DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA INORGANICA, METALLORGANICA E ANALITICA "Lamberto Malatesta" (attivo dal 23/06/1992 al 26/04/2014)
The role of ion pairs in the second-order NLO response of 4-X-1-methylpiridinium salts
2010 F. Tessore, E. Cariati, F. Cariati, D.M. Roberto, R. Ugo, P.R. Mussini, C. Zuccaccia, A. Macchioni
Prehistoric wall paintings: the case of the Domus De Janas necropolis (Sardinia, Italy)
2007 L. Rampazzi, L. Campo, F. Cariati, G. Tanda, M.P. Colombini
A time-dependent density functional theory investigation on the nature of the electronic transitions involved in the nonlinear optical response of [Ru(CF3CO2)(3)T] (T=4 '-(C6H4-p-NBu2)-2,2 ': 6 ',2 ''-terpyridine)
2006 F. De Angelis, S. Fantacci, A. Sgamelotti, F. Cariati, D. Roberto, F. Tessore, R. Ugo
Case study: Field and in-situ identification of pigments in works of art by micro-Raman and visible-NIR reflectance spectroscopies: a polychrome 16th-century Italian fresco and black-coloured Etruscan pottery
2005 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, V. Guglielmi
Classification of ancient Etruscan ceramics using statistical multivariate analysis of data
2004 P. Fermo, F. Cariati, D. Ballabio, V. Consonni, G. Bagnasco
MSWI fly ash particle analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy- Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
2004 S. Gilardoni, P. Fermo, F. Cariati, V. Gianelle, D. Pitea, E. Collina, M. Lasagni
Synthesis and spectroscopic and NLO properties of "push-pull" structures incorporating the inductive electron-withdrawing pentafluorophenyl group
2002 A. Papagni, S. Maiorana, P. Del Buttero, D. Perdicchia, F. Cariati, E. Cariati, W. Marcolli
Indagini chimico-fisiche sulla ceramica depurata e di impasto
2002 F. Cariati, S. Bruni, P. Fermo
Field and Laboratory Spectroscopic Methods for the Identification of Pigments in a Northern Italian Eleventh Century Fresco Cycle
2002 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, L. Consolandi, A. Galli, V. Guglielmi, N. Ludwig, M. Milazzo
Spectroscopic characterization of Etruscan depurata and impasto pottery from the excavation at Pian di Civita in Tarquinia (Italy): a comparison with local clay
2001 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, G. Bagnasco Gianni, M. Bonghi Jovino, G. Artioli, U. Russo
XRD, TEM, IR and Si-29 MAS NMR characterization of NiO-SiO2 nanocomposites
2001 M. Casu, A. Lai, A. Musinu, G. Piccaluga, S. Solinas, S. Bruni, F. Cariati, E. Beretta
Identificazione del residuo di adesivo presente su un campione ceramico
2001 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, V. Guglielmi
Micro-Raman identification of the palette of a precious XVI century illuminated Persian codex
2001 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, F. Casadio, V. Guglielmi
Determination of the quadratic hyperpolarizability of trans-4-[4-(dimethylamino)styryl]pyridine and 5-dimethylamino-1,10-phenanthroline from solvatochromism of absorption and fluorescence spectra: a comparison with the electric-field-induced second-harmonic generation technique
2001 S. Bruni, E. Cariati, F. Cariati, F. Porta, S. Quici, D. Roberto
Quadratic hyperpolarizability enhancement of para-substituted pyridines upon coordination to organometallic moieties: The ambivalent donor or acceptor role of the metal
2000 D. Roberto, R. Ugo, S. Bruni, E. Cariati, F. Cariati, P. Fantucci, I. Invernizzi, S. Quici, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss
Raman Spectroscopy
2000 F. Cariati, S. Bruni
Studio spettroscopico della tecnologia di cottura di ceramiche etrusche dagli scavi di Tarquinia
2000 G. Artioli, G. Bagnasco Gianni, S. Bruni, F. Cariati, P. Fermo, S. Morin, U. Russo
A spectroscopic and magnetic study of complexes of bis(2-benzothiazolyl)methanate and bis(2-benzoxazolyl) methanate with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II)
2000 A. Abbotto, S. Bruni, F. Cariati, G. Pagani
Speciation and structure of copper(II) complexes with histidine-containing peptides in aqueous medium: a combined potentiometric and spectroscopic study
2000 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, P. Daniele, E. Prenesti
MSWI fly ash native carbon thermal degradation: A TG-FTIR study
2000 P. Fermo, F. Cariati, S. Santacesaria, S. Bruni, M. Lasagni, M. Tettamanti, E. Collina, D. Pitea