Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Government agenda-setting in Italian Coalitions: Testing the Partisan Hypothesis Using Italian Investiture Speeches 1979-2014
2017 E. Borghetto, F. Visconti, M. Michieli
The Impact of Party Policy Priorities on Italian Lawmaking from the First to the Second Republic, 1983–2006
2014 E. Borghetto, M. Carammia, F. Zucchini
Governing by revising: A study on post-enactment policy change in Italy
2014 E. Borghetto, F. Visconti
Leading governments and unwilling legislators: the European Union and the Italian Law making (1987-2006)
2012 E. Borghetto, M. Giuliani, F. Zucchini
Italian Law-Making Archive : a new tool for the analysis of the Italian legislative process
2012 E. Borghetto, L. Curini, M. Giuliani, A. Pellegata, F. Zucchini
A long way to tipperary: time in the Italian legislative process 1987-2008
2012 E. Borghetto, M. Giuliani
The impact of party priorities on Italian law-making from the First to the Second Republic
2010 E. Borghetto, M. Carammia, F. Zucchini
L’analisi comparata delle agenda politiche: il Comparative Agendas Project
2010 E. Borghetto, M. Carammia
The role of subnational authorities in the implementation of EU directives
2010 E. Borghetto, F. Franchino
Quanta Bruxelles c’è a Roma? : L’europeizzazione della produzione normativa italiana
2009 E. Borghetto, F. Zucchini, M. Giuliani
Governo e politiche dell’Unione europea
2008 E. Borghetto
The timely transposition of EU directives in Italy : do political priorities matter?
2008 E. Borghetto
The pace of the legislative process : a diachronic analysis of the Italian legislature
2008 E. Borghetto
The regional dimension of EU policy implementation
2008 E. Borghetto
Non-compliance with the transposition deadlines of EU directives: the Italian case : explaining transposition of EU directives into Italian legislation
2007 E. Borghetto
The respect of transposition deadlines in Italy : do political priorities matter?
2007 E. Borghetto
Respecting the deadlines : four case studies from the environmental sector in Italy
2007 E. Borghetto
Complying with the Transposition Deadlines of EU Directives : Evidence from Italy
2006 E. Borghetto, F. Franchino, D. Giannetti