Background: This study aims to estimate the burden, trends, forecasts, and disparities of early musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders among individuals ages 15 to 39 years. Methods: The global prevalence, years lived with disabilities (YLDs), disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), projection, and inequality were estimated for early MSK diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), low back pain (LBP), neck pain (NP), gout, and other MSK diseases (OMSKDs). Findings: More adolescents and young adults were expected to develop MSK disorders by 2050. Across five age groups, the rates of prevalence, YLDs, and DALYs for RA, NP, LBP, gout, and OMSKDs sharply increased from ages 15–19 to 35–39; however, these were negligible for OA before age 30 but increased notably at ages 30–34, rising at least 6-fold by 35–39. The disease burden of gout, LBP, and OA attributable to high BMI and gout attributable to kidney dysfunction increased, while the contribution of smoking to LBP and RA and occupational ergonomic factors to LBP decreased. Between 1990 and 2019, the slope index of inequality increased for six MSK disorders, and the relative concentration index increased for gout, NP, OA, and OMSKDs but decreased for LBP and RA. Conclusions: Multilevel interventions should be initiated to prevent disease burden related to RA, NP, LBP, gout, and OMSKDs among individuals ages 15–19 and to OA among individuals ages 30–34 to tightly control high BMI and kidney dysfunction. Funding: The Global Burden of Disease study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project is funded by the Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (2022QN38).

Global pattern, trend, and cross-country inequality of early musculoskeletal disorders from 1990 to 2019, with projection from 2020 to 2050 / Y. Jin, C. Guo, M. Abbasian, M. Abbasifard, J.H. Abbott, A. Abdullahi, A. Abedi, H. Abidi, H. Abolhassani, E. Abu-Gharbieh, S. Aburuz, A. Abu-Zaid, I.Y. Addo, O.A. Adegboye, A.V. Adepoju, W. Adikusuma, Q.E.S. Adnani, S. Aghamiri, D. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, J.P. Aithala, S. Akhlaghi, S. Akkala, T.A. Alalwan, M. Albashtawy, H. Alemi, F.A.N. Alhalaiqa, E.A. Ali, S. Almustanyir, R.M. Al-Raddadi, N.J. Alvis-Zakzuk, Y.M. Al-Worafi, H. Alzahrani, K.H. Alzoubi, S. Amiri, H. Amu, J. Amzat, D.B. Anderson, A. Anil, B. Antony, J. Arabloo, D. Areda, A. Artaman, A.A. Artamonov, K.K. Aryal, M. Asghari-Jafarabadi, T. Ashraf, S.S. Athari, B.T. Atinafu, M.M.W. Atout, S. Azadnajafabad, H. Azhdari Tehrani, A.Y. Azzam, A. Badawi, N. Baghcheghi, R. Bai, V. Baigi, M. Banach, M. Banakar, B. Banik, M. Bardhan, T.W. Barnighausen, H.J. Barqawi, A. Barrow, A. Bashiri, K. Batra, M. Bayani, N.S. Bayileyegn, A. Begde, K.A. Beyene, A.S. Bhagavathula, P. Bhardwaj, G.K. Bhatti, J.S. Bhatti, R. Bhatti, A. Bijani, V.R. Bitra, J. Brazo-Sayavera, R. Buchbinder, K. Burkart, Y. Bustanji, M.H. Butt, L.A. Camera, F. Carvalho, V.K. Chattu, A. Chaurasia, G. Chen, H. Chen, L. Chen, S.W.M. Christensen, D.-. Chu, I.S. Chukwu, J. Comachio, N. Cruz-Martins, S. Cuschieri, S. Dadana, O. Dadras, X. Dai, Z. Dai, S. Das, M. Dashti, I. Delgado-Enciso, B. Demisse, E. Denova-Gutierrez, B. Desye, S.M.R. Dewan, S. Dhingra, M. Diress, T.C. Do, T.H.P. Do, K.D.K. Doan, S. Dutta, A.M. Dziedzic, H.A. Edinur, M. Ekholuenetale, M. Elhadi, S. Eskandarieh, F. Esposito, A.F. Fagbamigbe, P. Farokh, A. Fatehizadeh, A. Feizkhah, G. Fekadu, N. Ferreira, G. Fetensa, F. Fischer, B. Foroutan, M. Foroutan Koudehi, R.C. Franklin, T. Fukumoto, A.P. Gandhi, B. Ganesan, S.