Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Switch-like phosphorylation of WRN integrates end-resection with RAD51 metabolism at collapsed replication forks
2024 V. Palermo, E. Malacaria, M. Semproni, S. Camerini, M. Casella, B. Perdichizzi, P. Valenzisi, M. Sanchez, F. Marini, A. Pellicioli, A. Franchitto, P. Pichierri
Echocardiographic values in clinically healthy adult dogue de Bordeaux dogs
2011 C. Locatelli, A. Santini, G.A. Bonometti, V. Palermo, P. Scarpa, E. Sala, P.G. Brambilla
Cardiomyopathy in boxer dogs : a retrospective study of the clinical presentation, diagnostic findings and survival
2011 V. Palermo, M.J. Stafford Johnson, E. Sala, P.G. Brambilla, M.W.S. Martin
Cardiomyopathy in boxer dogs from the UK : a comparison between the arrhythmic and the myocardial dysfunction form
2010 V. Palermo, M. Stafford Johnson, E. Sala, P.G. Brambilla, M.W.S. Martin
Boxer cardiomyopathy : a study of the clinical presentation diagnostic findings and survival
2010 V. Palermo
Reticulocyte hemoglobin content evaluation in cats affected with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
2009 P. Scarpa, C. RamIrez Sanchez, F. Toniolo, T. Vitiello, V. Palermo, P.G. Brambilla
The incidence of mitral valve fisease (MVD) and mitral valve leaflet prolapsed (MVP) in cross breed dogs
2009 E. Terzo, M. Di Marcello, H. Mcallister, B. Glazier, D. Lo Coco, C. Locatelli, V. Palermo, P.G. Brambilla
Homocysteine: a novel biomarker for heart failure in dog?
2009 V. Palermo, S. Carolla, C. Locatelli, G. Rossi, S. Breda, S. Paltrinieri, E. Sala, P. Scarpa, P.G. Brambilla
Reticulocyte hemoglobin content evaluation in cats affected with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
2009 P. Scarpa, C. RAMIREZ SANCHEZ, F. Toniolo, T. Vitiello, V. Palermo, P.G. Brambilla
Echocardiographic assessment of 537 dogs with mitral valve prolapse and leaflet involvement
2009 E. Terzo, M. Di Marcello, H. McAllister, B. Glazier, D. Lo Coco, C. Locatelli, V. Palermo, P.G. Brambilla
Troponin i perioperative trend in dogs undergoing the correction of patent ductus arteriosus : preliminary investigations
2008 R. Bussadori, A. Tamborini, C. Locatelli, V. Palermo, P.G. Brambilla
Studio ecocardiografico della morfologia mitralica in cani normali affetti da degenerazione mixomatosa valvolare
2008 C. Arnaboldi, M. Di Marcello, C. Locatelli, A. Maffioli, V. Palermo, P. Scarpa, E. Terzo, P.G. Brambilla
Analisi dell'andamento della troponina I sierica in cani sottoposti a correzione del dotto arterioso pervio : indagini preliminari
2007 R. Bussadori, A. Tamborini, C. Locatelli, V. Palermo, P.G. Brambilla
Epidemiologia della miocardiopatia dilatativa idiopatica nel cane (1985-2005)
2006 P.G. Brambilla, C. Locatelli, M. Di Marcello, V. Palermo