Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Filologici e Linguistici
L'esperimento "scatole magiche" in due scuole elementari biellesi: stereotipi linguistici e varietà regionali di italiano
2023 C. Meluzzi, C. Masullo
La linguistica forense in prospettiva multidisciplinare = Forensic linguistics in a multidisciplinary perspective
2023 C. Meluzzi, S. Cenceschi
Production of bilabial consonants in two adults with hearing aids
2023 C. Meluzzi, M. D'Aco
Sociolinguistic features of internal migrations in an Alpine valley: the CoLIMBi project
2023 C. Meluzzi
Linguistica della migrazione tra identità e contatto
2023 C. Meluzzi
Phonetic variation in Italian L2: An acoustic analysis of sibilant fricatives in the speech of L1 Spanish learners
2023 M. Rossi, C. Meluzzi, J. María Lahoz-Bengochea
Transcription and voice comparison of noisy interceptions: remarks from an audio forensics report
2023 S. Cenceschi, C. Meluzzi
Phonetic variation in Italian L2: An acoustic analysis of sibilant fricatives in the speech of L1 Spanish learners = Variació fonètica en italià com a L2: Una anàlisi acústica de les fricatives sibilants en la parla d’aprenents amb l’espanyol com a L1
2023 M. Rossi, C. Meluzzi, J. María Lahoz-Bengoechea
Inter-speaker accommodation and within-dialect variability. Dental affricates and fricative realisation in Marchigiano
2023 L. Sbacco, C. Meluzzi
The Routledge handbook of sociolinguistics around the world
2023 M. Ball, R. Mesthrie, C. Meluzzi
La raccolta dati sul campo (e in campo)
2022 C. Meluzzi
Sociophonetic approach to stop consonant production in a Sardinian Italian community in Yorkshire
2022 R. Bianca Luzietti, C. Meluzzi
Metodi e prospettive della ricerca linguistica
2022 C. Meluzzi, N. Nese
Acoustic and Kinematic Correlates of Heterosyllabicity in Different Phonological Contexts
2022 C. Celata, C. Meluzzi, C. Bertini
Phonetic characteristics of spontaneous speech in a total laryngectomized Italian speaker: Perspectives for speech enhancement algorithms
2022 C. Meluzzi, S. Cenceschi, R. Alessandro Dani, A. Trivilini
Using emojis to assess children’s linguistic stereotypes about Italian regional varieties
2022 C. Meluzzi, C. Masullo
Gesti delle mani e analisi linguistica: prospettive per gli studi in L1 e LS
2022 C. Meluzzi
Fonetica sperimentale e fonologia: questioni ancora aperte e possibili interfacce
2022 C. Meluzzi
Alien Sounds : The Phonological and Lexical distribution of Klingon
2022 C. Meluzzi
Farewells and language usage: Multilingual practices in Bolzano merchants’ documents
2022 C. Meluzzi