Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.400
NA - Nord America 3.533
AS - Asia 2.685
SA - Sud America 156
OC - Oceania 129
AF - Africa 82
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 11.988
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.322
GB - Regno Unito 1.541
IT - Italia 1.182
CN - Cina 998
SE - Svezia 528
SG - Singapore 520
DE - Germania 438
RU - Federazione Russa 281
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 243
IN - India 219
FR - Francia 215
IE - Irlanda 184
CA - Canada 180
ID - Indonesia 149
KR - Corea 148
PH - Filippine 138
TR - Turchia 115
AU - Australia 104
FI - Finlandia 104
PL - Polonia 100
BR - Brasile 94
DK - Danimarca 89
UA - Ucraina 87
HK - Hong Kong 77
PK - Pakistan 70
CH - Svizzera 64
NL - Olanda 63
IR - Iran 60
JP - Giappone 59
ES - Italia 56
BE - Belgio 47
VN - Vietnam 45
HU - Ungheria 38
PT - Portogallo 26
MX - Messico 23
CO - Colombia 21
TW - Taiwan 20
GR - Grecia 19
EU - Europa 18
SI - Slovenia 18
MY - Malesia 16
ZA - Sudafrica 15
AT - Austria 14
IL - Israele 14
AR - Argentina 13
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 13
EE - Estonia 12
CL - Cile 10
NO - Norvegia 10
PE - Perù 9
NG - Nigeria 8
RO - Romania 8
RS - Serbia 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
EC - Ecuador 7
ET - Etiopia 7
FJ - Figi 7
KE - Kenya 7
KZ - Kazakistan 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
BY - Bielorussia 5
EG - Egitto 5
TZ - Tanzania 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
JM - Giamaica 4
LY - Libia 4
MA - Marocco 4
RE - Reunion 4
SC - Seychelles 4
TH - Thailandia 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
DZ - Algeria 3
IQ - Iraq 3
NA - Namibia 3
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BW - Botswana 2
CM - Camerun 2
CY - Cipro 2
GU - Guam 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LV - Lettonia 2
UG - Uganda 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AO - Angola 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NE - Niger 1
NP - Nepal 1
Totale 12.001
Città #
Southend 1.302
Chandler 371
Singapore 346
Milan 293
Seattle 257
Princeton 196
Beijing 183
Dublin 177
Houston 167
Wilmington 142
Fairfield 129
Dearborn 118
Ottawa 117
Mountain View 102
Ashburn 101
Ann Arbor 92
Nanjing 88
Jakarta 80
Los Angeles 74
Woodbridge 73
Des Moines 72
Redmond 72
Hanover 71
Prague 67
Bengaluru 66
Redwood City 66
Gdansk 53
Cambridge 51
Rome 50
Shanghai 48
Roxbury 47
Boardman 46
Phoenix 46
Jinan 45
Sunnyvale 45
Santa Clara 35
Sheffield 35
Berlin 33
Shenyang 33
Hangzhou 31
Como 30
Medford 30
Frankfurt am Main 29
Melbourne 28
Nanchang 28
Changsha 26
London 26
Jacksonville 25
České Budějovice 25
Sagay 24
Quezon City 23
Hebei 22
Helsinki 22
Dong Ket 21
Tokyo 21
Central 20
Chicago 20
Guangzhou 20
Izmir 20
Tianjin 20
Kiez 19
Sydney 19
Zurich 19
Brussels 18
Fuzhou 18
Brno 17
Tehran 17
Naples 16
Turin 16
Zhengzhou 16
Bogotá 15
Istanbul 15
Perth 15
Jilovice 14
New York 14
Hong Kong 13
Leipzig 13
Madrid 13
Ningbo 13
San Diego 13
Trento 13
Bacolod City 12
Budapest 12
Dallas 12
Espoo 12
Göttingen 12
Lanzhou 12
Peshawar 12
Warsaw 12
Amsterdam 11
Birmingham 11
Cebu City 11
Islamabad 11
Multan 11
Pune 11
San Jose 11
Thunder Bay 11
Uppsala 11
Washington 11
Ankara 10
Totale 6.442
Nome #
Pladias Database of the Czech flora and vegetation 1.202
TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access 517
Towards a functional phytosociology : the functional ecology of woody diagnostic species and their vegetation classes in Northern Italy 319
What is life? The single difference between living and non-living things (which every biologist should know) 310
Understanding the response of plant biodiversity to environmental perturbation using Grime’s CSR theory 262
What is the minimum viable population size for rare plant species? 228
Plant traits and ecological strategies in the dark diversity of forest vegetation in the province of Varese (Lombardy) = Tratti funzionali e strategie ecologiche nella dark diversity della vegetazione forestale in provincia di Varese (Lombardia) 224
Soil Application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) Maintains Leaf Photosynthetic Efficiency, Increases Seed Yield and Quality Traits of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Plants Grown on Different Substrates 202
Plant Traits 2.0 : state of the art and future perspectives for research on plant functional traits in Italy : book of abstracts 197
The intimacy between sexual traits and Grime's CSR strategies for orchids coexisting in semi-natural calcareous grassland at the Olive Lawn 190
Allocating CSR plant functional types : the use of leaf economics and size traits to classify woody and herbaceous vascular plants 188
The Evolutionary Strategies that Shape Ecosystems 187
The functional basis of a primary succession resolved by CSR classification 185
