It is well known that environmental factors, and in particular stressful life events exposures, are strongly associated with an enhanced risk for the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders with differences in the severity, age of onset, according to the temporal window and duration of the exposure. Stress, especially when experienced early in life, induces profound and long-lasting effects on the brain function and organization. This is mainly because during the early life period the brain is still under development and, therefore extremely sensitive to stressors that can affect the integrity of neuronal circuits especially in those brain regions involved in the regulation of emotions and in stress response. One of the biological systems investigated in the context of early life stress is represented by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, with the glucocorticoids as the main players exerting negative effects on brain development and also on other biological systems such as inflammation. Therefore, based on this evidence, the overall aim of this project is to better elucidate the role of the HPA axis in mediating the effect of early life stress exposure on altered behaviours. To reach this aim, based on our published papers where we demonstrated a key role of the gene Serum-and Glucocorticoid-inducible Kinase 1 (SGK1) as biomarker of stress vulnerability, here I have used a cross-tissues and a cross-species approach where I have combined data from an animal model of stress early in life (the prenatal stress, PNS, paradigm) with data from a preclinical in-vitro model and, finally, with data from a clinical cohort. Interestingly, I found alterations in the mRNA expression levels of Sgk1 in all the species and tissues; moreover, in the PNS animal model I evaluated longitudinal trajectories of Sgk1 during neurodevelopment, allowing the identification of adolescence as the temporal window associated the most with PNS exposure, in the hippocampus of both male and female animals. Moreover, to go more in depth into the role of the HPA axis in mediating the effect of PNS, I evaluated possible alterations on a panel of HPA axis-related genes in male and female rats both at adolescence (PND44) and adulthood (PND84) in three different brain regions: the dorsal (DH) and ventral (VH) hippocampus, and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). Moreover, at adolescence I tested the reactivity of the HPA axis after an acute challenge both in control and PNS exposed animals and I have found that there is a more pronounced effect on Sgk1 and Nr3c1 expression in those animals previously exposed to PNS, suggesting that such early in life exposure may prime the brain affecting its ability to cope with adverse challenging events, contributing to the onset of a latent pathological condition. In a dedicated experiment I also tested the association between alterations in HPA axis functionality with behavioural alterations due to PNS. Therefore, animals at adulthood were tested for different behavioural domains, including sociability and based on the outcome I was able to divide them into vulnerable or resilient. I then tested whether alterations in mediators within HPA axis including the stress responsive genes and the corticosterone in adrenal glands were able to map those vulnerable or resilient animals and I have also performed RNAseq analyses in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus of male adult rats. I reported an opposite pattern of corticosterone levels in male versus female animals, with the most pronounced effect in vulnerable animals, both in males and females. RNAseq identified alterations in the glutamatergic and GABAergic transmission in association with PNS exposure and the modulation of specific pathways related to inflammation and immune system only in vulnerable animals. In conclusion, PNS exposure induces an overall dysregulation of the HPA axis functionality and the onset of a vulnerable phenotype above to be related with a different pattern in the modulation of genes involved in HPA axis regulation, is also associated with biological processes related to inflammation.