-. Gau, R.K. Gautam, A.K. Gebre, M.W.W. Gebregergis, B. Ghaderi Yazdi, A. Gholami, T.K. Gill, P. Goleij, M. Gomes-Neto, A. Goyal, S.M. Graham, B. Guan, B. Gupta, I.R. Gupta, S. Gupta, V.B. Gupta, V.K. Gupta, F. Habibzadeh, W.B. Hailu, R. Hajibeygi, R. Halwani, J.M. Haro, J. Hartvigsen, A.I. Hasaballah, J. Haubold, J.J. Hebert, M.I. Hegazy, G. Heidari, M. Heidari, K. Hezam, Y. Hiraike, H. Hosseinzadeh, M. Hosseinzadeh, A.H. Hoveidaei, C.-. Hsu, M.N. Huda, H.-. Huynh, B.-. Hwang, S.E. Ibitoye, A.I. Ikiroma, I.M. Ilic, M.D. Ilic, A. Iranmehr, S.M.S. Islam, N.E. Ismail, H. Iso, M. Iwagami, A.N. Iyasu, L. Jacob, A. Jafarzadeh, K. Jahankhani, N. Jain, A.A. Jairoun, B. Janakiraman, U. Jayarajah, S. Jayaram, J. Jeganathan, M. Jokar, J.B. Jonas, T. Joo, N. Joseph, C.E. Joshua, G.G. Kabito, V.K. Kamal, H. Kandel, R.S. Kantar, J. Karami, I.M. Karaye, A. Karimi Behnagh, N. Kaur, F. Kazemi, S. Kedir, M.M. Khadembashiri, M.A. Khadembashiri, Y.S. Khader, H. Khajuria, M.J. Khan, M.A. Khan, M.Z. Khan Suheb, H. Khatatbeh, M.M. Khatatbeh, S. Khateri, H.R. Khayat Kashani, M.S. Khonji, J. Khubchandani, S. Kian, A. Kisa, A.T. Kitila, A.-. Kolahi, H.R. Koohestani, O. Korzh, K. Kostev, A.L. Kotnis, A. Koyanagi, K. Krishan, M. Kuddus, N. Kumar, M.D. Kurniasari, M.A. Ladan, C. Lahariya, T. Laksono, T. Lallukka, I. Landires, S. Lasrado, B.K. Lawal, T.T.T. Le, T.D.T. Le, M. Lee, W.-. Lee, Y.H. Lee, T.L. Lerango, D. Lim, S.S. Lim, G. Lucchetti, Z.F. Ma, A.A. Maghazachi, N. Maghbouli, E. Malakan Rad, A. Malhotra, A.A. Malik, M.A. Mansournia, L.G. Mantovani, E. Manu, Y. Mathangasinghe, A. Mazzotti, S.M. Mcphail, B. Mengist, M.K. Mesregah, T. Mestrovic, T.R. Miller, L.H.N. Minh, M. Mirahmadi Eraghi, E.M. Mirrakhimov, A. Misganaw, H. Mohamadian, A. Mohamadkhani, N.S. Mohamed, E. Mohammadi, S. Mohammadi, M. Mohammed, H. Mojiri-Forushani, A.H. Mokdad, K. Momenzadeh, S. Momtazmanesh, L. Monasta, F. Montazeri, Y. Moradi, S.D. Morrison, E. Mostafavi, P. Mousavi, S.E. Mousavi, A. Mulita, E. Murillo-Zamora, G. Mustafa, S. Muthu, G.R. Naik, M.D. Naimzada, N. Nakhostin Ansari, S. Narasimha Swamy, S. Nargus, P.R.C. Nascimento, A. Naseri, Z.S. Natto, M. Naveed, B.P. Nayak, A. Nazri-Panjaki, M. Negaresh, H. Negash, S.A. Nejadghaderi, D.H. Nguyen, H.T.H. Nguyen, H.Q. Nguyen, P.T. Nguyen, V.T. Nguyen, R.K. Niazi, A.O.D. Ofakunrin, H. Okati-Aliabad, O.C. Okonji, M.I. Olatubi, M.M. Ommati, M. Ordak, M.O. Owolabi, M. P A, J.R. Padubidri, F. Pan, I. Pantazopoulos, S. Park, J. Patel, S. Patil, S. Pawar, P. Pedersini, P. Peprah, S. Perna, I.-. Petcu, F.E. Petermann-Rocha, H.T. Pham, M. Pigeolet, E.J.S. Prates, F. Rahim, Z. Rahimi, S. Rahimi-Dehgolan, V. Rahimi-Movaghar, M.H.U. Rahman, M. Rahmati, S.K. Ramasamy, P. Ramasubramani, D. Rapaka, S. Rashedi, V. Rashedi, M.