Enzymatic scarification facilitates seed coat lignin degradation, water uptake and germination 184
La conservazione delle orchidee Terrestri : dalle Alpi alla pianura Padana Lombarda 183
The role of adaptive strategies in plant naturalization 182
Dinamica di vegetazione in ambiente proglaciale alpino: due studi condotti nelle Alpi Italiane 177
The use of ligninase enzymes to target the scarification of the seed coat : application for the propagation of the orchids Himantoglossum adriaticum and Anancamptis morio 176
Identifying population thresholds for flowering plant reproductive success: the marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe) as a flagship species of humid meadows and heathland 174
A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes 160
Species evenness affects ecosystem processes in situ via diversity in the adaptive strategies of dominant species 155
Strategie delle piante e tipi funzionali nello studio della dinamica di vegetazione in ambiente periglaciale 144
Conservazione in situ e rafforzamento di popolazioni di orchidee spontanee 140
Enzymatic scarification of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) seed facilitates lignin degradation, water uptake and germination 140
Plant adaptive responses during primary succession are associated with functional adaptations in ground beetles on deglaciated terrain 136
Disturbance is a principal alpha-scale filter determining niche differentiation, coexistence and biodiversity in an alpine community 132
Pea seed extracts stimulate germination of the terrestrial orchidOphrys apiferaHuds during a habitat restoration project 124
Community-level variation in plant functional traits and ecological strategies shapes habitat structure along succession gradients in alpine environment 124
Sex change in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) : a developmental framework for the bisexual to unisexual floral transition 123
The global spectrum of plant form and function 121
Population reinforcement of European terrestrial orchids 119
Asymbiotic germination of the White Mountain Orchid (Pseudorchis albida) from immature seed on media enriched with complex organics or phytohormones 118
Evaluation of effective microorganisms® efficacy on 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'-infected and healthy periwinkle plants 118
The association of leaf sulfur content with the leaf economics spectrum and plant adaptive strategies 118
Differential biodiversity responses between kingdoms (plants, fungi, bacteria and metazoa) along an Alpine succession gradient 117
An evolutionary perspective on leaf economics : phylogenetics of leaf mass per area in vascular plants 111
Plant strategies as biological indicators of ecosystem services 111
What life is: the conversion of thermodynamic disequilibria into directional motion 109
La filiera del fiorume : dalla raccolta alla commercializzazione 108
Seed germination and conservation of endangered species from the Italian Alps : Physoplexis comosa and Primula glaucescens 107
Characterisation of brush-harvested hayseed quality (purity, seed content and germination) for the calculation of optimal sowing densities 103
Alien plant species invade by occupying similar functional spaces to native species 99
Quantifying relative extinction risks and targeting intervention for the orchid flora of a natural park in the European preAlps 98
Plant–environment interactions through a functional traits perspective : a review of Italian studies 95
Negli agro-ecosistemi, bisogna davvero scegliere fra produttività e biodiversità? 94
Cytotoxic constituents of Alectra and Striga species 91
Conservazione delle orchidee 91
Characterization of native hayseed: guaranteeing a seed mixture for habitat and species conservation 91
Can CSR classification be generally applied outside Britain? 90
The leaf economics spectrum of Poaceae reflects variation in survival strategies 89
In vitro propagation, cultivation and reintroduction of the genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae) during one of the largest orchid restocking projects in the world 89
Seed germination protocols for EU habitats directive species from Northern Italy 89
Pseudoviviparous Reproduction of Poa alpina var. vivipara L. (Poaceae) during Long-term Exposure to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 88
A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes worldwide 88
La propagation, cultivation et conservation des orchidées terrestres d’Europe 85
Xenognosin production and tolerance to Striga asiatica infection of high-yielding maize cultivars 84
Are morpho-functional traits reliable indicators of inherent relative growth rate for prealpine calcareous grassland species? 83
