Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
City data ecosystems between theory and practice: A qualitative exploratory study in seven European cities
2023 G. Liva, M. Micheli, S. Schade, A. Kotsev, M. Gori, C. Codagnone
Leading the Charge on Digital Regulation: The More, the Better, or Policy Bubble?
2023 C. Codagnone, L. Weigl
Trust and trustworthiness after a land restitution program: lab-in-the-field evidence from Colombia
2022 F. Bogliacino, G. Grimalda, L. Jimenez, D. Reyes Galvis, C. Codagnone
Expert endorsement and the legitimacy of public policy. Evidence from Covid19 mitigation strategies
2021 F. Bogliacino, R. Charris, C. Gomez, F. Montealegre, C. Codagnone
Restarting “Normal” life after Covid-19 and the lockdown: evidence from Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy
2021 C. Codagnone, F. Bogliacino, C. Gomez, F. Folkvord, G. Liva, R. Charris, F. Montealegre, F. Lupianez Villanueva, G.A. Veltri
Negative shocks predict change in cognitive function and preferences: assessing the negative affect and stress hypothesis
2021 F. Bogliacino, C. Codagnone, F. Montealegre, F. Folkvord, C. Gomez, R. Charris, G. Liva, F. Lupianez-Villanueva, G.A. Veltri
Platform economy after Covid-19: Regulation and the precautionary principle
2021 C. Codagnone
The Diversity of Platform Work— Variations in Employment and Working Conditions
2020 I. Mandl, C. Codagnone
Quantity and quality of work in the platform economy
2020 F. Bogliacino, C. Codagnone, V. Cirillo, D. Guarascio
Assessing concerns for the economic consequence of the COVID-19 response and mental health problems associated with economic vulnerability and negative economic shock in Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom
2020 C. Codagnone, F. Bogliacino, C. Gomez, R. Charris, F. Montealegre, G. Liva, F. Lupianez-Villanueva, F. Folkvord, G.A. Veltri
Rhetoric, Reality, Impacts and Regulation in Labour Intermediation Platforms
2019 C. Codagnone
Platform Economics and the Sharing Economy: A Primer
2019 C. Codagnone
Digital Labour Markets in a Broader Perspective
2019 C. Codagnone
Citizens-experts' interactions under different institutional arrangements: Assessing the role of uncertainty, interests, and values
2019 F. Bogliacino, C. Codagnone, G.A. Veltri
Platform economics : rhetoric and reality in the 'sharing economy' /
2019 C. Codagnone, A. Karatzogianni, J. Matthews
Experimental evidence on measures to protect consumers of online gambling services
2019 F. Folkvord, C. Codagnone, F. Bogliacino, G. Veltri, F. Lupianez-Villanueva, A. Ivchenko, G. Gaskell
2019 C. Codagnone
The effects of ecolabels on environmentally- and health-friendly cars : an online survey and two experimental studies
2019 F. Folkvord, G.A. Veltri, F. Lupianez-Villanueva, P. Tornese, C. Codagnone, G. Gaskell
Scienza in vendita : incertezza, interessi, e valori nelle politiche pubbliche
2018 C. Codagnone, F. Bogliacino, G.A. Veltri
Assessing impacts of social policy innovation in the EU: A methodological framework rooted on complex systems theories and dynamic simulation modelling - i-FRAME 2.0
2018 G. Misuraca, C. Codagnone