Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie per la Salute, la Produzione Animale e la Sicurezza Alimentare (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/01/2022)
Small-sized newborn dogs skeletal development: radiologic, morphometric, and histological findings obtained from spontaneously dead animals
2017 S.C. Modina, M.C. Veronesi, M. Moioli, T. Meloni, G. Lodi, V. Bronzo, M. Di Giancamillo, V. Bronzo
Immunoglobulins G and lysozyme concentrations in canine fetal fluids at term of pregnancy
2015 P. Dall’Ara, T. Meloni, A. Rota, F. Servida, J. Filipe, M.C. Veronesi
2015 T. Meloni
Coat and claws as new matrices for non-invasive long-term cortisol assessment in dogs from birth up to 30 days of age
2015 M.C. Veronesi, A. Comin, T. Meloni, M. Faustini, A. Rota, A. Prandi
IgG and lysozyme concentrations in fetal fluids of term pregnancy dogs
2014 B. Bolis, J. Filipe, F. Servida, T. Meloni, E. Colombo, A. Rota
Factors influencing birth weight and neonatal weight gain in Chow-Chow puppies
2014 S. Alonge, T. Meloni, M. Melandri, M. Faustini, G.C. Luvoni, M.C. Veronesi
Cortisol fetal fluids concentrations and newborn outcome in term pregnancy Chihuahua dogs : preliminary results
2014 T. Meloni, A. Comin, A. Rota, M. Faustini, M.C. Veronesi
A survey on bacterial involvement in neonatal mortality in dogs
2014 T. Meloni, P.A. Martino, V. Grieco, M.C. Pisu, B. Banco, A. Rota, M.C. Veronesi
IGF-I and NEFA concentrations in fetal fluids of term pregnancy dogs
2014 T. Meloni, A. Comin, A. Rota, T. Peric, A. Contri, M.C. Veronesi
IGF-I and NEFA concentrations in fetal fluids of term pregnancy dogs
2013 T. Meloni, A. Comin, T. Peric, A. Rota, A. Contri, M.C. Veronesi
Ossification centers appearance and skeletal development of the forelimb in newborn toy-dog breeds : radiographic, morphometric, and histological analysis
2013 M. Moioli, S.C. Modina, A.M. Luciano, T. Meloni, M.C. Veronesi, M. Di Giancamillo
Could a single P4 determination predict the days for successful breedings in bitches ?
2013 S. Alonge, M. Melandri, T. Meloni, M. Morselli, G.C. Luvoni
Whelping management in a bitch with vaginal beta-haemolytic streptococci
2013 T. Meloni, S. Alonge, P.A. Martino, M.C. Veronesi
IGF-I fetal fluids concentrations in term pregnancy dogs
2013 M.C. Pisu, A. Rota, T. Meloni, A. Comin, A. Contri, M.C. Veronesi
Hair cortisol as a marker of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation in Friesian dairy cows clinically or physiologically compromised
2013 A. Comin, T. Peric, M. Corazzin, M.C. Veronesi, T. Meloni, V. Zufferli, G. Cornacchia, A. Prandi
Insulin-like growth factor I plasma concentrations in newborn healthy donkey and horse foals
2012 T. Peric, S. Panzani, I. De Amicis, A. Comin, M. Montillo, A. Carluccio, T. Meloni, A. Prandi
Profilo ematologico di neonati bovini in relazione al tipo di parto
2011 M. Probo, A. Giordano, G. Opsomer, L. Fiems, P. Moretti, T. Meloni, F. Cairoli