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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in asphalt workers 2010 S. FustinoniL. CampoLONGHI, OMARV. FoàP.A. Bertazzi + Article (author) -
Attività di bonifica in area ex-industriale : approccio integrato alla valutazione dell'esposizione ad agenti chimici 2010 I. MartinottiS. FustinoniL. CampoV. FoàP.E. Cirla Article (author) -
Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in roofers : an Italian multicentric study 2009 I. MartinottiP.E. CirlaL. CampoS. FustinoniV. Foà + Book Part (author) -
Gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici urinari nel monitoraggio biologico delle esposizioni a basse dosi nel settore dell’edilizia 2008 L. CampoP.E. CirlaI. MartinottiV. FoàS. Fustinoni + Article (author) -
Esposizione a polveri di legno : la valutazione dello SCOEL (Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits) 2008 P.A. BertazziV. Foa' Conference Object -
Esposizione ad idrocarburi policiclici aromatici nei pizzaioli con forno a legna 2008 P.E. CirlaI. MartinottiS. FustinoniL. CampoV. Foà + Article (author) -
An integrated approach to biomonitoring exposure to styrene and styrene-(7,8)-oxide using a repeated measurements sampling design 2008 S. FustinoniL. CampoV. Foa'A. Colombi + Article (author) -
Rubber industry and exposure to carcinogenic chemical agents: an Italian Multicentric Study in Lombardy 2007 P.E. CirlaL. GalliI. MartinottiV. Foà + Article (author) -
Plastic industry and exposure to carcinogenic chemical agents: an Italian multicentric study in Lombardy 2007 P.E. CirlaD.M. CavalloS. FustinoniA. CattaneoI. MartinottiV. Foà + Article (author) -
Biomonitoring exposure to styrene and styrene-(7,8)-oxide by repeated measurements 2007 S. FustinoniL. CampoV. FoàA. Colombi + Book Part (author) -
Comparison between urinary o-cresol and toluene as biomarkers of toluene exposure 2007 S. FustinoniR. MercadanteL. CampoL. ScibettaV. Foà + Article (author) -
Monitoraggio biologico nello stampaggio di plastiche e gomme 2007 S. FustinoniL. CampoP.E. CirlaI. MartinottiV. Foà + Article (author) -
Esposizione a idrocarburi policiclici aromatici nello stampaggio della gomma 2007 P.E. CirlaI. MartinottiL. GalliS. FustinoniL. CampoV. Foà + Article (author) -
Determination of low level methyl tert-butyl ether, ethyl tert-butyl ether and methyl tert-amyl ether in human urine by HS-Spme gaschromatography/mass spectrometry 2007 L. ScibettaL. CampoR. MercadanteV. FoàS. Fustinoni Article (author) -
Unmetabolized hydrocarbons in urine as biomarkers of low exposure in asphalt workers 2007 L. CampoS. FustinoniP.E. CirlaI. MartinottiV. Foà + Article (author) -
Assessment of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in Italian asphalt workers 2007 P.E. CirlaI. MartinottiS. FustinoniL. CampoO. LonghiD. CavalloV. Foà + Article (author) -
Nanoparticles and health effects: an evidence based approach 2007 I. MartinottiP.E. CirlaV. Foà Article (author) -
Application of ultraviolet spectrophotometry to estimate occupational exposure to airborne polyaromatic compounds in asphalt pavers 2007 L. CampoS. FustinoniI. MartinottiP.E. CirlaD. CavalloV. Foà + Article (author) -
Urinary hydroxylated metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as biomarkers of exposure in asphalt workers 2007 L. CampoS. FustinoniP.E. CirlaI. MartinottiD. CavalloV. Foà + Article (author) -
Assessment of exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Italian asphalt workers 2006 P.E. CirlaI. MartinottiS. FustinoniL. CampoO. LonghiD.M. CavalloV. Foà + Conference Object -