-. Rashidi, A. Rasouli-Saravani, S. Rawaf, M.M.R.K. Reddy, E.M.M. Redwan, N. Rezaei, N. Rezaei, N. Rezaei, Z. Rezaei, A. Riad, L. Roever, S. Roshanzamir, P. Roy, G. de Andrade Ruela, A.M.A. Saad, B. Saddik, F. Sadeghian, U. Saeed, A. Safary, A. Saghazadeh, D. Sagoe, F.S. Sharif-Askari, N.S. Sharif-Askari, A. Sahebkar, J.W. Sakshaug, A.A. Salami, M.A. Saleh, S. Salehi, S. Samadzadeh, Y.L. Samodra, V.P. Samuel, D.B. Santos, M.M. Santric-Milicevic, M.A.N. Saqib, A. Saravanan, S. Sawyer, B.M. Schaarschmidt, S. Senapati, Y. Sethi, A. Seylani, A. Shafaat, M. Shafie, S. Shahabi, A. Shahbandi, S. Shahrokhi, M.A. Shaikh, M.A. Shamim, M.A. Shamshirgaran, S. Sharfaei, A. Sharifan, A. Sharifi, R. Sharma, S. Sharma, B.B. Shashamo, L. Shi, M. Shigematsu, R. Shiri, V. Shivarov, E.E. Siddig, E. Sinaei, A. Singh, J.A. Singh, P. Singh, S. Singh, S. Singla, M.S. Siraj, A.A. Skryabina, R. Solanki, Y. Solomon, A.V. Starodubova, C.K. Swain, S. Talic, N.Y. Tat, M.-. Temsah, D.R. Terefa, R. Tesler, R. Thapar, S. Tharwat, R. Thayakaran, J.H.V. Ticoalu, M.R. Tovani-Palone, B.S. Tusa, S.S. Ty, A.J. Udoakang, S.M. Vahabi, R. Valizadeh, J. Van den Eynde, S.B. Varthya, T.J. Vasankari, N. Venketasubramanian, J.H. Villafane, V. Vlassov, A.T. Vo, L.G. Vu, Y.-. Wang, T. Wiangkham, N.D. Wickramasinghe, A.S. Winkler, A.-. Wu, A. Yadollahpour, G. Yahya, N. Yonemoto, Y. You, M.Z. Younis, F. Zakham, M. Zangiabadian, A. Zarrintan, C. Zhong, H. Zhou, Z. Zhu, M. Zielinska, Y.T. Zikarg, O.A. Zitoun, M. Zoladl, L.-. Tam, D. Wu. - In: MED. - ISSN 2666-6340. - 5:8(2024), pp. 943-962.e6. [10.1016/j.medj.2024.04.009]

Global pattern, trend, and cross-country inequality of early musculoskeletal disorders from 1990 to 2019, with projection from 2020 to 2050

X. Dai;F. Esposito;S. Perna;S. Salehi;S. Sharma;P. Singh;


Background: This study aims to estimate the burden, trends, forecasts, and disparities of early musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders among individuals ages 15 to 39 years. Methods: The global prevalence, years lived with disabilities (YLDs), disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), projection, and inequality were estimated for early MSK diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), low back pain (LBP), neck pain (NP), gout, and other MSK diseases (OMSKDs). Findings: More adolescents and young adults were expected to develop MSK disorders by 2050. Across five age groups, the rates of prevalence, YLDs, and DALYs for RA, NP, LBP, gout, and OMSKDs sharply increased from ages 15–19 to 35–39; however, these were negligible for OA before age 30 but increased notably at ages 30–34, rising at least 6-fold by 35–39. The disease burden of gout, LBP, and OA attributable to high BMI and gout attributable to kidney dysfunction increased, while the contribution of smoking to LBP and RA and occupational ergonomic factors to LBP decreased. Between 1990 and 2019, the slope index of inequality increased for six MSK disorders, and the relative concentration index increased for gout, NP, OA, and OMSKDs but decreased for LBP and RA. Conclusions: Multilevel interventions should be initiated to prevent disease burden related to RA, NP, LBP, gout, and OMSKDs among individuals ages 15–19 and to OA among individuals ages 30–34 to tightly control high BMI and kidney dysfunction. Funding: The Global Burden of Disease study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project is funded by the Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (2022QN38).
Global Burden of Disease study; gout; inequality; low back pain; musculoskeletal disorders; neck pain; osteoarthritis; pattern; rheumatoid arthritis; Translation to population health; trend
Settore MEDS-08/C - Scienza dell'alimentazione e delle tecniche dietetiche applicate
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