Onuchin, S. Serednyakov, Y. Skovpen, A. Yushkov, D. Best, M. Chao, D. Kirkby, A. Lankford, M. Mandelkern, S. McMahon, R. Mommsen, D. Stoker, C. Buchanan, H. Hadavand, E. Hill, D. MacFarlane, H. Paar, S. Rahatlou, G. Raven, U. Schwanke, V. Sharma, J. Berryhill, C. Campagnari, B. Dahmes, N. Kuznetsova, S. Levy, O. Long, A. Lu, M. Mazur, J. Richman, W. Verkerke, J. Beringer, A. Eisner, M. Grothe, C. Heusch, W. Lockman, T. Pulliam, T. Schalk, R. Schmitz, B. Schumm, A. Seiden, M. Turri, W. Walkowiak, D. Williams, M. Wilson, J. Albert, E. Chen, G. Dubois-Felsmann, A. Dvoretskii, D. Hitlin, I. Narsky, F. Porter, A. Ryd, A. Samuel, S. Yang, S. Jayatilleke, G. Mancinelli, B. Meadows, M. Sokoloff, T. Barillari, F. Blanc, P. Bloom, W. Ford, U. Nauenberg, A. Olivas, P. Rankin, J. Roy, J. Smith, W. van Hoek, L. Zhang, J. Harton, T. Hu, A. Soffer, W. Toki, R. Wilson, J. Zhang, D. Altenburg, T. Brandt, J. Brose, T. Colberg, M. Dickopp, R. Dubitzky, A. Hauke, E. Maly, R. Müller-Pfefferkorn, R. Nogowski, S. Otto, K. Schubert, R. Schwierz, B. Spaan, L. Wilden, D. Bernard, G. Bonneaud, F. Brochard, J. Cohen-Tanugi, S. T’Jampens, C. Thiebaux, G. Vasileiadis, M. Verderi, A. Anjomshoaa, R. Bernet, A. Khan, D. Lavin, F. Muheim, S. Playfer, J. Swain, J. Tinslay, M. Falbo, C. Borean, C. Bozzi, L. Piemontese, A. Sarti, E. Treadwell, F. Anulli, R. Baldini-Ferroli, A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, D. Falciai, G. Finocchiaro, P. Patteri, I. Peruzzi, M. Piccolo, A. Zallo, S. Bagnasco, A. Buzzo, R. Contri, G. Crosetti, M. Lo Vetere, M. Macri, M. Monge, S. Passaggio, F. Pastore, C. Patrignani, E. Robutti, A. Santroni, S. Tosi, S. Bailey, M. Morii, G. Grenier, U. Mallik, J. Cochran, H. Crawley, J. Lamsa, W. Meyer, S. Prell, E. Rosenberg, J. Yi, M. Davier, G. Grosdidier, A. Höcker, H. Lacker, S. Laplace, F. Le Diberder, V. Lepeltier, A. Lutz, T. Petersen, S. Plaszczynski, M. Schune, L. Tantot, G. Wormser, R. Bionta, V. Brigljević, D. Lange, K. van Bibber, D. Wright, A. Bevan, J. Fry, E. Gabathuler, R. Gamet, M. George, M. Kay, D. Payne, R. Sloane, C. Touramanis, M. Aspinwall, D. Bowerman, P. Dauncey, U. Egede, I. Eschrich, G. Morton, J. Nash, P. Sanders, G. Taylor, J. Back, G. Bellodi, P. Dixon, P. Harrison, H. Shorthouse, P. Strother, P. Vidal, G. Cowan, H. Flaecher, S. George, M. Green, A. Kurup, C. Marker, T. McMahon, S. Ricciardi, F. Salvatore, G. Vaitsas, M. Winter, D. Brown, C. Davis, J. Allison, R. Barlow, A. Forti, P. Hart, F. Jackson, G. Lafferty, A. Lyon, N. Savvas, J. Weatherall, J. Williams, A. Farbin, A. Jawahery, V. Lillard, D. Roberts, G. Blaylock, C. Dallapiccola, K. Flood, S. Hertzbach, R. Kofler, V. Koptchev, T. Moore, H. Staengle, S. Willocq, R. Cowan, G. Sciolla, F. Taylor, R. Yamamoto, M. Milek, P. Patel, F. Palombo, J. Bauer, L. Cremaldi, V. Eschenburg, R. Kroeger, J. Reidy, D. Sanders, D. Summers, H. Zhao, C. Hast, P. Taras, H. Nicholson, C. Cartaro, N. Cavallo, G. De Nardo, F. Fabozzi, C. Gatto, L. Lista, P. Paolucci, D. Piccolo, C. Sciacca, J. LoSecco, J. Alsmiller, T. Gabriel, B. Brau, J. Brau, R. Frey, M. Iwasaki, C. Potter, N. Sinev, D. Strom, E. Torrence, F. Colecchia, A. Dorigo, F. Galeazzi, M. Margoni, M. Morandin, M. Posocco, M. Rotondo, F. Simonetto, R. Stroili, G. Tiozzo, C. Voci, M. Benayoun, H. Briand, J. Chauveau, P. David, C. de la Vaissière, L. Del