Occupational asbestos exposure and ovarian cancer: updated systematic review
2023 F. Turati, M. Rossi, A. Spinazzè, E. Pira, D.M. Cavallo, L. Patel, C. Mensi, C. La Vecchia, E. Negri
Exposures to iarc carcinogenic agents in work settings not traditionally associated with sinonasal cancer risk: The experience of the italian national sinonasal cancer registry
2021 A. Binazzi, C. Mensi, L. Miligi, D. Di Marzio, J. Zajacova, P. Galli, A. Camagni, R. Calisti, A. Balestri, S. Murano, S. Piro, A. D'Errico, M. Bonzini, S. Massacesi, D. Sorasio, A. Marinaccio
Mesothelioma in agriculture in Lombardy, Italy : An unrecognized risk
2021 C. Mensi, B. Dallari, M. Polonioli, L. Riboldi, D. Consonni, A.C. Pesatori
Circulating Epigenetic Biomarkers in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: State of the Art and critical Evaluation
2020 L. Ferrari, M. Carugno, C. Mensi, A.C. Pesatori
Impact of an asbestos cement factory on mesothelioma incidence in a community in Italy
2020 D. Consonni, S. De Matteis, B. Dallari, A.C. Pesatori, L. Riboldi, C. Mensi
Estimate of environmental and occupational components in the spatial distribution of malignant mesothelioma incidence in Lombardy (Italy)
2020 D. Catelan, D. Consonni, A. Biggeri, B. Dallari, A.C. Pesatori, L. Riboldi, C. Mensi
Gender differences in pleural mesothelioma occurrence in Lombardy and Piedmont, Italy
2019 D. Consonni, E. Migliore, F. Barone-Adesi, B. Dallari, S. De Matteis, E. Oddone, A.C. Pesatori, L. Riboldi, D. Mirabelli, C. Mensi
Geographical patterns of mesothelioma incidence and asbestos exposure in Lombardy, Italy
2016 C. Mensi, S. De Matteis, D. Catelan, B. Dallari, L. Riboldi, A.C. Pesatori, D. Consonni
Asbestos lung burden in necroscopic samples from the general population of Milan, Italy
2015 M. Casali, M. Carugno, A. Cattaneo, D. Consonni, C. Mensi, U. Genovese, D.M. Cavallo, A. Somigliana, A.C. Pesatori
Impact of an asbestos cement factory on mesothelioma incidence: Global assessment of effects of occupational, familial, and environmental exposure
2015 C. Mensi, L. Riboldi, S. De Matteis, P.A. Bertazzi, D. Consonni
Letter to the editor of European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
2014 C. Mensi, L. Riboldi, C. Sieno, P.A. Bertazzi, D. Consonni
Sinonasal cancer and occupational exposure in a population-based registry
2013 C. Mensi, D. Consonni, C. Sieno, S. De Matteis, L. Riboldi, P.A. Bertazzi
Mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis testis and asbestos exposure
2012 C. Mensi, M. Pellegatta, C. Sieno, D. Consonni, L. Riboldi, P.A. Bertazzi
Impact of ambient air pollution on birth outcomes : systematic review of the current evidences
2010 M. Bonzini, M. Carugno, P. Grillo, C. Mensi, P.A. Bertazzi, A.C. Pesatori
Asbestos exposure in the non-asbestos textile industry: the experience of the Lombardy Mesothelioma Registry
2007 C. Mensi, M. Macchione, L. Termine, Z. Canti, G. Rivolta, L. Riboldi, G. Chiappino
The Lombardy Mesothelioma Register, Regional Operating Center (ROC) of National Mesothelioma Register : organizational aspects
2007 C. Mensi, L. Termine, Z. Canti, G. Rivolta, L. Riboldi, A.C. Pesatori, G. Chiappino
I casi di mesotelioma maligno per esposizioni lavorative ad amianto nel settore tessile: considerazioni generali ed analisi dei dati ReNaM
2006 C. Mensi, Z. Canti, P.G. Barbieri, S. Silvestri, L. Riboldi, G. Chiappino
Approfondimento delle modalità di esposizione nel settore tessile. Attività del Registro Mesoteliomi della Regione Lombardia
2006 C. Mensi, Z. Canti, L. Riboldi, G. Chiappino
Mesothelioma occurrence in a non traditionally exposing sectors: the non asbestos-textile industry
2006 C. Mensi, S. Giordano, Z. Canti, L. Termine, L. Riboldi, G. Chiappino
Information of the registry of mesothelioma in Lombardy : the asbestos risk in rotogravure
2006 C. Mensi, M. Macchione, L. Termine, G. Rivolta, L. Riboldi, G. Chiappino