Aim of this work is to investigate how the structure of decision-making arenas, and specifically the opening to subjects with no specialized knowledge, can influence policy problem definition, in the case of highly contested policies involving techno-scientific and environmental issues. In order to do so a comparative analysis is carried out, comparing two cases related to the phenomena that often represent the most complex environmental conflicts, namely those of planning and location of major infrastructure particularly impacting for local life quality, such as high-speed railway lines. The choice fell on the two national cases, Italian and French, of the proposed cross-border line Turin-Lyon, for the cues they offer in terms of relation among different kinds of knowledge, collective action repertoires, structure of decision-making arenas, and in an attempt to provide an as original and complete as possible perspective of a phenomenon widely studied from different viewpoints, but on which no unequivocal result is reached. In fact, many researches are trying to explain the different degrees of conflict found on the same project from both sides of the border. In order to reach this goal they usually adopt strictly institutional and static explanations, underlining from time to time different supposed characteristics of French policy-making (the increased participation granted to the recipients, or on the opposite the greater role of imposition), as well as the greater or lesser confidence towards institutions and science. Aim of the thesis is rather to investigate the role the structuring and functioning of decision-making arenas may have in determining local reaction, but through the mediation made by social cognition. That means not only to investigate whether the method of decision may have a role in the explanation of the protest (or if on the contrary protest is to be charged only to the policy choice, beyond the way by which the choice is reached), but also how this happens. That is why, within the two cases with homogeneous decision-making process, some actors decide to use conflictual action repertoires, and others do not. The attempt is to understand how the structuring of the arenas (their inclusiveness degree, openness to forms of knowledge different from the techno-scientific official ones, legitimacy of local instances) influences the problem definition, and how this, in turn, retroacts on the decision-making itself (forcing policy-makers to a reframing) and acts as a stimulus for collective action and choice of action strategies (adhesion, technical reframing or protest). For this purpose the discourses produced by involved actors in the two cases are investigated through qualitative and quantitative techniques of political claims analysis, frame analysis and protest event analysis.
La ricerca intende indagare come la strutturazione delle arene decisionali, e nello specifico l’apertura a soggetti portatori di saperi non specialistici, possa influire sulla definizione del problema di policy, nel caso politiche tecno-scientifiche altamente conflittuali come quelle ambientali. A questo scopo si mettono a comparazione due casi relativi ai fenomeni che si rivelano spesso come i più complessi anche fra i conflitti ambientali, vale a dire quelli di pianificazione e localizzazione di grandi infrastrutture particolarmente impattanti sul territorio quali le tratte ferroviarie ad alta velocità. La scelta è ricaduta sui due casi nazionali, italiano e francese, della progettata linea transfrontaliera Torino-Lione, per gli spunti che essi offrono in termini di rapporto fra saperi, repertori d’azione collettiva, struttura delle arene decisionali, e nel tentativo di fornire una prospettiva il più possibile originale e completa su un fenomeno sempre più studiato da diverse angolature, ma su cui non esistono risultati univoci. Molte ricerche tentano infatti di dare una risposta al differente grado di conflittualità riscontrabile sul medesimo progetto dai due lati del confine. In gran parte nel fare ciò adottano spiegazioni di tipo prettamente istituzionale e statico, ponendo di volta in volta in rilievo la maggiore partecipazione concessa ai destinatari o al contrario il maggior decisionismo rintracciabile in Francia, così come la maggiore o minore fiducia verso le istituzioni e la scienza. Obiettivo della tesi è invece di indagare il ruolo che la strutturazione e il funzionamento delle arene decisionali può avere nel determinare la reazione locale, ma attraverso la mediazione operata dalla cognizione sociale. Il che significa indagare non solo se le modalità decisionali possono avere un ruolo nello spiegazione della protesta (o se al contrario quest’ultima sia da addebitare unicamente alla scelta di policy, al di là del modo attraverso cui si è giunti alla scelta), ma anche in che modo ciò avvenga. Vale a dire perché, all’interno dei due casi con processo decisionale omogeneo, alcuni attori decidano di ricorrere a repertori d’azione di tipo conflittuale ed altri no. Si tenta di capire come la strutturazione delle arene (il loro grado di inclusività, l’apertura a forme di conoscenza differenti da quelle tecnico-scientifiche ufficiali, la legittimazione delle istanze locali) si ripercuota sulla definizione del problema, e come questa, a sua volta, da un lato retroagisca sul processo decisionale stesso, costringendo ad un re-framing i policy-makers, e dall’altra funga da stimolo per l’azione collettiva e la scelta delle strategie d’azione (adesione, scientificizzazione, protesta). A tal scopo si analizzano, attraverso le tecniche qualitative e quantitative della political claim analysis, della frame analysis e della protest event analysis, i discorsi prodotti dagli attori coinvolti nella vicenda nei due casi d’indagine.
PROCESSI DECISIONALI E MOVIMENTI DI PROTESTA TRA SCIENZA E POLITICA. UNA COMPARAZIONE TRA ITALIA E FRANCIA SUL CASO ALTA VELOCITÀ / V. Lastrico ; tutor: O. De Leonardis ; co-tutor: M. Barisione ; coordinatore: L. Leonini. Universita' degli Studi di Milano, 2012 Jun 11. 24. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2011. [10.13130/lastrico-valerio_phd2012-06-11].
V. Lastrico
Aim of this work is to investigate how the structure of decision-making arenas, and specifically the opening to subjects with no specialized knowledge, can influence policy problem definition, in the case of highly contested policies involving techno-scientific and environmental issues. In order to do so a comparative analysis is carried out, comparing two cases related to the phenomena that often represent the most complex environmental conflicts, namely those of planning and location of major infrastructure particularly impacting for local life quality, such as high-speed railway lines. The choice fell on the two national cases, Italian and French, of the proposed cross-border line Turin-Lyon, for the cues they offer in terms of relation among different kinds of knowledge, collective action repertoires, structure of decision-making arenas, and in an attempt to provide an as original and complete as possible perspective of a phenomenon widely studied from different viewpoints, but on which no unequivocal result is reached. In fact, many researches are trying to explain the different degrees of conflict found on the same project from both sides of the border. In order to reach this goal they usually adopt strictly institutional and static explanations, underlining from time to time different supposed characteristics of French policy-making (the increased participation granted to the recipients, or on the opposite the greater role of imposition), as well as the greater or lesser confidence towards institutions and science. Aim of the thesis is rather to investigate the role the structuring and functioning of decision-making arenas may have in determining local reaction, but through the mediation made by social cognition. That means not only to investigate whether the method of decision may have a role in the explanation of the protest (or if on the contrary protest is to be charged only to the policy choice, beyond the way by which the choice is reached), but also how this happens. That is why, within the two cases with homogeneous decision-making process, some actors decide to use conflictual action repertoires, and others do not. The attempt is to understand how the structuring of the arenas (their inclusiveness degree, openness to forms of knowledge different from the techno-scientific official ones, legitimacy of local instances) influences the problem definition, and how this, in turn, retroacts on the decision-making itself (forcing policy-makers to a reframing) and acts as a stimulus for collective action and choice of action strategies (adhesion, technical reframing or protest). For this purpose the discourses produced by involved actors in the two cases are investigated through qualitative and quantitative techniques of political claims analysis, frame analysis and protest event analysis.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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