Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
Motor impairment evoked by direct electrical stimulation of human parietal cortex during object manipulation
2022 L. Fornia, M. Rossi, M. Rabuffetti, A. Bellacicca, L. Vigano', L. Simone, H. Howells, G. Puglisi, A. Leonetti, V. Callipo, L. Bello, G. Cerri
Negative motor responses to direct electrical stimulation: Behavioral assessment hides different effects on muscles
2021 L. Vigano, H. Howells, L. Fornia, M. Rossi, M. Conti Nibali, G. Puglisi, A. Leonetti, L. Simone, L. Bello, G. Cerri
The role of left fronto-parietal tracts in hand selection: Evidence from neurosurgery
2020 H. Howells, G. Puglisi, A. Leonetti, L. Vigano, L. Fornia, L. Simone, S.J. Forkel, M. Rossi, M. Riva, G. Cerri, L. Bello
Reproducing macaque lateral grasping and oculomotor networks using resting state functional connectivity and diffusion tractography
2020 H. Howells, L. Simone, E. Borra, L. Fornia, G. Cerri, G. Luppino
Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging
2020 M. Milham, C.I. Petkov, D.S. Margulies, C.E. Schroeder, M.A. Basso, P. Belin, D.A. Fair, A. Fox, S. Kastner, R.B. Mars, A. Messinger, C. Poirier, W. Vanduffel, D.C. Van Essen, A. Alvand, Y. Becker, S. Ben Hamed, A. Benn, C. Bodin, S. Boretius, B. Cagna, O. Coulon, S.H. El-Gohary, H. Evrard, S.J. Forkel, P. Friedrich, S. Froudist-Walsh, E.A. Garza-Villarreal, Y. Gao, A. Gozzi, A. Grigis, R. Hartig, T. Hayashi, K. Heuer, H. Howells, D.J. Ardesch, B. Jarraya, W. Jarrett, H.P. Jedema, I. Kagan, C. Kelly, H. Kennedy, P.C. Klink, S.C. Kwok, R. Leech, X. Liu, C. Madan, W. Madushanka, P. Majka, A.-. Mallon, K. Marche, A. Meguerditchian, R.S. Menon, H. Merchant, A. Mitchell, K.-. Nenning, A. Nikolaidis, M. Ortiz-Rios, M. Pagani, V. Pareek, M. Prescott, E. Procyk, R. Rajimehr, I.-. Rautu, A. Raz, A.W. Roe, R. Rossi-Pool, L. Roumazeilles, T. Sakai, J. Sallet, P. Garcia-Saldivar, C. Sato, S. Sawiak, M. Schiffer, C.M. Schwiedrzik, J. Seidlitz, J. Sein, Z.-. Shen, A. Shmuel, A.C. Silva, L. Simone, N. Sirmpilatze, J. Sliwa, J. Smallwood, J. Tasserie, M. Thiebaut de Schotten, R. Toro, R. Trapeau, L. Uhrig, J. Vezoli, Z. Wang, S. Wells, B. Williams, T. Xu, A.G. Xu, E. Yacoub, M. Zhan, L. Ai, C. Amiez, F. Balezeau, M.G. Baxter, E.L.A. Blezer, T. Brochier, A. Chen, P.L. Croxson, C.G. Damatac, S. Dehaene, S. Everling, L. Fleysher, W. Freiwald, T.D. Griffiths, C. Guedj, F. Hadj-Bouziane, N. Harel, B. Hiba, B. Jung, B. Koo, K.N. Laland, D.A. Leopold, P. Lindenfors, M. Meunier, K. Mok, J.H. Morrison, J. Nacef, J. Nagy, M. Pinsk, S.M. Reader, P.R. Roelfsema, D.A. Rudko, M.F.S. Rushworth, B.E. Russ, M.C. Schmid, E.L. Sullivan, A. Thiele, O.S. Todorov, D. Tsao, L. Ungerleider, C.R.E. Wilson, F.Q. Ye, W. Zarco, Y.-. Zhou
Large scale networks for human hand-object interaction: Functionally distinct roles for two premotor regions identified intraoperatively
2019 L. Simone, L. Fornia, L. Viganò, F. Sambataro, M. Rossi, A. Leonetti, G. Puglisi, H. Howells, A. Bellacicca, L. Bello, G. Cerri
The effect of left fronto-parietal resections on hand selection: a lesion-tractography study
2019 H. Howells, G. Puglisi, A. Leonetti, L. Vigano, L. Fornia, L. Simone, S. Forkel, M. Rossi, M. Riva, G. Cerri, L. Bello
Frontal pathways in cognitive control: direct evidence from intraoperative stimulation and diffusion tractography
2019 G. Puglisi, H.R. Howells, T. Sciortino, A. Leonetti, M. Rossi, M. CONTI NIBALI, L.G. Gay, L. Fornia, A. Bellacicca, L. Vigano', L. Simone, M. Catani, G. Cerri, L. Bello