A search for the Z(3930) resonance in gamma gamma production of the DDbar system has been performed using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 384 fb^-1 recorded by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider. The DDbar invariant mass distribution shows clear evidence of the Z(3930) state with a significance of 5.8 sigma. We determine mass and width values of (3926.7 +- 2.7 +- 1.1) MeV/c^2 and (21.3 +- 6.8 +- 3.6) MeV, respectively. A decay angular analysis provides evidence that the Z(3930) is a tensor state with positive parity and C-parity (J^PC = 2^++); therefore we identify the Z(3930) state as the chi_c2(2P) meson. The value of the partial width Gamma_(gamma gamma)xB(Z(3930)-> DDbar) is found to be (0.24 +- 0.05 +- 0.04) keV.

Observation of the χc2(2P) meson in the reaction γγ→DD̅ at BABAR / B. Aubert, R. Barate, D. Boutigny, F. Couderc, Y. Karyotakis, J.P. Lees, V. Poireau, V. Tisserand, A. Zghiche, E. Grauges, A. Palano, M. Pappagallo, A. Pompili, J.C. Chen, N.D. Qi, G. Rong, P. Wang, Y.S. Zhu, G. Eigen, I. Ofte, B. Stugu, G.S. Abrams, M. Battaglia, A.B. Breon, D.N. Brown, J. Button Shafer, R.N. Cahn, M.S. Gill, A.V. Gritsan, Y. Groysman, R.G. Jacobsen, J. Kadyk, L.T. Kerth, Y.U.G. Kolomensky, G. Kukartsev, G. Lynch, L.M. Mir, P.J. Oddone, T.J. Orimoto, N.A. Roe, M.T. Ronan, W.A. Wenzel, M. Barrett, K.E. Ford, T.J. Harrison, A.J. Hart, C.M. Hawkes, B. Lewandowski, M. Pelizaeus, K. Peters, T. Schroeder, T. Cuhadar Donszelmann, B.G. Fulsom, C. Hearty, N.S. Knecht, T.S. Mattison, J.A. Mckenna, A. Khan, P. Kyberd, M. Saleem, L. Teodorescu, A.E. Blinov, V.E. Blinov, A.D. Bukin, V.P. Druzhinin, V.B. Golubev, E.A. Kravchenko, A.P. Onuchin, S.I. Serednyakov, Y.U.I. Skovpen, E.P. Solodov, D. Best, M. Bondioli, M. Bruinsma, M. Chao, I. Eschrich, D. Kirkby, A.J. Lankford, M. Mandelkern, B.L. Hartfiel, S.D. Foulkes, J.W. Gary, O. Long, B.C. Shen, K. Wang, L. Zhang, D. del Re, H.K. Hadavand, E.J. Hill, D.B. Macfarlane, H.P. Paar, J.W. Berryhill, C. Campagnari, A. Cunha, M.A. Mazur, J.D. Richman, W. Verkerke, T.W. Beck, A.M. Eisner, C.J. Flacco, C.A. Heusch, J. Kroseberg, W.S. Lockman, G. Nesom, T. Schalk, B.A. Schumm, A. Seiden, P. Spradlin, D.C. Williams, M.G. Wilson, J. Albert, G.P. Dubois Felsmann, A. Dvoretskii, D.G. Hitlin, I. Narsky, T. Piatenko, F.C. Porter, A. Ryd, A. Samuel, R. Andreassen, S. Jayatilleke, G. Mancinelli, B.T. Meadows, M.D. Sokoloff, F. Blanc, P. Bloom, S. Chen, W.T. Ford, U. Nauenberg, A. Olivas, P. Rankin, W.O. Ruddick, J.G. Smith, K.A. Ulmer, S.R. Wagner, J. Zhang, A. Chen, E.A. Eckhart, A. Soffer, W.H. Toki, R.J. Wilson, Q. Zeng, D. Altenburg, E. Feltresi, A. Hauke, B. Spaan, T. Brandt, J. Brose, H.M. Lacker, R. Nogowski, S. Otto, A. Petzold, G. Schott, J. Schubert, K.R. Schubert, R. Schwierz, J.E. Sundermann, D. Bernard, G.R. Bonneaud, C.H. Thiebaux, G. Vasileiadis, M. Verderi, D.J. Bard, P.J. Clark, W. Gradl, F. Muheim, S. Playfer, Y. Xie, M. Andreotti, V. Azzolini, D. Bettoni, C. Bozzi, R. Calabrese, G. Cibinetto, E. Luppi, M. Negrini, L. Piemontese, F. Anulli, R. Baldini