Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
A validation study of a continuous automatic measurement of the mechanical power in ARDS patients
2022 D. Chiumello, S. Coppola, P. Formenti, A. Ciabattoni, M. Lucenteforte, G. Liu, W. Mao, T. Pozzi
The role of radiation therapy technologist in interventional radiotherapy (brachytherapy) in Italy: Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO) and Italian Association of Radiation Therapy and Medical Physics Technologists (AITRO) joint project
2021 P. Cornacchione, L. Tagliaferri, A. D'Aviero, A. Ciabattoni, C. Galdieri, V. De Sanctis, F. Fellin, S. Gribaudo, D. Lambertini, M.A. Gambacorta, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, V. Donato, A. Vavassori
Geometric contour variation in clinical target volume of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer radiotherapy: an AIRO multi-institutional study
2021 M.C. Leonardi, M. Pepa, S.G. Gugliandolo, R. Luraschi, S. Vigorito, D.P. Rojas, M.R. la Porta, D. Cante, E. Petrucci, L. Marino, G. Borzi, E. Ippolito, M. Marrocco, A. Huscher, M. Chieregato, A. Argenone, L. Iadanza, F. de Rose, F. Lobefalo, F. Cucciarelli, M. Valenti, M.C. de Santis, A. Cavallo, F. Rossi, S. Russo, A. Prisco, M. Guernieri, R. Guarnaccia, T. Malatesta, I. Meaglia, M. Liotta, P.T. de Fatis, I. Palumbo, M. Marcantonini, S.P. Colangione, E. Mezzenga, S. Falivene, M. Mormile, V. Ravo, C. Arrichiello, A. Fozza, M.P. Barbero, G.B. Ivaldi, G. Catalano, C. Vidali, C. Aristei, C. Giannitto, E. Miglietta, A. Ciabattoni, I. Meattini, R. Orecchia, F. Cattani, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa
Radiological pattern in ARDS patients : partitioned respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and lung recruitability
2021 S. Coppola, T. Pozzi, M. Gurgitano, A. Liguori, E. Duka, F. Bichi, A. Ciabattoni, D. Chiumello
Latent class analysis to predict intensive care outcomes in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome : a proposal of two pulmonary phenotypes
2021 P.D. Wendel Garcia, A. Caccioppola, S. Coppola, T. Pozzi, A. Ciabattoni, S. Cenci, D. Chiumello
Hazardous mismatch between pulmonary pathogens and antibiotic treatments in COVID-19 patients
2020 S. Coppola, A. Ciabattoni, T. Pozzi, V. Castagna, G.L. Bassi, D. Chiumello