Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
How often are endometrial polyps malignant in asymptomatic postmenopausal women? : A multicenter study
2009 E. Ferrazzi, E. Zupi, F. Leone, L. Savelli, U. Omodei, M. Moscarini, M. Barbieri, G. Cammareri, G. Capobianco, E. Cicinelli, M. E. Coccia, G. Donarini, S. Fiore, P. Litta, M. Sideri, E. Solima, D. Spazzini, A. C. Testa, M. Vignali
Officina neoclassica : dall'Accademia de' pensieri all'Accademia d'Italia.
2009 F. Leone, F. Mazzocca
Canova : l'ideale classico tra scultura e pittura
2009 S. Androsov, F. Mazzocca, A. Paolucci, S. Grandesso, F. Leone
Intravenous contrast ultrasound examination using contrast-tuned imaging (CnTI) and the contrast medium SonoVue for discrimination between benign and malignant adnexal masses with solid components
2009 A.C. Testa, D. Timmerman, V. Van Belle, E. Fruscella, C. Van Holsbeke, L. Savelli, E. Ferrazzi, F. Leone, H. Marret, F. Tranquart, C. Exacoustos, G. Nazzaro, D. Bokor, F. Magri, S. Van Huffel, G. Ferradina, L. Valentin
Saline contrast sonohysterography with liquid-based endometrial cytology in post-menopausal patients
2009 F. Leone, C. Marciante, A. Crepaldi, F. Pagano, M.C. Antonacci, G. Tosi, E. Ferrazzi
Two-dimensional HyCoSy with contrast tuned imaging technology and a second-generation contrast media for the assessment of tubal patency in an infertility program.
2009 C. Lanzani, V. Savasi, F. Leone, M. Ratti, E. Ferrazzi
3 simple diagnostic criteria (color of the cut tissue, vascularization, and sensitive innervation)
2008 F. Leone, E. Ferrazzi
Investigating abnormal bleeding on HRT or tamoxifen : the role of ultrasonography
2004 E. Ferrazzi, F.P. Leone
Use of strict sonohysterographic methods for preoperative assessment of submucous myomas
2003 F.P. Leone, C. Lanzani, E. Ferrazzi
Endometrial sampling during sonohysterography (SHGes) in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding
2002 F. Leone, C. Lanzani, E.M. Ferrazzi
Sonohysterographic endometrial sampling : the new gold standard in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding?
2001 F.P. Leone, C. Lanzani, E. Ferrazzi
Obstetric management and prognosis after hysteroscopic metroplasty
2000 F.P.G. Leone, G. Ragusa, A. Bulfoni, S. Della Grazia, E. Ferrazzi, G. Pardi