Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Combining traditional and quantitative multiscale structural analysis to reconstruct the tectonometamorphic evolution of migmatitic basements: the case of the Valpelline Series, Dent-Blanche Tectonic System, Western Alps
2024 F. Caso, C.B. Piloni, M. Filippi, A. Pezzotta, E. Fazio, R. Visalli, G. Ortolano, M. Roda, M. Zucali
Tectono-metamorphic evolution of continental and oceanic crustal slices in the Alpine Subduction Complex (Piemonte – Sesia-Lanzo Zone boundary, Western Italian Alps)
2024 C.B. Piloni, H.E. Orellana, T. Gusmeo, M. Assanelli, M. Filippi, G. Rebay, D. Zanoni, M. Roda, M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla
Combining traditional and quantitative multiscale structural analysis to reconstruct the tectono-metamorphic evolution of migmatitic basements: The case of the Valpelline Series, Dent-Blanche Tectonic System, Western Alps
2024 F. Caso, C.B. Piloni, M. Filippi, A. Pezzotta, E. Fazio, R. Visalli, G. Ortolano, M. Roda, M. Zucali
Quantitative combined multiscale structural and minero-chemical analysis to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of cordierite-migmatite gneiss from the Valpelline Unit (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Italian Alps, Valle d'Aosta)
2023 F. Caso, M. Zucali, C.B. Piloni, M. Filippi, A. Pezzotta, E. Fazio, R. Visalli, G. Ortolano
Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Valpelline Unit (Austroalpine Domain, Western Italian Alps)
2023 F. Caso, M. Zucali, M. Filippi, C.B. Piloni, F. Farina
Structural and metamorphic features of a Permian lower crust section from the Western Italian Alps (Valpelline Unit, Valle d'Aosta)
2023 F. Caso, M. Zucali, A. Strambini, C.B. Piloni, M. Filippi