Endocrine active substances (EAS) are substances able to interact with the endocrine system and in case they lead to adverse effects on health they are called endocrine disruptors (EDs). They can be found mainly in the environment, food, cosmetics, pesticides, plastics, and industrial products. There is a close interplay between the endocrine and the immune systems and therefore EDs can putatively interfere with immunity. Over the past few decades, there has been a rise in the prevalence of specific diseases, notably immune-related conditions such as allergies and autoimmune disorders. Among the leading potential factors attributed to this increase, EDs have been suggested. The aim of this thesis project was to investigate the ability of well-known EDs or suspected EAS to modulate the human immune system. To date, we have put forth various in vitro tests that utilize both cell cultures and human-derived primary cells. These tests could serve the dual purpose of eliminating the need for animal experimentation and enabling a more thorough evaluation of chemical hazards before they enter the market. My thesis started with the use of glyphosate, a compound whose use is a subject of intense debate. Glyphosate is among the substances suspected of having endocrine active properties, although the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently affirmed that glyphosate cannot be described as ED. It is one of the most used herbicides worldwide, which safety has been recently posed under discussion. Even if still under debate, several endocrine disturbances (i.e., reproductive and thyroid) of glyphosate have emerged and some evidence also suggests possible immunotoxic effects in vivo (i.e., lung inflammation, rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis). Therefore, the ability of glyphosate to directly interfere with immune cells activation was investigated. To this end, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from healthy donors were used to assess the possible interference with the immune system, focusing mainly on T helper cells differentiation. A reduction of T helper 1 cells was the main effect observed following glyphosate exposure, which resulted in an unbalance in Th1/Th2 ratio, favoring Th2 which may support the in vivo data. This effect was mediated by the estrogen receptor-α and by the up-regulation of a miRNA (miR-500a-5p). Accordingly, glyphosate demonstrated the ability to directly act on T cells, with a mechanism suggesting the involvement of estrogen receptor-α. Subsequently, my research activities were carried out within the PRIN project number 2017MLC3NF – EDONIS, focusing on the assessment of the immunotoxic potential of other EAS. To this end, six well known EDs or EAS were selected, and a battery of in vitro test was applied to determine their ability to interfere with the immune system. Atrazine, cypermethrin, vinclozolin, ethynyl estradiol, diethylphthalate, and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid were tested. The first three are pesticides, ethynyl estradiol is a pharmaceutical and lastly two are industrial chemicals. Initially, the human monocytic cell line THP-1 was used to investigate the ability of the selected compounds to modulate RACK1 (receptor for activated C kinase 1) expression, a protein considered as a bridge between the immune and the endocrine system, as its expression is under steroid hormones control. All the compounds modulated RACK1 expression paralleled by changes of several inflammatory markers (namely IL-8, TNF-α, CD54, and CD86). These effects were then confirmed in human primary cells of both sexes (PBMCs). In addition, natural killer cells lytic activity and T cells differentiation were also investigated. Based on the results obtained, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid and diethylphthalate resulted to be immunosuppressive on most parameters, and by using pharmacological tools we could demonstrate that the immunotoxic effects were endocrine-mediated. The studies on individual compounds were then followed by investigations on PFAS mixtures (perfluoroalkyl substances – PFAS). The effect of mixtures is quite often underestimated, but it is representative of real-life exposure. Three short-chain and three long-chain PFAS were evaluated and the mixture of all the six PFAS induced a general reduction of human basophil and lymphocyte activation. In particular, the most affected lymphocyte population was mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, an innate-like T cells population. To better understand the effect of chemical mixtures on human immune system, four extracts of wastewater treatment plant effluents were also tested. Their exposure induced a reduced lymphocyte activation and basophil reaction to bacterial component, while increasing basophil allergy-like activation. Within the 339 detected chemicals in the extracts, 29 of them were considered prioritized chemicals for their strong correlation with most immune parameters. There are drugs, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and EDs, evidencing a contamination of water effluents that could perturb human health. The battery of different in vitro tests applied were useful in the assessment of the immunotoxic potential of chemicals, including EAS and EDs. The data obtained reinforce the concept of immune-endocrine interplay and indicate that these tests can be integrated in the hazard assessment procedures in view of a more sustainable risk assessment.