The role of CAM in high rainfall cloud forests : an in situ comparison of photosynthetic pathways in Bromeliaceae 81
Are endemic species necessarily ecological specialists? Functional variability and niche differentiation of two threatened Dianthus species in the montane steppes of northeastern Iran 81
Increasing the germination percentage of an endangered native orchid (himantoglossum adriaticum) by pollen transfer and outbreeding between populations 80
Strategie adattive delle piante nella diversità oscura della vegetazione forestale in provincia di Varese (Lombardia) = Plant adaptive strategies in the dark diversity of forest vegetation in the province of Varese (Lombardy) 77
Combined use of leaf size and economics traits allows direct comparison of hydrophyte and terrestrial herbaceous adaptive strategies 76
What is life? : common patterns of organism function and species survival 75
IDPlanT : The Italian Database of Plant Translocation 75
Implications for biodiversity conservation of the lack of consensus regarding the humped-back model of species richness and biomass production 74
Climatic and evolutionary contexts are required to infer plant life history strategies from functional traits at a global scale 74
Role of environmental filtering and functional traits for species coexistence in a harsh tropical montane ecosystem 74
Carbon isotope ratio and the extent of daily CAM use by Bromeliaceae 71
The conservation of terrestrial orchids 71
Why are many anthropogenic agroecosystems particularly species-rich? 71
Comment on "Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness" 70
Architectural and physiological heterogeneity within the synflorescence of the pseudoviviparous grass Poa alpina var. vivipara L. 70
The survival strategy of the alpine endemic Primula glaucescens is fundamentally unchanged throughout its climate envelope despite superficial phenotypic variability 69
Soil-mediated filtering organizes tree assemblages in regenerating tropical forests 69
Stomatal vs. genome size in angiosperms : the somatic tail wagging the genomic dog? 65
How well do seed production traits correlate with leaf traits, whole-plant traits and plant ecological strategies? 65
From ancient genes to modern communities : the cellular stress response and the evolution of plant strategies 64
The influence of secondary senescence processes within the culm of a pseudoviviparous grass (Poa alpina var. vivipara L.) on the supply of water to propagules 61
What is life? : spontaneous directional motion in the molecular storm 60
Ecology and floristic composition of heathlands in the Po basin and the Southern Alps (NW Italy) 60
Iridoid glucosides of Paederota bonarota and the relationships between Paederota and Veronica 58
Increasing the germination percentage of a declining native orchid (Himantoglossum adriaticum) by pollen transfer and outbreeding between populations 57
Life's mechanism 52
General allometric scaling of net primary production agrees with plant adaptive strategy theory and has tipping points 52
Plant community attributes affect dry grassland orchid establishment 51
Outbreeding and asymbiotic germination in the conservation of the endangered Italian endemic orchidOphrys benacensis 50
La propagazione, coltivazione e rafforzamento di flora minacciate e/o rare dei prati magri del Parco Monte Barro 50
John Philip Grime. 30 April 1935 — 19 April 2021 50
Taxonomy, morphology and ecology of medicinal plants : a botanical perspective 49
Domestic gardens play a dominant role in selecting alien species with adaptive strategies that facilitate naturalization 49
Linking plant strategies and plant traits derived by radiative transfer modelling 47
Plant trait variation along environmental indicators to infer global change impacts 47
Functional biogeography of Neotropical moist forests : Trait–climate relationships and assembly patterns of tree communities 47
Genetic diversity patterns of the orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis at the edges of its distribution range 44
The global spectrum of plant form and function : enhanced species-level trait dataset 43
Climate and genome size shape the intraspecific variation in ecological adaptive strategies of a cosmopolitan grass species 41
Totale 12.219
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.921
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.921

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020573 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 45 179 120 64 48
2020/20211.178 50 85 87 52 128 91 49 82 166 100 191 97
2021/20221.570 82 69 59 110 120 72 138 102 212 103 128 375
2022/20231.940 192 151 182 163 155 368 107 116 197 79 147 83
2023/20241.881 81 97 108 87 303 171 162 171 68 163 228 242
2024/20251.736 191 525 234 305 209 216 56 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.667