Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Left ventricular volume and maximal functional capacity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Size matters
2024 R. de la Espriella, P. Palau, M. Losito, G. Crisci, G. Miñana, E. Domínguez, V. Bertomeu‐gonzález, V. Bodí, J. Sanchis, A. Bayés‐genís, K.J. Wahlberg, M. Meyer, M. Guazzi, J. Núñez
Left Atrial Strain in Acute Heart Failure: Clinical and Prognostic Insights
2023 M. Barki, M. Losito, M.M. Caracciolo, T. Sugimoto, M. Rovida, T. Viva, R. Arosio, E. Alfonzetti, F. Bandera, A. Moroni, M. Guazzi
Functional behavior of heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction assessed by stress echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise test: truly distinctive phenotype o simply mid-way entity?
2018 M. Barletta, F. Bandera, S. Boveri, M. Losito, E. Alfonzetti, V. Labate, M. Caracciolo, M. Rovida, M. Guazzi
Right ventricular to pulmonary circulation uncoupling is associated with adverse left ventricular cardiac remodeling and worse exercise performance in patients with heart failure
2018 A. Giammarresi, M. Losito, V. Labate, M. Caracciolo, F. Bandera, M. Rovida, A. Vella, E. Alfonzetti, M. Guazzi
Cardiopulmonary exercise test combined with exercise echocardiography as a tool for a comprehensive evaluation in a case of severe restrictive cardiomyopathy due to cardiac amyloidosis
2017 M.P. DEL CORRAL, F. Bandera, M. Caracciolo, M. Rovida, M. Palumbo, M. Losito, M. Guazzi