Le sostanze attive a livello endocrino (EAS) sono sostanze in grado in interagire con il sistema endocrino e in caso questa interazione induca effetti avversi, essi vengono identificati come interferenti endocrini (IE). Si trovano principalmente nell'ambiente, negli alimenti, nei cosmetici, nei pesticidi, nella plastica e nei prodotti industriali. Esiste una stretta interazione tra il sistema endocrino e quello immunitario e pertanto gli IE possono presumibilmente interferire con la risposta immunitaria. Recentemente, durante gli ultimi decenni, si è registrato un aumento di alcune patologie, tra cui condizioni che coinvolgono il sistema immunitario, come allergie e patologie di carattere autoimmune. Tra le principali cause attribuibili a questo aumento sono state proposti gli IE. Lo scopo di questo progetto di tesi è stato quello di valutare se noti o presunti EAS o IE siano in grado di modulare la risposta immunitaria. Per far ciò, sono stati utilizzati diversi test in vitro, impiegando sia colture cellulari sia cellule primarie di origine umana. La batteria di test sviluppati potrebbe consentire in futuro di ridurre l'uso di animali e permettere una valutazione più approfondita durante la fase di caratterizzazione del pericolo di sostanze chimiche prima della commercializzazione. Lo studio è iniziato con l’uso del glifosato; un composto il cui utilizzo è oggetto di intenso dibattito. Il glifosato rientra tra le sostanze sospettate per essere un EAS, sebbene recentemente l’Autorità Europea per la Sicurezza Alimentare (EFSA) abbia affermato che il glifosato non incontra i criteri per caratterizzarlo come IE. Il glifosato è uno degli erbicidi più utilizzati a livello mondiale, la cui sicurezza è stata recentemente oggetto di discussione. Anche se ancora dibattuto, diversi disturbi endocrini (es, riproduttivi e tiroidei) del glifosato sono stati riportati assieme ad alcune evidenze di effetti immunotossici in vivo (es, infiammazione polmonare, rinite, artrite reumatoide). Pertanto, la capacità del glifosato di interferire direttamente con l’attivazione delle cellule del sistema immunitario è stata valutata. In particolare, cellule mononucleate di sangue periferico (PBMC) ottenute da donatori sani sono state impiegate per valutare la possibile interferenza con il sistema immunitario, con un focus particolare sul differenziamento dei linfociti T helper. La riduzione delle cellule T helper 1 è stato il principale effetto osservato in seguito a esposizione a glifosato, che ha indotto uno sbilanciamento della ratio Th1/Th2, a favore dei linfociti Th2 che è in accordo con dati presenti in letteratura ottenuti in vivo. Questa azione è risultata essere mediata dal recettore degli estrogeni α e dall'aumento della regolazione di un miRNA (miR-500a-5p). Questi studi dimostrano, quindi, che il glifosato è in grado di agire direttamente sui linfociti T, con un meccanismo che suggerisce il coinvolgimento del recettore degli estrogeni α. Successivamente, la mia attività di ricerca si è sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto PRIN # 2017MLC3NF - EDONIS, focalizzandosi sulla valutazione degli effetti di certi o presunti EAS/IE sul sistema immunitario umano. A tal fine, sono stati selezionati sei composti appartenenti a diverse categorie chimiche e funzionali ed è stata utilizzata una batteria di test in vitro per valutare il loro impatto sul sistema immunitario. I composti selezionati sono stati atrazina, cipermetrina, vinclozolina, etinilestradiolo, dietilftalato, e acido perfluoroottansolfonico; i primi tre appartenenti a tre classi di pesticidi, etinilestradiolo è un farmaco e le ultime due sono sostanze chimiche ad uso industriale ampiamente utilizzate. Inizialmente è stata impiegata la linea cellulare monocitaria umana THP-1 per determinare la capacità dei composti selezionati di interferire con l'espressione di RACK1 (recettore per la chinasi C attivata 1), considerato come un ponte tra il sistema immunitario e quello endocrino, in quanto la sua espressione è sotto il controllo degli ormoni steroidei. Tutti i composti sono risultati in grado di modulare l'espressione di RACK1 e di diversi marcatori pro-infiammatori (IL-8, TNF-α, CD54 e CD86). Questi effetti sono stati successivamente confermati in cellule primarie umane di entrambi i sessi (PBMC). In aggiunta sono state valutate anche l'attività litica delle cellule natural killer e la differenziazione dei linfociti T. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, acido perfluorottansolfonico e dietilftalato sono risultati immunosoppressivi per la maggior parte dei parametri, e grazie all’utilizzo di modulatori farmacologici specifici è stato possibile dimostrare un effetto d’interferenza endocrina alla base degli effetti osservati. Gli studi sui singoli composti sono stati seguiti da analisi sulle miscele di sostanze perfluoroalchiliche (PFAS). Il problema delle miscele è spesso sottovalutato, nonostante sia rappresentativo dell’effettiva esposizione umana. Sono stati valutati tre PFAS a catena corta e tre a catena lunga. La miscela di tutti e sei i PFAS ha determinato una riduzione generale dell'attivazione di basofili e dei linfociti umani. In particolare, la popolazione di linfociti più colpita è stata quella delle cellule T invarianti associate alla mucosa (MAIT), una popolazione di cellule T innate-like. Per comprendere meglio l'effetto delle miscele sul sistema immunitario umano, sono stati successivamente testati quattro estratti di effluenti di impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue. La loro esposizione ha indotto una riduzione dell'attivazione dei linfociti e della reazione dei basofili alla componente batterica, mentre ha aumentato l'attivazione dei basofili a stimolo allergico. Tra le 339 sostanze chimiche rilevate nei quattro estratti, 29 sono state considerate prioritarie per la loro forte correlazione con la maggior parte dei parametri immunitari. Si tratta di farmaci, pesticidi, prodotti chimici industriali e IE, evidenziando quindi una contaminazione di questi effluenti con il potenziale di interferire con la salute umana. La batteria di diversi test in vitro utilizzati si è rivelata utile per la valutazione del potenziale immunotossico delle sostanze chimiche, inclusi IE o EAS. I dati ottenuti rafforzano il concetto di interazione immuno-endocrina e indicano che questi test potrebbero essere integrati nelle procedure di valutazione del pericolo in vista di una valutazione del rischio più sostenibile.
