Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Globalisation and automation as sources of labour-market competition, and support for European Union unemployment insurance
2023 B. Burgoon, G. Buzzelli, F. Nicoli, S. Sacchi
The Italian Welfare State in the Crisis: Learning to adjust?
2020 S. Sacchi
Risk of technological unemployment and support for redistributive policies
2020 S. Sacchi, D. Guarascio, S. Vannutelli
Esposizione al rischio di disoccupazione tecnologica e politiche redistributive
2019 S. Sacchi, D. Guarascio, S. Vannutelli
Here to Stay? Reversals of Structural Reforms in Southern Europe as the Crisis Wanes
2019 R. Branco, D. Cardoso, A.M. Guillen, S. Sacchi, D.L. Balbona
The trajectory of the Jobs Act and the politics of structural reforms between counter-reforms and ambiguity
2019 T. Nannicini, S. Sacchi, F. Taddei
When words matter: narratives and strategies in the Italian Jobs Act (2014–2016)
2019 M. Galanti, S. Sacchi
La parabola del Jobs Act e la politica delle riforme strutturali tra controriforme e ambiguità
2019 S. Sacchi, T. Nannicini, F. Taddei
I gruppi di interesse e il «Jobs Act»: lobbying con quali effetti?
2019 A. Pritoni, S. Sacchi
The Italian Welfare State in the Crisis : Learning to Adjust?
2018 S. Sacchi
Il reddito d'inclusione sociale (REIS) : la proposta dell'Alleanza contro la povertà in Italia
2016 C. Gori, M. Baldini, A. Martini, M. Motta, S. Pellegrino, F. Pesaresi, P. Pezzana, S. Sacchi, P. Spano, U. Trivellato, N. Zanini
Conditionality by other means: European Union involvement in Italy's structural reforms in the sovereign debt crisis
2016 S. Sacchi
Conditionality, austerity and welfare : Financial crisis and its impact on welfare in Italy and Korea
2016 S. Sacchi, J. Roh
Employment Policy: Segmentation, Deregulation and Reforms in the Italian Labour Market
2015 S. Sacchi, P. Vesan
Non-standard work, low-paid work and employment dynamics in Italy: Evidence from an occupational perspective
2015 F. Berton, M. Richiardi, S. Sacchi
The Europeanization of the Italian Welfare: Channels of Influence and Trends
2015 C. Agostini, D. Natali, S. Sacchi
Incentivi per favorire l’occupazione
2015 S. Sacchi
Conditionality by other means : EU involvement in Italy’s structural reforms in the sovereign debt crisis
2015 S. Sacchi
Policy choices and socioeconomic divides : long-term changes in Italy’s democratic quality
2014 S. Sacchi
Rischio di disoccupazione e ammortizzatori sociali dalla riforma Fornero al Jobs Act di Renzi : problemi aperti, riforme possibili, nodi irrisolti
2014 S. Sacchi