Prime-boost immunization with DNA, recombinant fowlpox virus and VLPSHIV elicit both neutralizing antibodies and IFNγ-producing T cells against the HIV-envelope protein in mice that control env-bearing tumour cells
2007 A. Radaelli, O. Bonduelle, P. Beggio, B. Mahe, E. Pozzi, V. Elli, M. Paganini, C. Zanotto, C. De Giuli Morghen, B. Combadière
Molecular and biological characterization of simian-human immunodeficiency virus-like particles produced by recombinant fowlpox viruses
2005 C. Zanotto, M. Paganini, V. Elli, V. Basavecchia, M. Neri, C. De Giuli Morghen, A. Radaelli
Identification, molecular biotyping and ultrastructural studies of bacterial communities isolated from two damaged frescoes of St. Damian's monastery in Assisi
2004 A. Radaelli, M. Paganini, V. Basavecchia, V. Elli, M. Neri, C. Zanotto, E. Pontieri, C. De Giuli Morghen
Prior DNA immunization enhances immune response to dominant and subdominant viral epitopes induced by a fowlpox-based SIVmac vaccine in long-term slow-progressor macaques infected with SIVmac251
2003 A. Radaelli, J. Nacsa, W.P. Tsai, Y. Edghill-Smith, C. Zanotto, V. Elli, D. Venzon, E. Tryniszewska, P. Markham, D. Panicali, C. De Giuli Morghen, G. Franchini
Comparative analysis of immune responses and cytokine profiles elicited in rabbits by the combined use of recombinant fowlpox viruses, plasmids and virus-like particles in prime-boost vaccination protocols against SHIV
2003 Antonia Radaelli, Carlo Zanotto, Gianpaolo Perletti, Veronica Elli, Elisa Vicenzi, Guido Poli, Carlo De Giuli Morghen
Evaluation in rabbits of different anti-SHIV vaccine strategies based on DNA/fowlpox priming and virus-like particles boosting
2003 C. Zanotto, V. Elli, V. Basavecchia, B. Alessandro, M. Paganini, P. Debora, V. Elisa, C. DE GIULI MORGHEN, A. Radaelli
Evaluation of poliovirus vaccines for pestivirus contamination : non-specific amplification of poliovirus sequences by pan-pestivirus primers
2002 C. Zanotto, M. Giangaspero, M. Buttner, A. Braun, C. De Giuli Morghen, V. Elli, A. Panuccio, A. Radaelli