The last decades have been worldwide affected by the consequences of climate change. Drought periods during the growing season associated to increasing temper‐ ature and more frequent extreme meteorological events, like summer heat events and late spring frosts, are negatively impacting wine‐growing regions, including northern Italy. In particular, grapevine is significantly exposed to thermal stress generated by high temperatures, threatening grapevine quality and production along with water stress. In this context, conditioning irrigation could be implemented as an adaptation strategy to counter the effects of summer thermal excesses. Several studies considered the cooling effect provided by sprinkler irrigation on vineyard’s microclimate, testing both over‐vine and under‐vine systems during summer heat events. In this study, an automated system of conditioning irrigation in vineyards was de‐ signed and tested using under‐vine micro‐sprinklers, to protect against summer ther‐ mal excesses. The system was developed in a Chardonnay vineyard situated in the Garda Colli Mantovani DOC area, on the basis of three experimental years (2020 ‐ 2022), during which specific protocols were developed. During the summer of 2022, characterized by extended periods with thermal excesses, the irrigation system with micro‐sprinklers was effective in terms of conditioning the vineyard microclimate and efficient in terms of use of water resources. Although further experimentation is nec‐ essary to improve management protocols, the use of under‐vine micro‐sprinklers has proved to be an effective irrigation system to condition the microclimate in vineyards.
Negli ultimi decenni, il cambiamento climatico ha generato molteplici conseguenze a scala globale. In particolare, periodi di siccità durante la stagione irrigua, insieme ad un progressivo aumento delle temperature e all’intensificarsi dei fenomeni meteorologici estremi (come gli eccessi termici estivi e le gelate tardo primaverili), stanno influenzando negativamente la produzione delle regioni viticole, incluse quelle del Nord Italia. Lo stress termico, provocato dalle alte temperature e associato allo stress idrico, può mettere a rischio la produzione e la qualità delle uve. In questo contesto, è possibile sfruttare l’irrigazione climatizzante come strategia di adattamento per fronteggiare gli effetti negativi degli eccessi termici estivi. Diversi studi hanno analizzato l’effetto dell’irrigazione tramite micro-spruzzatori sul microclima estivo del vigneto, sperimentando diversi tipi di erogatori sia sovra-chioma che sotto-chioma. In questo studio è stato progettato e testato un sistema automatizzato di irriga-zione climatizzante del vigneto mediante micro-spruzzatori sotto-chioma, a protezione dagli eccessi termici. Il sistema è stato sviluppato in un vigneto di varietà Chardonnay nella zona Garda Colli Mantovani DOC, sulla base di tre anni di sperimentazioni (2020 – 2022), durante i quali sono stati messi a punto protocolli specifici d’intervento. Durante l’estate 2022, caratterizzata da prolungati periodi con eccessi termici, il sistema di irrigazione con micro-spruzzatori è risultato efficace in termini di climatizzazione del microclima del vigneto ed efficiente in termini di uso della risorsa idrica. Benché ulteriore sperimentazione sia necessaria per migliorare i protocolli di gestione, l’utilizzo di micro-spruzzatori sotto-chioma si è rivelato un sistema efficace per il condizionamento del microclima all’interno del vigneto.
Irrigazione climatizzante del vigneto con microspruzzatori sottochioma = Microclimate conditioning in vineyards with under‐vine micro‐sprinklers / B. Ortuani, S. Cazzaniga, C. Gandolfi (QUADERNI DI IDRONOMIA MONTANA). - In: La ricerca nel settore dell'idraulica agraria, dell'irrigazione e delle sistemazioni idraulico-forestali / [a cura di] V. Bagarello, C. Di Stefano, M. Iovino, V. Ferro. - [s.l] : EdiBios, 2024. - ISBN 9788897181897. - pp. 179-186 (( convegno La ricerca nel settore dell'idraulica agraria, dell'irrigazione e delle sistemazioni idraulico-forestali tenutosi a Palermo nel 2023.
Irrigazione climatizzante del vigneto con microspruzzatori sottochioma = Microclimate conditioning in vineyards with under‐vine micro‐sprinklers
B. Ortuani;S. Cazzaniga;C. Gandolfi
The last decades have been worldwide affected by the consequences of climate change. Drought periods during the growing season associated to increasing temper‐ ature and more frequent extreme meteorological events, like summer heat events and late spring frosts, are negatively impacting wine‐growing regions, including northern Italy. In particular, grapevine is significantly exposed to thermal stress generated by high temperatures, threatening grapevine quality and production along with water stress. In this context, conditioning irrigation could be implemented as an adaptation strategy to counter the effects of summer thermal excesses. Several studies considered the cooling effect provided by sprinkler irrigation on vineyard’s microclimate, testing both over‐vine and under‐vine systems during summer heat events. In this study, an automated system of conditioning irrigation in vineyards was de‐ signed and tested using under‐vine micro‐sprinklers, to protect against summer ther‐ mal excesses. The system was developed in a Chardonnay vineyard situated in the Garda Colli Mantovani DOC area, on the basis of three experimental years (2020 ‐ 2022), during which specific protocols were developed. During the summer of 2022, characterized by extended periods with thermal excesses, the irrigation system with micro‐sprinklers was effective in terms of conditioning the vineyard microclimate and efficient in terms of use of water resources. Although further experimentation is nec‐ essary to improve management protocols, the use of under‐vine micro‐sprinklers has proved to be an effective irrigation system to condition the microclimate in vineyards.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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