Dipartimento di Informatica Giovanni Degli Antoni
Non-conventional Control Design by Sigmoid Generated Fixed Point Transformation Using Fuzzy Approximation
2018 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Varkonyi-Koczy, J.T. Toth, V. Piuri
Point cloud processing with the combination of fuzzy information measure and wavelets
2018 A. Dineva, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, V. Piuri, J.K. Tar
Performance enhancement of fuzzy logic controller using robust fixed point transformation
2017 A. Dineva, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, J.K. Tar, V. Piuri
Application of Fixed Point Transformation to Classical Model Identification using New Tuning Rule
2017 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, V. Piuri
Non-conventional data representation and control
2017 A.A. Dineva
Intelligent neural network design for nonlinear control using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) optimization
2016 A. Dineva, A.R. Várkonyi Kóczy, J.K. Tar, V. Piuri
Adaptive Controller Using Fixed Point Transformation for Regulating Propofol Administration Through Wavelet-based Anesthetic Value
2016 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, V. Piuri
Adaptive control of underactuated mechanical systems using improved "sigmoid Generated Fixed Point Transformation" and scheduling strategy
2016 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Varkonyi Koczy, V. Piuri
Sigmoid Generated Fixed Point Transformation Control Scheme for Stabilization of Kapitza’s Pendulum System
2016 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi-Kóczy, V. Piuri
Adaptive Controller using Fuzzy Modeling and Sigmoid Generated Fixed Point Transformation
2016 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, V. Piuri
Anytime Fuzzy Supervisory System for Signal Auto-Healing
2015 A. Dineva, A.R. Várkonyi Kóczy, J.K. Tar
Novel Generation of Fixed Point Transformation for the Adaptive Control of a Nonlinear Neuron Model
2015 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi Kóczy
Generalization of a Sigmoid Generated Fixed Point Transformation from SISO to MIMO Systems
2015 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, V. Piuri
Improved denoising with robust fitting in the wavelet transform domain
2015 A. Dineva, A.R. Várkonyi Kóczy, J.K. Tar
Replacement of parameter tuning with simple calculation in adaptive control using "Sigmoid generated fixed point transformation"
2015 A. Dineva, J.K. Tar, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, V. Piuri
Symbiosis of RFPT-Based Adaptivity and the Modified Adaptive Inverse Dynamics Controller
2014 J.K. Tar, J.F. Bitó, A.R. Várkonyi Kóczy, A. Dineva
Stabilization of a Modified Slotine-Li Adaptive Robot Controller by Robust Fixed Point Transformations
2014 J.K. Tar, I. Rudas, A. Dineva, A. Várkonyi Kóczy
Combination of RFPT-based Adaptive Control and Classical Model Identification
2014 A. Dineva, A. Várkonyi-Kóczy, J.K. Tar
Fuzzy Expert System for Automatic Wavelet Shrinkage Procedure Selection for Noise Suppression
2014 A. Dineva, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, J.K. Tar
Wavelet-based Technique for Feedback Control of Uncertain Systems : a case study
2013 A. Dineva, A. Várkonyi Kóczy, J.K. Tar