È noto come fattori ambientali, quali ad esempio l’esposizione ad eventi stressanti nel corso della vita, siano in grado di aumentare il rischio di sviluppare disturbi psichiatrici stress correlati che si caratterizzano per differenti entità ed età di insorgenza a seconda del momento e della durata dell’esposizione. Tra i fattori ambientali, l’esposizione a stress specialmente nelle prime fasi della vita è in grado di indurre conseguenze profonde e a lungo termine a carico della funzionalità ed organizzazione del cervello. Infatti, durante le prime fasi della vita il cervello è ancora in via di sviluppo e risulta, quindi, essere estremamente sensibile all’esposizione a fattori stressanti in grado di modulare l’integrità dei circuiti neuronali specialmente in quelle regioni del cervello coinvolte nella regolazione della risposta allo stress e delle emozioni. Uno dei meccanismi coinvolti nella regolazione della risposta allo stress è l’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene (HPA), con i glucocorticoidi in qualità di modulatori principali in grado di esercitare effetti negativi a carico del neurosviluppo e di altri meccanismi biologici, come ad esempi quelli infiammatori. Alla luce di queste evidenze, lo scopo di questo progetto è stato quello di approfondire il ruolo dell’asse HPA e dei geni coinvolti nella sua regolazione, i geni stress correlati, nel mediare gli effetti dell’esposizione a stress nelle prime fasi della vita sulla comparsa di comportamenti alterati. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, basandomi su alcuni dati che sono stati pubblicati dal nostro gruppo di ricerca, nei quali è stato dimostrato il ruolo chiave del gene SGK1 (Serum-and Glucocorticoid-inducible Kinase 1) come marcatore della vulnerabilità allo stress, in questo progetto ho utilizzato un approccio multi-tessuto e multi-specie che mi ha consentito di confrontare i dati ottenuti in un modello animale di esposizione a stress nelle prime fasi della vita (il modello di stress prenatale, PNS) con i dati di un modello preclinico in vitro e, infine, coi dati di una coorte clinica. Di particolare interesse, è emersa una modulazione dei livelli di espressione di Sgk1 in tutte le specie e in tutti i tessuti analizzati. Inoltre, il modello animale di PNS mi ha permesso di valutare longitudinalmente le modulazioni a carico di Sgk1 durante il neurosviluppo consentendoci di individuare l’adolescenza come la finestra temporale maggiormente associate ad effetti dell’esposizione a PNS nell’ippocampo di animali maschi e femmine. Inoltre, con l’intento di approfondire ulteriormente il ruolo dell’asse HPA nel mediare gli effetti del PNS, è stata valutata anche la modulazione di un gruppo di geni correlati alla funzionalità dell’asse in ratti maschi e femmine sia in adolescenza (PND44) che in età adulta (PND84) in tre diverse regioni cerebrali: l’ippocampo dorsale e ventrale e il nucleo paraventricolare dell’ipotalamo. In adolescenza, è stata anche valutata la reattività dell’asse a seguito dell’esposizione sia dei controlli che degli animali PNS ad uno stress acuto che mi ha permesso di osservare un più pronunciato effetto sull’espressione di Sgk1 and Nr3c1 in animali già esposti a PNS suggerendo come l’esposizione a stress nelle prime fasi della vita possa rendere il sistema più “sensibile”, influenzandone la capacità di affrontare situazioni avverse, e possa, inoltre, contribuire all’insorgenza di una condizione patologica fino ad allora rimasta latente. In uno specifico esperimento è stata anche valutata l’associazione tra alterazioni nella funzionalità dell’asse e la comparsa di alterazioni comportamentali come conseguenza dell’esposizione a PNS. Nell’età adulti, gli animali sono infatti stati testati per diversi domini comportamentali, tra cui la socialità e, alla luce degli outcome comportamentali emersi, gli animali sono stati divisi in vulnerabili e resilienti. Tali animali distinti in vulnerabili e resilienti sono stati investigati dal punto di vista molecolare per la modulazione in diverse aree dei geni dell’asse HPA e stress correlati, per i livelli di corticosterone a livello delle ghiandole surrenali, e per l’intero profilo trascrittomico nel nucleo paraventricolare dell’ipotalamo di un sottogruppo di ratti maschi adulti. Per quanto riguarda i livelli di corticosterone nelle surrenali, un andamento opposto è emerso tra maschi e femmine con un effetto più pronunciato negli animali vulnerabili di entrambi i sessi. Le analisi di RNAseq hanno, invece, mostrato un’associazione tra modulazioni nelle trasmissioni glutammatergica e GABAergica e l’esposizione a PNS e, una modulazione di pathway correlate al sistema infiammatorio nei soli animali vulnerabili. In conclusione, l’esposizione a PNS è in grado di indurre una generale deregolazione dell’asse HPA e la comparsa del fenotipo vulnerabile che risulta essere non solo associato a modulazioni nell’espressione di geni correlati all’asse ma anche a meccanismi biologici associati all’infiammazione.