Ferroli, A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro, P. Patteri, I.M. Peruzzi, M. Piccolo, A. Zallo, A. Buzzo, R. Capra, R. Contri, M. Lo Vetere, M. Macri, M.R. Monge, S. Passaggio, C. Patrignani, E. Robutti, A. Santroni, S. Tosi, S. Bailey, E. Won, J. Wu, R.S. Dubitzky, U. Langenegger, J. Marks, S. Schenk, U. Uwer, W. Bhimji, D.A. Bowerman, P.D. Dauncey, U. Egede, R.L. Flack, J.R. Gaillard, G.W. Morton, J.A. Nash, M.B. Nikolich, G.P. Taylor, W.P. Vazquez, M.J. Charles, W.F. Mader, U. Mallik, A.K. Mohapatra, J. Cochran, H.B. Crawley, V. Eyges, W.T. Meyer, S. Prell, E.I. Rosenberg, A.E. Rubin, J. Yi, N. Arnaud, M. Davier, X. Giroux, G. Grosdidier, A. H¬®ocker, F. Le Diberder, V. Lepeltier, A.M. Lutz, A. Oyanguren, T.C. Petersen, M. Pierini, S. Plaszczynski, S. Rodier, P. Roudeau, M.H. Schune, A. Stocchi, G. Wormser, C.H. Cheng, D.J. Lange, M.C. Simani, D.M. Wright, A.J. Bevan, C.A. Chavez, J.P. Coleman, I.J. Forster, J.R. Fry, E. Gabathuler, R. Gamet, K.A. George, D.E. Hutchcroft, R.J. Parry, D.J. Payne, K.C. Schofield, C. Touramanis, C.M. Cormack, F. Di Lodovico, R. Sacco, C.L. Brown, G. Cowan, H.U. Flaecher, M.G. Green, D.A. Hopkins, P.S. Jackson, T.R. Mcmahon, S. Ricciardi, F. Salvatore, D. Brown, C.L. Davis, J. Allison, N.R. Barlow, R.J. Barlow, M.C. Hodgkinson, G.D. Lafferty, C. Chen, A. Farbin, W.D. Hulsbergen, A. Jawahery, D. Kovalskyi, C.K. Lae, V. Lillard, D.A. Roberts, G. Simi, G. Blaylock, C. Dallapiccola, S.S. Hertzbach, R. Kofler, V.B. Koptchev, X. Li, T.B. Moore, S. Saremi, H. Staengle, S. Willocq, R. Cowan, K. Koeneke, G. Sciolla, S.J. Sekula, M. Spitznagel, F. Taylor, R.K. Yamamoto, H. Kim, P.M. Patel, S.H. Robertson, P. Biassoni, A. Lazzaro, V. Lombardo, F. Palombo, S. Stracka, J.M. Bauer, L. Cremaldi, V. Eschenburg, D.A. Sanders, D.J. Summers, H.W. Zhao, S. Brunet, D. Cot¬¥e, P. Taras, B. Viaud, H. Nicholson, N. Cavallo, G. De Nardo, F. Fabozzi, C. Gatto, L. Lista, D. Monorchio, P. Paolucci, D. Piccolo, C. Sciacca, M. Baak, H. Bulten, G. Raven, H.L. Snoek, L. Wilden, C.P. Jessop, K.K. Gan, K. Honscheid, D. Hufnagel, P.D. Jackson, H. Kagan, R. Kass, T. Pulliam, A.M. Rahimi, R. Frey, O. Igonkina, M. Lu, J. Strube, E. Torrence, A. Dorigo, F. Galeazzi, M. Margoni, M. Morandin, M. Posocco, M. Rotondo, F. Simonetto, R. Stroili, C. Voci, H. Briand, J. Chauveau, P. David, L. Del Buono, C.H. de la Vaissi`ere, O. Hamon, M.J.J. John, P.H. Leruste, J. Malcl`es, J. Ocariz, L. Roos, G. Therin, P.K. Behera, L. Gladney, Q.H. Guo, J. Panetta, M. Biasini, C. Angelini, G. Batignani, S. Bettarini, F. Bucci, G. Calderini, M. Carpinelli, R. Cenci, F. Forti, M.A. Giorgi, A. Lusiani, G. Marchiori, M. Morganti, N. Neri, E. Paoloni, M. Rama, G. Rizzo, J. Walsh, M. Haire, D. Judd, N. Danielson, P. Elmer, Y.P. Lau, C. Lu, J. Olsen, A.J.S. Smith, A.V. Telnov, F. Bellini, G. Cavoto, A. D‚ÄôOrazio, E. Di