Buono, O. Hamon, P. Leruste, J. Ocariz, M. Pivk, L. Roos, J. Stark, P. Manfredi, V. Re, V. Speziali, L. Gladney, Q. Guo, J. Panetta, C. Angelini, G. Batignani, S. Bettarini, M. Bondioli, F. Bucci, G. Calderini, E. Campagna, M. Carpinelli, F. Forti, M. Giorgi, A. Lusiani, G. Marchiori, F. Martinez-Vidal, M. Morganti, N. Neri, E. Paoloni, M. Rama, G. Rizzo, F. Sandrelli, G. Triggiani, J. Walsh, M. Haire, D. Judd, K. Paick, L. Turnbull, D. Wagoner, N. Danielson, P. Elmer, C. Lu, V. Miftakov, J. Olsen, A. Smith, A. Tumanov, E. Varnes, F. Bellini, G. Cavoto, D. del Re, R. Faccini, F. Ferrarotto, F. Ferroni, M. Gaspero, E. Leonardi, M. Mazzoni, S. Morganti, G. Piredda, F. Safai Tehrani, M. Serra, C. Voena, S. Christ, G. Wagner, R. Waldi, T. Adye, N. De Groot, B. Franek, N. Geddes, G. Gopal, E. Olaiya, S. Xella, R. Aleksan, S. Emery, A. Gaidot, P. Giraud, G. Hamel de Monchenault, W. Kozanecki, M. Langer, G. London, B. Mayer, G. Schott, B. Serfass, G. Vasseur, C. Yeche, M. Zito, M. Purohit, F. Yumiceva, A. Weidemann, K. Abe, D. Aston, R. Bartoldus, N. Berger, A. Boyarski, O. Buchmueller, M. Convery, D. Coupal, D. Dong, J. Dorfan, W. Dunwoodie, R. Field, T. Glanzman, S. Gowdy, E. Grauges-Pous, T. Hadig, V. Halyo, T. Himel, T. Hryn’ova, M. Huffer, W. Innes, C. Jessop, M. Kelsey, P. Kim, M. Kocian, U. Langenegger, D. Leith, S. Luitz, V. Luth, H. Lynch, H. Marsiske, S. Menke, R. Messner, D. Muller, C. O’Grady, V. Ozcan, A. Perazzo, M. Perl, S. Petrak, B. Ratcliff, S. Robertson, A. Roodman, A. Salnikov, T. Schietinger, R. Schindler, J. Schwiening, G. Simi, A. Snyder, A. Soha, J. Stelzer, D. Su, M. Sullivan, H. Tanaka, J. Va’vra, S. Wagner, M. Weaver, A. Weinstein, W. Wisniewski, D. Wright, C. Young, P. Burchat, C. Cheng, T. Meyer, C. Roat, W. Bugg, M. Krishnamurthy, S. Spanier, J. Izen, I. Kitayama, X. Lou, F. Bianchi, M. Bona, D. Gamba, L. Bosisio, G. Della Ricca, S. Dittongo, L. Lanceri, P. Poropat, L. Vitale, G. Vuagnin, R. Henderson, R. Panvini, S. Banerjee, C. Brown, D. Fortin, P. Jackson, R. Kowalewski, J. Roney, H. Band, S. Dasu, M. Datta, A. Eichenbaum, H. Hu, J. Johnson, R. Liu, F. Di Lodovico, A. Mohapatra, Y. Pan, R. Prepost, S. Sekula, J. von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J. Wu, S. Wu, Z. Yu, H. Neal. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW D. - ISSN 0556-2821. - 67:7(2003).

Simultaneous measurement of the B0 meson lifetime and mixing frequency with B0→D*-l+νl decays

F. Palombo;N. Neri;


We measure the B0 lifetime τB0 and the B 0-B̄0 oscillation frequency Δmd with a sample of approximately 14000 exclusively reconstructed B 0→D*-ℓ+vℓ signal events, selected from 23 million BB̄ pairs recorded at the Y(45) resonance with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The decay position of the other B is determined with the remaining tracks in the event, and its b-quark flavor at the time of decay is determined with a tagging algorithm that exploits the correlation between the flavor of the b quark and the charges of its decay products. The lifetime and oscillation frequencies are measured simultaneously with an unbinned maximum-likelihood fit that uses, for each event, the measured difference in decay times of the two B mesons (Δt), the calculated uncertainty on Δt, the signal and background probabilities, and b-quark tagging information for the other B. The results are τB0=(1.523-0.023+0.024±0.022) ps and Δmd=(0.492±0.018 ±0.013) ps-1. The statistical correlation coefficient between τB0 and Δm d is -0.22.
Settore FIS/04 - Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare
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