EARLY LIFE STRESS EXPOSURE AND HYPOTHALAMIC PITUITARY ADRENAL AXIS: FROM MECHANISMS TO PERIPHERAL BIOMARKERS OF VULNERABILITY / M. Mazzelli ; tutor: M. A. Riva; co-tutor: A. Cattaneo ; coordinatore: G. D. Norata. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari, 2024 Apr 18. 36. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2022/2023.
M. Mazzelli
It is well known that environmental factors, and in particular stressful life events exposures, are strongly associated with an enhanced risk for the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders with differences in the severity, age of onset, according to the temporal window and duration of the exposure. Stress, especially when experienced early in life, induces profound and long-lasting effects on the brain function and organization. This is mainly because during the early life period the brain is still under development and, therefore extremely sensitive to stressors that can affect the integrity of neuronal circuits especially in those brain regions involved in the regulation of emotions and in stress response. One of the biological systems investigated in the context of early life stress is represented by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, with the glucocorticoids as the main players exerting negative effects on brain development and also on other biological systems such as inflammation. Therefore, based on this evidence, the overall aim of this project is to better elucidate the role of the HPA axis in mediating the effect of early life stress exposure on altered behaviours. To reach this aim, based on our published papers where we demonstrated a key role of the gene Serum-and Glucocorticoid-inducible Kinase 1 (SGK1) as biomarker of stress vulnerability, here I have used a cross-tissues and a cross-species approach where I have combined data from an animal model of stress early in life (the prenatal stress, PNS, paradigm) with data from a preclinical in-vitro model and, finally, with data from a clinical cohort. Interestingly, I found alterations in the mRNA expression levels of Sgk1 in all the species and tissues; moreover, in the PNS animal model I evaluated longitudinal trajectories of Sgk1 during neurodevelopment, allowing the identification of adolescence as the temporal window associated the most with PNS exposure, in the hippocampus of both male and female animals. Moreover, to go more in depth into the role of the HPA axis in mediating the effect of PNS, I evaluated possible alterations on a panel of HPA axis-related genes in male and female rats both at adolescence (PND44) and adulthood (PND84) in three different brain regions: the dorsal (DH) and ventral (VH) hippocampus, and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). Moreover, at adolescence I tested the reactivity of the HPA axis after an acute challenge both in control and PNS exposed animals and I have found that there is a more pronounced effect on Sgk1 and Nr3c1 expression in those animals previously exposed to PNS, suggesting that such early in life exposure may prime the brain affecting its ability to cope with adverse challenging events, contributing to the onset of a latent pathological condition. In a dedicated experiment I also tested the association between alterations in HPA axis functionality with behavioural alterations due to PNS. Therefore, animals at adulthood were tested for different behavioural domains, including sociability and based on the outcome I was able to divide them into vulnerable or resilient. I then tested whether alterations in mediators within HPA axis including the stress responsive genes and the corticosterone in adrenal glands were able to map those vulnerable or resilient animals and I have also performed RNAseq analyses in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus of male adult rats. I reported an opposite pattern of corticosterone levels in male versus female animals, with the most pronounced effect in vulnerable animals, both in males and females. RNAseq identified alterations in the glutamatergic and GABAergic transmission in association with PNS exposure and the modulation of specific pathways related to inflammation and immune system only in vulnerable animals. In conclusion, PNS exposure induces an overall dysregulation of the HPA axis functionality and the onset of a vulnerable phenotype above to be related with a different pattern in the modulation of genes involved in HPA axis regulation, is also associated with biological processes related to inflammation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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