Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
ECHN-Italy: overview of activities from the last year and future challenges
2024 A. Di Giovanni, A. Citrini, E. Edigio
Le attività avviate per la realizzazione di una Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia alla scala 1:500.000 = The activity plan for the realization of the Hydrogeological Map of Italy at 1:500,000 scale
2024 R.M. Gafà, F. La Vigna, C.A.S. Camera, L. Martarelli, G.M. Monti, M. Roma, A. Silvi, V. Vitale, M.P. Congi, S. Lo Faro, A. Citrini, G.P. Beretta
2024 A. Citrini
Advancing hydrologic modelling through bias correcting weather radar data: the Valgrosina case study in the Italian Alps
2024 A. Citrini, G. Lazoglou, A. Bruggeman, G. Zittis, G.P. Beretta, C.A.S. Camera
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic characterization of the main karst aquifers of the middle Valseriana (Northern Italy): Nossana and Ponte del Costone springs
2024 A. Citrini, A. Mayer, C. Camera, A. Erőss, J. Sültenfuß, G. Pezzera, G.P. Beretta
Prediction of the evolution of a large landslide under different climate scenarios: a physics-based model applied to the Ruinon Landslide (Italian Alps)
2023 A. Morcioni, T. Apuani, A. Citrini, F. Cecinato, M. Veveakis
Weather radar precipitation as functional input for the operative calculation of potential infiltration water volume: the pilot case of the Lombardy Region
2023 A. Citrini, G.P. Beretta, C.A.S. Camera
Unveiling the hydrological response to climate change in the alpine environment: the case study of Valgrosina (northern Italy)
2023 A. Citrini, G.P. Beretta, C.A.S. Camera
Verification of snow-pillow measures through snow stratigraphy profiles for the determination of the Snow Water Equivalent in Valgrosina (northern Italy)
2023 C.A.S. Camera, A. Citrini, A. Morcioni, C. Casarotto, G.P. Beretta
Preservation of Drinking Water: Examples and Applications of New Technologies for the Quality and Quantitative Monitoring of the Resource
2022 A. Citrini, C.A.S. Camera, S. Bertocchi, G.P. Beretta
The exploitation of the middle Valseriana springs (northern Italy): current situation, studies undertaken, and next challenges
2022 A. Citrini, C.A.S. Camera, S. Bertocchi, G.P. Beretta
Vulnerability assessment of karst aquifers using the COPA+K index based method: the case of the Valseriana springs (Northern Italy)
2021 A. Citrini, C.A.S. Camera, F. Alborghetti, G.P. Beretta
Characterization of the main karst aquifers of the middle Valseriana (northern Italy) based on isotopic and hydrogeochemical data: Nossana and Ponte del Costone springs
2021 A. Citrini, A. Mayer, C.A.S. Camera, A. Erőss, G.P. Beretta
The COPA+K method: an index-based approach for the karst groundwater vulnerability assessment. The Valseriana springs case (Northern Italy)
2021 A. Citrini, C.A.S. Camera, F. Alborghetti, G.P. Beretta
Karst groundwater vulnerability assessment : application of an integrative index-based approach to main catchments of middle Valseriana springs (Northern Italy)
2021 A. Citrini, C.A.S. Camera, F. Alborghetti, G.P. Beretta
Effects of climate change on the Nossana karst spring (northern Italy): future discharge projections and water distribution system sustainability
2020 C. Camera, A. Citrini, G.P. Beretta
Nossana Spring (Northern Italy) under Climate Change: Projections of Future Discharge Rates and Water Availability
2020 A. Citrini, C. Camera, G. Beretta
Risorse idriche e cambiamenti Climatici: la sorgente Nossana
2019 A. Citrini, C. Camera, G. Beretta, G. Pezzera
Nossana Karst Spring Behaviour under future Climate Change Scenarios
2019 A. Citrini, C.A.S. Camera, A. Giovanni Pietro Beretta