Dipartimento di Filosofia Piero Martinetti
Thinking, Knowing, Acting : Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism
2019 F. Forcignano', M. Bonazzi, A. Ulacco
Acting and Knowing before Plato : on Solon’s Theodicy
2019 M. Bonazzi
Plutarch of Chaeronea and the Anonymous Commentator to the Theaetetus on Plato
2018 M. Bonazzi
Le Bien selon Numénius et la République de Platon
2018 M. Bonazzi
La théodicée de Solon d’Athènes
2018 M. Bonazzi
Socrate, presocratico e sofista
2018 M. Bonazzi
Processo a Socrate
2018 M. Bonazzi
Plato systematized: doing philosophy in the Imperial Schools
2018 M. Bonazzi
Atene la città inquieta
2017 M. Bonazzi
La justice entre théologie et politique chez Plutarque
2017 M. Bonazzi
532 a.C. Sapienza italica
2017 M. Bonazzi
Cinzia Arruzza, Dmitri Nikulin (eds.): Philosophy and Political Power in Antiquity (= Studies in Moral Philosophy; Vol. 10), Leiden / Boston: Brill 2016, VIII + 183 S., ISBN 978-90-04-32461-9, EUR 109,00
2017 M. Bonazzi
Middle Platonists on the Eternity of the Universe
2017 M. Bonazzi
Phillip Sidney Horky: Plato and Pythagoreanism. Oxford: Oxford UP 2013. XX, 305 S. 47,99 £.
2017 M. Bonazzi
The Platonist Appropriation of Stoic Epistemology
2017 M. Bonazzi
Bios philosophos : philosophy in Ancient Greek biography
2016 M. Bonazzi, S. Schorn
Fonti, trasmissione e critica dei testi
2016 M. Bonazzi
Le platonisme de Plutarque de Chéronée entre scepticisme, théologie et métaphysique
2016 M. Bonazzi
Il pitagorismo
2016 M. Bonazzi
2016 M. Bonazzi, S. Schorn