DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Solution of radial spin-1 field equation in Robertson-Walker space-time via Heun’s equation
2010 A. Zecca
The standard cosmological model extended to include spin 1 mode particle production
2010 A. Zecca
Spinor field equation of arbitrary spin in Robertson-Walker space-time: solution
2010 A. Zecca
Quantum-like interpretation of Dirac wave equation in Robertson-Walker geometry
2010 A. Zecca
Massive bosons interacting with gravity : no standard solutions in Robertson-Walker space-time
2009 A. Zecca
Variable separation and solutions of massive field equations of arbitrary spin in Robertson-Walker space-time
2009 A. Zecca
The Einstein-Dirac equation in Robertson-Walker space-time does not admit standard solutions
2009 A. Zecca
Spin 2 field equation in expanding Universe
2009 A. Zecca
Properties of radial equation of scalar field in Schwarzschild space-time
2009 A. Zecca
Spin 1 mode particle production in models of expanding universe
2009 A. Zecca
Homogeneous and isotropic expanding universe with unconventional role of torsion
2008 A. Zecca
Isotropic inhomogeneous cosmological model with torsion
2008 A. Zecca
Contribution of particle-wall interaction to double slit diffraction pattern
2008 A. Zecca
Entropy, superposition and dynamical maps
2008 A. Zecca
Aspects of Solutions of Massive Spin-3/2 Equation in Schwarzschild Space-Time
2007 Antonio Zecca
Spin 1/2 Bound States in Schwarzschild Geometry
2007 A. Zecca
Double Slit Diffraction Pattern of Gaussian Wave Packet Interacting with the Wall
2007 A. Zecca
Field equations of arbitrary spin in space-time with torsion
2007 Antonio Zecca
Massive field equations of arbitrary spin in Schwarzschild geometry: Separation induced by spin-(3)/(2) case
2006 A. Zecca
Solution of the Dirac equation in expanding universes
2006 A. Zecca