DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE ANIMALI (attivo dal 01/05/2007 al 27/04/2012)
Effect of environmental enrichment and group size on behaviours and live weight in growing rabbits
2012 D. Zucca, S.P. Marelli, V. Redaelli, E. Heinzl, H. Cardile, C. Ricci, M. Verga, F. Luzi
Effect of handling in pre-weaning rabbits
2012 D. Zucca, V. Redaelli, S.P. Marelli, V. Bonazza, E. Heinzl, M. Verga, F. Luzi
The effects of drug detection training on behavioral reactivity and blood neurotransmitter levels in drug detection dogs : a preliminary study
2012 J. Riva, S.P. Marelli, V. Redaelli, G. Bondiolotti, E. Sforzini, M.M. Santoro, C. Carenzi, M. Verga, F. Luzi
Preliminary study on the relationship between skin temperature of piglets measured by infrared thermography and environmental temperature in a vehicle in transit
2012 L. Nanni Costa, V. Redaelli, D. Magnani, S. Cafazzo, M. Amadori, E. Razzuoli, M. Verga, F. Luzi
Infrared thermography used to measure physiological variation of the coronary band temperatures in horses
2011 V. Redaelli, E. Valle, D. Bergero, M. Verga, M. Papa, F. Luzi
Preliminary study on the relationship between piglet skin temperature measured by infrared thermography and environmental temperature in a vehicle in transit
2011 L. Nanni Costa, V. Redaelli, D. Magnani, S. Cafazzo, M. Amadori, E. Razzuoli, M. Verga, F. Luzi
Infrared thermography as a non invasive technique to assess lameness in dairy cows
2011 A. Zecconi, V. Redaelli, S. Tarantino, F. Luzi, M. Verga
Applicazione della termografia in Medicina Veterinaria
2011 V. Redaelli, N.G. Ludwig, F. Luzi, L. Ferrari, D.M. Zucca, M. Verga
Thermographic techniques to assess welfare during teeth grinding in piglets
2011 V. Redaelli, F. Luzi, M. Verga, M. Farish
Relationship between piglets skin temperature measured by infrared thermography and environmental temperature in a vehicle in transit : a preliminary study
2011 L. Nanni Costa, V. Redaelli, D. Magnani, F. Cafazzo, M. Amadori, E. Razzuoli, M. Verga, F. Luzi
Animali d'affezione : nuove frontiere nella ricerca su problemi comportamentali, neurofisiologia e genetica
2011 J. Riva, K.L. Overall, C. Carenzi, M. Verga, E. Sforzini, V. Redaelli, F. Luzi, S.P. Marelli, M.C. Cozzi, M. Polli, S. Boccaletti, M. Longeri
Non invasive techniques to assess welfare on sport horses : thermography and hearth rate variability
2010 V. Redaelli, C. Rosciano, F. Luzi, M. Minero, L. Ferrari, F. Ferrucci, E. Zucca, M. Verga
Infrared Thermography (IRT) in nude mice : an alternative method for body temperature measurement
2010 M. Fornassier, V. Redaelli, A. Tarantino, F. Luzi, M. Verga
Benessere nei conigli
2010 F. Luzi, M. Verga
I neurotrasmettitori e il cane antidroga
2010 J. Riva, F. Luzi, S.P. Marelli, V. Redaelli, M. Verga
Video infrared termography technique in dogs
2010 J. Riva, S.P. Marelli, V. Redaelli, E. Sforzini, F. Luzi, W. Di Mari, M. Verga
Thermography in racehorses running on a high speed treadmill
2010 V. Redaelli, F. Luzi, F. Ferrucci, E. Zucca, L. Ferrari, B. Conturba, G. Stancari, M. Verga
La termografia ad infrarosso per la valutazione del benessere in modo non invasivo
2010 N. Ludwig, V. Redaelli, M. Verga, F. Luzi
Il comportamento degli animali domestici
2009 M. Verga, C. Carenzi
Utilizzo della video termografia nel cavallo atleta = Infrared video-thermography on sport horses
2009 V. Redaelli, M. Minero, F. Ferrucci, E. Zucca, F. Luzi, L. Ferrari, C. Carenzi, M. Verga