Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
PMCA-Based Detection of Prions in the Olfactory Mucosa of Patients With Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
2022 F. Cazzaniga, E. Bistaffa, C. De Luca, S. Portaleone, M. Catania, V. Redaelli, I. Tramacere, G. Bufano, M. Rossi, P. Caroppo, A. Giovagnoli, P. Tiraboschi, F. Moda
PMCA-generated prions from the olfactory mucosa of patients with Fatal Familial Insomnia cause prion disease in mice
2021 E. Bistaffa, A. Marín-Moreno, J. Espinosa, C. De Luca, F. Cazzaniga, S. Portaleone, L. Celauro, G. Legname, G. Giaccone, J. Torres, F. Moda
Adenoidectomy for middle ear disease in cleft palate children: a systematic review
2021 C. Rosso, A.M. Bulfamante, C. Pipolo, E. Fuccillo, A. Maccari, P. Lozza, A. Scotti, A. Pisani, L. Castellani, G. De Donato, M.C. Tavilla, S.M. Portaleone, G. Felisati, A.M. Saibene
Odontogenic sinusitis and sinonasal complications of dental treatments: a retrospective case series of 480 patients with critical assessment of the current classification
2020 M. Molteni, A.M. Bulfamante, C. Pipolo, P. Lozza, F. Allevi, A. Pisani, M. Chiapasco, S.M. Portaleone, A. Scotti, A. Maccari, R. Borloni, G. Felisati, A.M. Saibene
Odontogenic rhinosinusitis and sinonasal complications of dental disease or treatment: prospective validation of a classification and treatment protocol
2019 A. Saibene, F. Collurà, C. Pipolo, A. Bulfamante, P. Lozza, A. Maccari, F. Arnone, F. Ghelma, F. Allevi, F. Biglioli, M. Chiapasco, S. Portaleone, A. Scotti, R. Borloni, G. Felisati
Fabry disease presenting with sudden hearing loss and otosclerosis : a case report
2012 G. Felisati, E. Salvatici, C. Pipolo, S.M. Portaleone, E. Riva, M. Giovannini