ASSESSING ENDOCRINE ACTIVE SUBSTANCES' IMPACT ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM THROUGH IN VITRO STUDIES / A. Maddalon ; tutor: M. Marinovich ; co-tutor: E. Corsini ; coordinatore: D. Norata. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari, 2023. 36. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2023.
A. Maddalon
Endocrine active substances (EAS) are substances able to interact with the endocrine system and in case they lead to adverse effects on health they are called endocrine disruptors (EDs). They can be found mainly in the environment, food, cosmetics, pesticides, plastics, and industrial products. There is a close interplay between the endocrine and the immune systems and therefore EDs can putatively interfere with immunity. Over the past few decades, there has been a rise in the prevalence of specific diseases, notably immune-related conditions such as allergies and autoimmune disorders. Among the leading potential factors attributed to this increase, EDs have been suggested. The aim of this thesis project was to investigate the ability of well-known EDs or suspected EAS to modulate the human immune system. To date, we have put forth various in vitro tests that utilize both cell cultures and human-derived primary cells. These tests could serve the dual purpose of eliminating the need for animal experimentation and enabling a more thorough evaluation of chemical hazards before they enter the market. My thesis started with the use of glyphosate, a compound whose use is a subject of intense debate. Glyphosate is among the substances suspected of having endocrine active properties, although the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently affirmed that glyphosate cannot be described as ED. It is one of the most used herbicides worldwide, which safety has been recently posed under discussion. Even if still under debate, several endocrine disturbances (i.e., reproductive and thyroid) of glyphosate have emerged and some evidence also suggests possible immunotoxic effects in vivo (i.e., lung inflammation, rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis). Therefore, the ability of glyphosate to directly interfere with immune cells activation was investigated. To this end, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from healthy donors were used to assess the possible interference with the immune system, focusing mainly on T helper cells differentiation. A reduction of T helper 1 cells was the main effect observed following glyphosate exposure, which resulted in an unbalance in Th1/Th2 ratio, favoring Th2 which may support the in vivo data. This effect was mediated by the estrogen receptor-α and by the up-regulation of a miRNA (miR-500a-5p). Accordingly, glyphosate demonstrated the ability to directly act on T cells, with a mechanism suggesting the involvement of estrogen receptor-α. Subsequently, my research activities were carried out within the PRIN project number 2017MLC3NF – EDONIS, focusing on the assessment of the immunotoxic potential of other EAS. To this end, six well known EDs or EAS were selected, and a battery of in vitro test was applied to determine their ability to interfere with the immune system. Atrazine, cypermethrin, vinclozolin, ethynyl estradiol, diethylphthalate, and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid were tested. The first three are pesticides, ethynyl estradiol is a pharmaceutical and lastly two are industrial chemicals. Initially, the human monocytic cell line THP-1 was used to investigate the ability of the selected compounds to modulate RACK1 (receptor for activated C kinase 1) expression, a protein considered as a bridge between the immune and the endocrine system, as its expression is under steroid hormones control. All the compounds modulated RACK1 expression paralleled by changes of several inflammatory markers (namely IL-8, TNF-α, CD54, and CD86). These effects were then confirmed in human primary cells of both sexes (PBMCs). In addition, natural killer cells lytic activity and T cells differentiation were also investigated. Based on the results obtained, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid and diethylphthalate resulted to be immunosuppressive on most parameters, and by using pharmacological tools we could demonstrate that the immunotoxic effects were endocrine-mediated. The studies on individual compounds were then followed by investigations on PFAS mixtures (perfluoroalkyl substances – PFAS). The effect of mixtures is quite often underestimated, but it is representative of real-life exposure. Three short-chain and three long-chain PFAS were evaluated and the mixture of all the six PFAS induced a general reduction of human basophil and lymphocyte activation. In particular, the most affected lymphocyte population was mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, an innate-like T cells population. To better understand the effect of chemical mixtures on human immune system, four extracts of wastewater treatment plant effluents were also tested. Their exposure induced a reduced lymphocyte activation and basophil reaction to bacterial component, while increasing basophil allergy-like activation. Within the 339 detected chemicals in the extracts, 29 of them were considered prioritized chemicals for their strong correlation with most immune parameters. There are drugs, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and EDs, evidencing a contamination of water effluents that could perturb human health. The battery of different in vitro tests applied were useful in the assessment of the immunotoxic potential of chemicals, including EAS and EDs. The data obtained reinforce the concept of immune-endocrine interplay and indicate that these tests can be integrated in the hazard assessment procedures in view of a more sustainable risk assessment.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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