Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Low-dose Synachten test with measurement of salivary cortisol in adult patients with β-thalassemia major
2018 A.G. Ambrogio, L. Danesi, M. Baldini, R. Radin, E. Cassinerio, G. Graziadei, N. Mirra, E. D’Angelo, A. Marcon, M. Mancarella, A. Orsatti, F. Bonetti, M. Scacchi, M.D. Cappellini, L. Persani, F. Pecori Giraldi
Prospective evaluation of metabolic syndrome and its features in a single-center series of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients
2018 C. Annaloro, L. Airaghi, D. Giannarelli, G. Mometto, A. Orsatti, G. Saporiti, F.I. Grifoni, M. Baldini, E. Tagliaferri, D. Vincenti, D. Maira, F. Onida, A. Cortelezzi
Thalassemic osteopathy : a new marker of bone deposition
2014 M. Baldini, S. Forti, A. Orsatti, A. Marcon, F.M. Ulivieri, L. Airaghi, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Bone disease in adult patients with β-thalassaemia major : a case-control study
2014 M. Baldini, S. Forti, A. Orsatti, F.M. Ulivieri, L. Airaghi, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Osteopathy in adult patients with beta-thalassaemia major
2012 M. Baldini, S. Forti, A. Orsatti, F.M. Ulivieri, L. Airaghi, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Endocrine and bone disease in appropriately treated adult patients with beta-thalassemia major
2010 M. Baldini, S. Forti, A. Marcon, F.M. Ulivieri, A. Orsatti, B. Tampieri, L. Airaghi, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Beta-thalassemia major e livelli di adipocitochine
2010 S. Forti, M. Baldini, L. Airaghi, A. Orsatti, L. Pancini, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Endocrine and bone disease in appropriately treated adult patients with beta-Thalassemia major
2010 M. Baldini, S. Forti, A. Orsatti, M. Ulivieri, E. Cassinerio, F. Brevi, L. Airaghi, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Hyperleptinaemia in long-term transplant survivors with metabolic syndrome
2009 C. Annaloro, L. Airaghi, S. Forti, P. Usardi, A. Orsatti, F. Onida, A. Della Volpe, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers
Neuropsychological functions and metabolic aspects in subclinical hypothyroidism : the effects of l-thyroxine
2009 M. Baldini, A. Colasanti, A. Orsatti, L. Airaghi, M.C. Mauri, M.D. Cappellini
Endocrine complications in beta-thalassemia populations
2008 C. Cesaretti, M. Baldini, T. Benedetta, A. Orsatti, S. Forti, M.R. Fasulo, M.D. Cappellini
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in long-term survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
2008 C. Annaloro, P. Usardi, L. Airaghi, V. Giunta, S. Forti, A. Orsatti, M. Baldini, A. Delle Volpe, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers
Unusual association of a pituitary adenoma and a neurological emergency : case report and diagnostic steps
2008 M. Baldini, L. Airaghi, A. Orsatti, A. Tedeschi, T. Ceraldi, C. Sina, M.D. Cappellini
Complicanze endocrinologiche nella talassemia major
2007 A. Marcon, M. Baldini, A. Orsatti, E. Cassinerio, E. Volpato, L. Zanaboni, M.D. Cappellini
Un raro caso di macroadenoma ipofisario associato a trombosi venosa centrale
2007 M. Baldini, L. Airaghi, A. Orsatti, F. Silini, A. Tedeschi, T. Ceraldi, C. Sina, M.D. Cappellini
Insulin related early andothelial dysfuction in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
2006 L. Burdick, G. Santorelli, L. Valenti, A. Maraschi, A. Orsatti, C. Bertelli, A.L. Fracanzani, S.R. Fargion
Variables significantly associated with non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
2006 E. Fatta, L. Valenti, A.L. Fracanzani, E.A. Pulixi, A. Orsatti, P. Pedotti, M. Maggioni, S.R. Fargion
Metabolic parameters, affective and cognitive functions and quality of life in subclinical hypothyroidism changes after levothyroxine
2006 A.M. Bianchi, M. Baldini, L. Airaghi, F. Minonzio, A. Orsatti, A. Colasanti, M.C. Mauri, M.D. Cappellini
Metabolic syndrome in long-term survivors of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation : evidence for a role of TNF-alfa
2006 L. Airaghi, P. Usardi, M. Baldini, A. Branchi, V. Giunta, A. Orsatti, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers, C. Annaloro
Increased incidence of metabolic syndrome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
2005 G. Lambertenghi Deliliers, L. Airaghi, P. Usardi, A. Orsatti, M. Baldini, V. Giunta, C. Vener, C. Annaloro