DIPARTIMENTO DI INFORMATICA E COMUNICAZIONE (attivo dal 01/01/2003 al 26/04/2012)
Modeling and searching music collections
2013 A. Pinto
An IEEE 1599-based interface for score analysis
2009 A. Baratè, L.A. Ludovico, A. Pinto
Multi-model Music Content Description and Retrieval Using IEEE 1599 XML Standard
2009 A. Pinto
A framework for music content description and retrieval
2008 A. Pinto, G. Haus
IEEE 1599 and Music Information Retrieval: the anatomy of a music search engine
2008 A. Pinto
A computer tool to visualize score analysis
2008 A. Baratè, L.A. Ludovico, A. Pinto
Cooperative Content and Metadata Generation in Music Archives
2008 A. Baratè, L.A. Ludovico, A. Pinto, P. Tagliolato Acquaviva d'Aragona
A generalized graph-spectral approach to melodic modeling and retrieval
2008 A. Pinto, P. Tagliolato Acquaviva D'Aragona
Indexing music collections through graph spectra
2007 A. Pinto, R.H. van Leuken, M. Fatih Demirci, F. Wiering, R.C. Veltkamp
Tools for music information retrieval and playing
2007 A. D'Aguanno, G. Haus, A. Pinto, G. Vercellesi
A novel XML Music Information Retrieval Method using Graph Invariants
2007 A. Pinto, G. Haus
Content-based Metrics and Environments for Music Search Engines
2006 A. Pinto, G. Haus
Method and Environment for the Retrieval of Structural Music Information
2006 A. Pinto, G. Haus
A Graph Theoretic Approach to Melodic Similarity
2005 G. Haus, A. Pinto
A Graph Theoretic Approach to Melodic Similarity
2004 G.M. Haus, A. Pinto