Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
A probabilistic 3-D slope stability analysis for forest management
2019 A. Cislaghi, C. Vergani, E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti
Un modello multidimensionale e probabilistico per la valutazione della stabilità dei versanti finalizzato alla gestione forestale = A multidimensional and probabilistic slope stability analysis for forest management
2018 A. Cislaghi, C. Vergani, E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti
Quantification and spatial variability of rooted-soil reinforcement in managed and abandoned chestnut coppice forests
2017 A. Cislaghi, C. Vergani, D. R., E..A. Chiaradia, G..B. Bischetti
Methods to measure the mechanical behaviour of tree roots : a review
2017 F. Giadrossich, M. Schwarz, D. Cohen, A. Cislaghi, C. Vergani, T. Hubble, C. Phillips, A. Stokes
Effects of grapevine root density and reinforcement on slopes prone to shallow slope instability
2016 C. Meisina, M. Bordoni, G.B. Bischetti, A. Vercesi, E. Chiaradia, A. Cislaghi, R. Valentino, M. Bittelli, C. Vergani, S. Chersich, M.G. Persichillo, R. Comolli
Quantifying the contribution of grapevine roots to soil mechanical reinforcement in an area susceptible to shallow landslides
2016 M. Bordonia, C. Meisina, A. Vercesi, G.B. Bischetti, E.A. Chiaradia, C. Vergani, S. Chersich, R. Valentino, M. Bittelli, R. Comolli, M.G. Persichillo, A. Cislaghi
The effect of gap openings on soil reinforcement in two conifer stands in northern Italy
2016 G.B. Bischetti, C. Bassanelli, E.A. Chiaradia, G. Minotta, C. Vergani
Root reinforcement dynamics in subalpine spruce forests following timber harvest: A case study in Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
2016 C. Vergani, M. Schwarz, M. Soldati, A. Corda, F. Giadrossich, E.A. Chiaradia, P. Morando, C. Bassanelli
Evaluation of the effects of three European forest types on slope stability by field and probabilistic analyses and their implications for forest management
2016 E.A. Chiaradia, C. Vergani, G.B. Bischetti
Root strength and density decay after felling in a Silver Fir-Norway spruce stand in the Italian Alps
2014 C. Vergani, E.A. Chiaradia, C. Bassanelli, G. Bischetti
Effects of root tensile force and diameter distribution variability on root reinforcement in the Swiss and Italian Alps
2014 C. Vergani, M. Schwarz, D. Cohen, J.J. Thormann, G.B. Bischetti
2014 C. Vergani
The effect of chestnut coppice forests abandon on slope stability : a case study
2013 C. Vergani, C. Bassanelli, L. Rossi, E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti
The contribution of chestnut coppice forests on slope stability in abandoned territory : a case study
2013 C. Vergani, C. Bassanelli, L. Rossi, E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti
Variability in the tensile resistance of roots in Alpine forest tree species
2012 C. Vergani, E. Chiaradia, G. Bischetti
Incorporating the effect of root systems of forest species into spatially distributed models of shallow landslides
2012 E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti, C. Vergani
Prime considerazioni sull’effetto del taglio a buche sulla coesione radicale
2011 C. Vergani, E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti, C. Bassanelli, G. Minotta
Indagine sulle Caratteristiche degli apparati radicali di un abieteto sottoposto a taglio a buche in alta Val Brembana (BG)
2011 C. Vergani, E.A. Chiaradia, G.B. Bischetti, C. Bassanelli, G. Minotta
Valutazione a scala locale e regionale del contributo della vegetazione alla stabilità dei versanti
2010 C. Vergani, G.B. Bischetti, E.A. Chiaradia
PROGETTO SisIFo - Sistemazione idraulico forestale dei bacini montani
2010 G.B. Bischetti, E.A. Chiaradia, E. Morlotti, M. Stropeni, E. Spelta, C. Vergani