Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
A Virtual Reality Environment to Visualize 3D Patient-Specific Models by a Mobile Head-Mounted Display
2019 M. Vertemati, S. Cassin, F. Rizzetto, A. Vanzulli, M. Elli, G. Sampogna, M. Gallieni
Teaching anatomy in a modern medical course: an integrated approach at Vialba Medical School in Milan
2018 M. Vertemati, F. Rizzetto, F. Vezzulli, G. Sampogna, S. Cassin, F. Cenzato, M. Elli
Videogames unmask hypertension in children
2018 R. Lubrano, S. Spiga, R. Falsaperla, M. Elli
Routine clinical application of virtual reality in abdominal surgery
2017 G. Sampogna, R. Pugliese, M. Elli, A. Vanzulli, A. Forgione
Evolution of blood pressure in children with congenital and acquired solitary functioning kidney
2017 R. Lubrano, I. Gentile, R. Falsaperla, G. Vitaliti, A. Marcellino, M. Elli
Learning Curve in Segmentation for 3D Reconstructions
2016 G. Sampogna, F. Rizzetto, F. Cigognini, N. Cassina, M. Vertemati, M. Elli
Cardiorespiratory fitness : a comparison between children with renal transplantation and children with congenital solitary functioning kidney
2016 R. Lubrano, G. Tancredi, R. Falsaperla, M. Elli
The future of didactics in Anatomy from the point of view of students
2016 N. Gagliano, G. Sampogna, F. Rizzetto, F. Colombo, M. Bua, A. Vanzulli, M. Elli, M. Vertemati
Variations of the blood gas levels and thermodilutional parameters during ICP monitoring after severe head trauma in children
2015 R. Lubrano, M. Elli, F. Stoppa, M. Di Traglia, M. Di Nardo, D. Perrotta, P. David, S. Paoli, C. Cecchetti
Competence assessment of pre-elementary school teachers before and after a pediatric basic life support course for lay rescuers
2014 R. Lubrano, A. Villani, C. Cecchetti, P. Veronelli, M. Turbacci, M. Bonci, S. Cristaldi, A. Urbino, I. Nofroni, M. Elli
Pregnancy in a methylmalonic acidemia patient with kidney transplantation: a case report
2013 R. Lubrano, E. Bellelli, I. Gentile, S. Paoli, C. Carducci, S. Santagata, B. Pérez, M. Ugarte, D. Labriola, M. Elli
Neurogenic pulmonary edema and variations of emodynamic volumetric parameters in children following head trauma
2013 C. Cecchetti, M. Elli, F. Stoppa, M. Di Nardo, E. Pasotti, I. Gentile, S. Paoli, N. Pirozzi, R. Lubrano
Noninvasive ventilation for acute respiratory distress in children with central nervous system disorders.
2013 R. Falsaperla, M. Elli, P. Pavone, G. Isotta, R. Lubrano
Methylmalonic acidemia and kidney transplantation
2013 R. Lubrano, B. Perez, M. Elli
Influence of physical activity on cardiorespiratory fitness in children after renal transplantation
2012 R. Lubrano, G. Tancredi, E. Bellelli, I. Gentile, S. Scateni, R. Masciangelo, G. De Castro, P. Versacci, M. Elli
Comparison of times of intervention during pediatric CPR maneuvers using ABC and CAB sequences : a randomized trial
2012 R. Lubrano, C. Cecchetti, E. Bellelli, I. Gentile, H. Loayza Levano, F. Orsini, G. Bertazzoni, G. Messi, S. Rugolotto, N. Pirozzi, M. Elli
How the newly introduced compression, airway, and breathing sequence affects the training in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation
2012 R. Lubrano, G. Messi, M. Elli, Training Center PBLS SIMEUP
Pitfalls in differential diagnosis of the limping child
2011 E. Bellelli, M. Elli, I. Gentile, R. Lubrano
Prognostic value of extravascular lung water index in critically ill children with acute respiratory failure
2011 R. Lubrano, C. Cecchetti, M. Elli, C. Tomasello, G. Guido, M. Di Nardo, R. Masciangelo, E. Pasotti, M. A. Barbieri, E. Bellelli, N. Pirozzi
Ulcera Gastroduodenale
2010 M. Elli