Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Total area of spontaneous portosystemic shunts independently predicts hepatic encephalopathy and mortality in liver cirrhosis
2020 M. Praktiknjo, M. Simón-Talero, J. Römer, D. Roccarina, J. Martínez, K. Lampichler, A. Baiges, G. Low, E. Llop, M.H. Maurer, A. Zipprich, M. Triolo, G. Maleux, A.D. Fialla, C. Dam, J. Vidal-González, A. Majumdar, C. Picón, D. Toth, A. Darnell, J.G. Abraldes, M. López, C. Jansen, J. Chang, R. Schierwagen, F. Uschner, G. Kukuk, C. Meyer, D. Thomas, K. Wolter, C.P. Strassburg, W. Laleman, V. La Mura, C. Ripoll, A. Berzigotti, J.L. Calleja, P. Tandon, V. Hernandez-Gea, T. Reiberger, A. Albillos, E.A. Tsochatzis, A. Krag, J. Genescà, J. Trebicka
Prevalence, features and predictive factors of liver nodules in Fontan surgery patients: The VALDIG Fonliver prospective cohort
2020 L. Tellez, E. Rodriguez de Santiago, B. Minguez, A. Payance, A. Clemente, A. Baiges, D. Morales-Arraez, V. La Mura, E. Llop, E. Garrido, E. Garrido-Lestache, S. Tasayco, O. Bruno, R. Prieto, S. Montserrat, M. Pons, A. Olavarria, L. Dos, A. Legendre, M. Jesus del Cerro, R. Banares, J.C. Garcia-Pagan, P.-. Rautou, A. Albillos, L. Aguilera, R. Romera, D. Rincon, M.A. Fuente, X. Merino, M. Chessa, M. Triolo, M. Ronot, V. Vilgrain, C. Chassing, V. Hernandez-Gea, M.A. Garcia-Criado, A. Darnell, E. Belmonte, F. Turon, J. Ferrusquia, M. Magaz
High rates of 30-day mortality in patients with cirrhosis and COVID-19
2020 M. Iavarone, R. D'Ambrosio, A. Soria, M. Triolo, N. Pugliese, P. Del Poggio, G. Perricone, S. Massironi, A. Spinetti, E. Buscarini, M. Vigano, C. Carriero, S. Fagiuoli, A. Aghemo, L.S. Belli, M. Luca, M. Pedaci, A. Rimondi, M.G. Rumi, P. Invernizzi, P. Bonfanti, P. Lampertico
Association Between Portosystemic Shunts and Increased Complications and Mortality in Patients With Cirrhosis
2018 M. Simon-Talero, D. Roccarina, J. Martinez, K. Lampichler, A. Baiges, G. Low, E. Llop, M. Praktiknjo, M.H. Maurer, A. Zipprich, M. Triolo, G. Vangrinsven, R. Garcia-Martinez, A. Dam, A. Majumdar, C. Picon, D. Toth, A. Darnell, J.G. Abraldes, M. Lopez, G. Kukuk, A. Krag, R. Banares, W. Laleman, V. La Mura, C. Ripoll, A. Berzigotti, J. Trebicka, J.L. Calleja, P. Tandon, V. Hernandez-Gea, T. Reiberger, A. Albillos, E.A. Tsochatzis, S. Augustin, J. Genesca, S. Quiroga, D. Yu, L. Tellez, M. Mandorfer, J.C. Garcia-Pagan, C. Berbel, J. Ferrusquia, M. Ble, M.A. Garcia-Criado, E. Belmonte, M. Ney, C. Margini, S. Casu, G. Murgia, C. Ludwig, M. Ronsch, D. Stoevesandt, L. Carrion, E.R. Botella
Multimodality treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma : How field practice complies with international recommendations
2018 A. Sangiovanni, M. Triolo, M. Iavarone, L.V. Forzenigo, A. Nicolini, G. Rossi, V. La Mura, M. Colombo, P. Lampertico
Impact of HBV therapy on the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma
2014 M. Triolo, C.D. Corte, M. Colombo
CA-IMT and QT parameters in dyslipidemic patients in primary prevention at different ESC/EAS cardiovascular risk levels
2013 G. Mombelli, B. Terraneo, F. Pazzucconi, C. Pavanello, R. Bosisio, M. Triolo, V. Barbieri, P. Magni, S. Castelnuovo, C.R. Sirtori, L. Calabresi
Cardiovascular determinants of QT interval duration in dysplipidemic patients in primary prevention in two genders
2013 G. Mombelli, B. Terraneo, F. Pazzucconi, C. Pavanello, M. Triolo, V. Barbieri, S. Castelnuovo, C.R. Sirtori