Marco, R. Faccini, F. Ferrarotto, F. Ferroni, M. Gaspero, L. Li Gioi, M.A. Mazzoni, S. Morganti, G. Piredda, F. Polci, F. Safai Tehrani, C. Voena, H. Schr¬®oder, G. Wagner, R. Waldi, T. Adye, N. De Groot, B. Franek, G.P. Gopal, E.O. Olaiya, S. Emery, A. Gaidot, S.F. Ganzhur, P.F. Giraud, G. Graziani, G. Hamel de Monchenault, W. Kozanecki, M. Legendre, G.W. London, B. Mayer, G. Vasseur, C.H. Y`eche, M. Zito, M.V. Purohit, A.W. Weidemann, J.R. Wilson, F.X. Yumiceva, T. Abe, M.T. Allen, D. Aston, R. Bartoldus, N. Berger, A.M. Boyarski, O.L. Buchmueller, R. Claus, M.R. Convery, M. Cristinziani, J.C. Dingfelder, D. Dong, J. Dorfan, D. Dujmic, W. Dunwoodie, S.J. Gowdy, T. Hadig, V. Halyo, C. Hast, T. Hryn‚Äôova, W.R. Innes, P. Kim, D.W.G.S. Leith, J. Libby, S. Luitz, V. Luth, H.L. Lynch, H. Marsiske, R. Messner, D.R. Muller, C.P. O‚ÄôGrady, V.E. Ozcan, A. Perazzo, M. Perl, B.N. Ratcliff, A. Roodman, A.A. Salnikov, J. Schwiening, A. Snyder, J. Stelzer, D. Su, M.K. Sullivan, K. Suzuki, S. Swain, J.M. Thompson, J. Va‚Äôvra, M. Weaver, A.J.R. Weinstein, W.J. Wisniewski, M. Wittgen, D.H. Wright, A.K. Yarritu, K. Yi, C.C. Young, P.R. Burchat, A.J. Edwards, B.A. Petersen, C. Roat, M. Ahmed, M.A. Saeed, M. Krishnamurthy, S.M. Spanier, R. Eck, J.L. Ritchie, A. Satpathy, R.F. Schwitters, J.M. Izen, I. Kitayama, X.C. Lou, S. Ye, F. Bianchi, M. Bona, F. Gallo, D. Gamba, M. Bomben, L. Bosisio, C. Cartaro, F. Cossutti, G. Della Ricca, S. Dittongo, S. Grancagnolo, L. Lanceri, L. Vitale, F. Martinez Vidal, R.S. Panvini, S.W. Banerjee, K. Hamano, R. Kowalewski, J.M. Roney, P.F. Harrison, T.E. Latham, G.B. Mohanty, M. Datta, A.M. Eichenbaum, K.T.F.M. Graham, A. Mihalyi, P. Tan, J.H. von Wimmersperg Toeller, S.L. Wu, Z. Yu, H. Neal. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY. - ISSN 1550-7998. - 81:9(2010), pp. 092003.092003.1-092003.092003.16. [10.1103/PhysRevD.81.092003]

Observation of the χc2(2P) meson in the reaction γγ→DD̅ at BABAR

P. Biassoni;A. Lazzaro;F. Palombo;S. Stracka;N. Neri;


A search for the Z(3930) resonance in gamma gamma production of the DDbar system has been performed using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 384 fb^-1 recorded by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider. The DDbar invariant mass distribution shows clear evidence of the Z(3930) state with a significance of 5.8 sigma. We determine mass and width values of (3926.7 +- 2.7 +- 1.1) MeV/c^2 and (21.3 +- 6.8 +- 3.6) MeV, respectively. A decay angular analysis provides evidence that the Z(3930) is a tensor state with positive parity and C-parity (J^PC = 2^++); therefore we identify the Z(3930) state as the chi_c2(2P) meson. The value of the partial width Gamma_(gamma gamma)xB(Z(3930)-> DDbar) is found to be (0.24 +- 0.05 +- 0.04) keV.
Fisica gamma gamma
Settore FIS/04 - Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare
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