Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Effects of different China and ball clays on traditional ceramic process: A multi-methodological approach
2024 A. Bernasconi, N. Marinoni, L. Mancini, M. Voltolini, F. Francescon, R. Sartori, A. Pavese
Influence of speciation distribution and particle size on heavy metal leaching from MSWI fly ash
2022 D. Bernasconi, C. Caviglia, E. Destefanis, A. Agostino, R. Boero, N. Marinoni, C. Bonadiman, A. Pavese
Diagenesis of juvenile skeletal remains: A multimodal and multiscale approach to examine the post-mortem decay of children's bones
2021 V. Caruso, N. Marinoni, V. Diella, E. Possenti, L. Mancini, M. Cantaluppi, F. Berna, C. Cattaneo, A. Pavese
Structure of soda-lime-aluminosilicate glasses as revealed by in-situ synchrotron powder diffraction experiments
2021 A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, C. Milanese, M. Alloni, A. Pavese
Bone diagenesis in archaeological and contemporary human remains: an investigation of bone 3D microstructure and minero-chemical assessment
2020 V. Caruso, N. Marinoni, V. Diella, F. Berna, M. Cantaluppi, L. Mancini, L. Trombino, C. Cattaneo, L. Pastero, A. Pavese
Effects of alumina-excess on reactivity, microstructure and macroscopic properties of sanitary-ware ceramics
2019 V. Diella, N. Marinoni, E. Costa, P.G. Biraghi, F. Francescon, G. Lanzafame, M. Dapiaggi, A. Pavese
The effects of MgO, Na2O and SO3 on industrial clinkering process : phase composition, polymorphism, microstructure and hydration, using a multidisciplinary approach
2019 M. Segata, N. Marinoni, M. Galimberti, M. Marchi, M. Cantaluppi, A. Pavese, A.G. De la Torre
CO2 capture and sequestration in stable Ca-oxalate, via Ca-ascorbate promoted green reaction
2019 L. Pastero, N. Curetti, M.A. Ortenzi, M. Schiavoni, E. Destefanis, A. Pavese
The chrysoberyl-And phosphate-bearing Albite pegmatite of Malga garbella, val di rabbi, Trento province, Italy
2018 P. Vignola, M. Zucali, N. Rotiroti, G. Marotta, A. Risplendente, A. Pavese, M. Boscardin, V. Mattioli, G. Bertoldi
Local distortion and octahedral tilting in BaCexTi1−xO3perovskite
2018 G. Confalonieri, V. Buscaglia, G. Capitani, G. Canu, N. Rotiroti, A. Bernasconi, A. Pavese, M. Dapiaggi
High temperature investigation of SiO2-Al2O3-ZnO-Na2O glass for ceramic-glaze: in‐situ/ex-situ synchrotron diffraction and conventional approaches
2018 A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, W. Jonathan, C. Stefano, M. Stefano, F. Fernando, A. Pavese
Soda-lime-silica-glass/quartz particle size and firing time : Their combined effect on sanitary-ware ceramic reactions and macroscopic properties
2017 N. Marinoni, V. Diella, G. Confalonieri, A. Pavese, F. Francescon
Control of the amorphous content in traditional ceramics by means of alternative fluxing agents
2017 M. Dapiaggi, A. Pavese, A. Maffioli, V. Diella, F. Francescon
Lower mantle hydrogen partitioning between periclase and perovskite : a quantum chemical modelling
2016 M. Merli, C. Bonadiman, V. Diella, A. Pavese
Modeling the structure of complex aluminosilicate glasses: the effect of zinc addition
2016 A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, A. Pavese, G. Agostini, M. Bernasconi, D.T. Bowron
High-temperature and high-pressure behavior of carbonates in the ternary diagram CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3
2016 M. Merlini, F. Sapelli, P. Fumagalli, G..D. Gatta, P. Lotti, S. Tumiati, M. Aabdellatief, A. Lausi, J. Plaisier, M. Hanfland, W. Crichton, J. Chantel, J. Guignard, C. Meneghini, A. Pavese, S. Poli
On the Crystal-Chemistry of Bjarebyite, BaMn2+2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, From the Palermo #1 Pegmatite, Grafton County, New Hampshire, Usa
2016 N. Rotiroti, P. Vignola, D. Bersani, W.B. Simmons, A.U. Falster, R.W. Whitmore, J.W. Nizamoff, P. Lotti, A. Risplendente, A. Pavese
Complexity of CaCO3 polymorphism
2015 M. Merlini, L. Sciascia, M. Merli, G.D. Gatta, A. Pavese, M. Hanfland, A. Lausi, J. Plaisier
Modelling of thermo-chemical properties over the sub-solidus MgO–FeO binary, as a function of iron spin configuration, composition and temperature
2015 M. Merli, L. Sciascia, A. Pavese, V. Diella
Elastic behaviour and phase stability of pyrophyllite and talc at high pressure and temperature
2015 G.D. Gatta, P. Lotti, M. Merlini, H.P. Liermann, A. Lausi, G. Valdrè, A. Pavese