Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Social attention and social‐emotional modulation of attention in Angelman syndrome: an eye‐tracking study
2023 S. Micheletti, G. Vivanti, S. Renzetti, M.P. Lanaro, P. Martelli, S. Calza, P. Accorsi, S. Agostini, A. Alessandrini, N. D’Adda, L. Ferrari, V. Foresti, J. Galli, L. Giordano, M. Marras, A. Rizzi, E. Fazzi
Optimization of Esterase Production in Solid-State Fermentation of Agricultural Digestate
2023 D. Bulgari, S. Renzetti, S. Messgo-Moumene, E. Monti, E. Gobbi
2021 S. Renzetti
COVID-19 incidence and mortality in Lombardy, Italy: An ecological study on the role of air pollution, meteorological factors, demographic and socioeconomic variables
2021 E. De Angelis, S. Renzetti, M. Volta, F. Donato, S. Calza, D. Placidi, R.G. Lucchini, M. Rota
Traces of heavy metals in children toenails as a bio-indicator of environmental exposure in Forlì (Northern Italy): an observational study
2020 R. Ridolfi, P. Gentilini, S. Renzetti, R.G. Lucchini
Occupational low-level exposure to hard metals: cobalt and tungsten biomonitoring as an effective tool to evaluate the effectiveness of industrial hygiene interventions for risk management
2020 M. Paganelli, J. Fostinelli, S. Renzetti, M. Sarnico, C. Tomasi, P. Lovreglio, I. Pilia, L.I. Lecca, G. De Palma
Imitation in Angelman syndrome: the role of social engagement
2020 S. Micheletti, G. Vivanti, S. Renzetti, P. Martelli, S. Calza, E. Fazzi
An overview of methods to address distinct research questions on environmental mixtures: an application to persistent organic pollutants and leukocyte telomere length
2019 E. A Gibson, Y. Nunez, A. Abuawad, A. R Zota, S. Renzetti, K. L Devick, C. Gennings, J. Goldsmith, B. A Coull, M. Kioumourtzoglou
Metabolic Outcomes in Southern Italian Preadolescents Residing Near an Industrial Complex: The Role of Residential Location and Socioeconomic Status
2019 E. Bansal, D. Placidi, S. Carver, S. Renzetti, A. Giorgino, G. Cagna, S. Zoni, C. Fedrighi, M. Montemurro, M. Oppini, M. Conversano, S. Guazzetti, R.O. Wright, D. Smith, L. Claudio, R.G. Lucchini
Neurocognitive impact of metal exposure and social stressors among schoolchildren in Taranto, Italy
2019 R.G. Lucchini, S. Guazzetti, S. Renzetti, M. Conversano, G. Cagna, C. Fedrighi, A. Giorgino, M. Peli, D. Placidi, S. Zoni, G. Forte, C. Majorani, A. Pino, O. Senofonte, F. Petrucci, A. Alimonti
Association between particulate air pollution exposure during pregnancy and postpartum maternal psychological functioning
2018 P.E. Sheffield, R. Speranza, Y.M. Chiu, H.L. Hsu, P.C. Curtin, S. Renzetti, A. Pajak, B. Coull, J. Schwartz, I. Kloog, R.J. Wright
The association of lead exposure during pregnancy and childhood anthropometry in the Mexican PROGRESS cohort
2017 S. Renzetti, A.C. Justa, H.H. Burris, E. Oken, C. Amarasiriwardena, K. Svensson, A. Mercado-García, A. Cantoral, L. Schnaas, A.A. Baccarelli, R.O. Wright, M. María Téllez-Rojo