Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
The Impact of Twin Birth on Early Neonatal Outcomes
2016 M. Fumagalli, P. Schiavolin, L. Bassi, M. Groppo, S. Uccella, A. de Carli, S. Passera, I. Sirgiovanni, F. Dessimone, D. Consonni, B. Acaia, L.A. Ramenghi, F. Mosca
Cranial ultrasound findings in late preterm infants and correlation with perinatal risk factors
2015 M. Fumagalli, L.A. Ramenghi, A. De Carli, L. Bassi, P. Farè, F. Dessimone, S. Pisoni, I. Sirgiovanni, M. Groppo, A. Ometto, D. Consonni, F. Triulzi, F. Mosca
The pathophysiology of retinopathy of prematurity : an update of previous and recent knowledge
2014 G. Cavallaro, L. Filippi, P. Bagnoli, G. La Marca, G. Cristofori, G. Raffaeli, L. Padrini, G. Araimo, M. Fumagalli, M. Groppo, M. Dal Monte, S. Osnaghi, P. Fiorini, F. Mosca
Intracranial haemorrhage : an incidental finding at magnetic resonance imaging in a cohort of late preterm and term infants
2014 I. Sirgiovanni, S. Avignone, M. Groppo, L. Bassi, S. Passera, P. Schiavolin, G. Lista, C. Cinnante, F. Triulzi, M. Fumagalli, F. Mosca
Circulation of different rhinovirus groups among children with lower respiratory tract infection in Kiremba, Burundi
2012 S. Esposito, C. Daleno, E. Baggi, E. Ciarmoli, A. Lavizzari, M. Pierro, M. Semino, M. Groppo, A. Scala, L. Terranova, C. Galeone, N. Principi
Early visual assessment in preterm infants with and without brain lesions : correlation with visual and neurodevelopmental outcome at 12 months
2011 D. Ricci, D.M. Romeo, F. Gallini, M. Groppo, L. Cesarini, S. Pisoni, F. Serrao, P. Papacci, I. Contaldo, F. Perrino, C. Brogna, F. Bianco, G. Baranello, A. Sacco, M. Quintiliani, A. Ometto, S. Cilauro, F. Mosca, C. Romagnoli, M.G. Romeo, F. Cowan, G. Cioni, L. Ramenghi, E. Mercuri
Germinal matrix hemorrhage: intraventricular hemorrhage in very-low-birth-weight infants: the independent role of inherited thrombophilia
2011 L.A. Ramenghi, M. Fumagalli, M. Groppo, D. Consonni, L. Gatti, P.A. Bertazzi, P.M. Mannucci, F. Mosca
Visual performance and brain structures in the developing brain of pre-term infants
2010 L.A. Ramenghi, D. Ricci, E. Mercuri, M. Groppo, A.M. De Carli, A. Ometto, M. Fumagalli, L. Bassi, S. Pisoni, G. Cioni, F. Mosca
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement of Cerebro-Somatic Oxygenation Ratio (CSOR): May We Predict a Hemodynamically Significant Patent DuctusArteriosus (PDA)?
2010 M. Fumagalli, M. Groppo, P. Fare, F. Schena, E. Ciarmoli, F.P. Dessimone, L. Ramenghi, F. Mosca
A low platelet count is associated with treatment failure in preterm infants treated with ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus
2010 F. Schena, E. Ciarmoli, M.S. Ghirardello, M. Groppo, A. Lonati, F. Mosca
A low platelet count is associated with treatment failure in preterm infants treated with ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA
2010 F. Schena, E. Ciarmoli, S. Ghirardello, M. Groppo, A. Lonati, F. Mosca
Neonatal stroke
2010 L.A. Ramenghi, L. Bassi, M. Fumagalli, A. Ometto, M. Groppo, A.M. De Carli, S. Pisoni, F.P. Dessimone, P. Farè, F. Mosca
Visual function and postnatal development of white matter microstructure in the optic radiations in preterm infants
2009 M. Groppo, S.J. Counsell, N. Merchant, V. Doria, T. Arichi, D. Ricci, L. Bassi, F. Mosca, L.A. Ramenghi, F.M. Cowan, M. Rutherford, D. Edward
White Matter Disease (WMD) at Magnetic Resonance (MR) in Preterm Twins: Monochorionic (MC) Versus Pluri-Chorionic (PC) Twins
2009 L. Bassi, A. De Carli, M. Fumagalli, M. Groppo, A. Ometto, S. Pisoni, L.A. Ramenghi, F. Mosca
Cerebellar Haemorrhages (CH) at magnetic resonance (MR) in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants and influence on follow up
2009 M. Fumagalli, O. Picciolini, A. De Carli, S. Gangi, A. Ometto, L. Bassi, M. Groppo, L. Gardon, G. Presezzi, F. Triulzi, L.A. Ramenghi, F. Mosca
Cerebellar haemorrhages and pons development in extremely low birth weight infants
2009 M. Fumagalli, L.A. Ramenghi, A. Righini, M. Groppo, L. Bassi, A.M. De Carli, C. Parazzini, F. Triulzi, F. Mosca
Visual function at 35 and 40 weeks' postmenstrual age in low-risk preterm infants
2008 D. Ricci, L. Cesarini, D.M. Romeo, F. Gallini, F. Serrao, M. Groppo, A. De Carli, F. Cota, D. Lepore, F. Molle, R. Ratiglia, M.P. De Carolis, F. Mosca, C. Romagnoli, F. Guzzetta, F. Cowan, L.A. Ramenghi, E. Mercuri
Early assessment of visual function in full term newborns
2008 D. Ricci, L. Cesarini, M. Groppo, A. De Carli, F. Gallini, F. Serrao, M. Fumagalli, F. Cowan, L. Ramenghi, S. Anker, E. Mercuri, F. Mosca
Normal thrombin generation in neonates in spite of prolonged conventional coagulation tests
2008 A. Tripodi, L.A. Ramenghi, V. Chantarangkul, A.M. De Carli, M. Clerici, M. Groppo, F. Mosca, P.M. Mannucci
Biological markers of oxidative stress and brain damage in preterm babies during the first month of life
2008 S. Perrone, L.A. Ramenghi, M. Groppo, M. Longini, B. Marzocchi, P. Paffetti, F. Mosca, G. Buonocore