Sfoglia per SSD Settore AGR/05 - Assestamento Forestale e Selvicoltura
La metodologia delle footprint nella stima della deforestazione
2020 M. Bagliani, G. Garofalo, M. Giovanna Lahoz, G. Vacchiano
La resilienza del bosco : Storie di foreste che cambiano il pianeta
2019 G. Vacchiano
Large-scale atmospheric circulation enhances the Mediterranean East-West tree growth contrast at rear-edge deciduous forests
2017 I. Dorado-Liñán, E. Zorita, E. Martínez-Sancho, G. Gea-Izquierdo, A. Di Filippo, E. Gutiérrez, T. Levanic, G. Piovesan, G. Vacchiano, C. Zang, T. Zlatanov, A. Menzel
Le risorse delle Alpi, un patrimonio su cui puntare per il futuro
2015 A. Giorgi, T. Scheurer
Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery
2022 T. Qiu, R. Andrus, M. Aravena, D. Ascoli, Y. Bergeron, R. Berretti, D. Berveiller, M. Bogdziewicz, T. Boivin, R. Bonal, D.C. Bragg, T. Caignard, R. Calama, J. Julio Camarero, C. Chang-Yang, N.L. Cleavitt, B. Courbaud, F. Courbet, T. Curt, A.J. Das, E. Daskalakou, H. Davi, N. Delpierre, S. Delzon, M. Dietze, S. Donoso Calderon, L. Dormont, J. Espelta, T.J. Fahey, W. Farfan-Rios, C.A. Gehring, G.S. Gilbert, G. Gratzer, C.H. Greenberg, Q. Guo, A. Hacket-Pain, A. Hampe, Q. Han, J. Hille Ris Lambers, K. Hoshizaki, I. Ibanez, J.F. Johnstone, V. Journ('(e)), D. Kabeya, C.L. Kilner, T. Kitzberger, J.M.H. Knops, R.K. Kobe, G. Kunstler, J.G.A. Lageard, J.M. Lamontagne, M. Ledwon, F. Lefevre, T. Leininger, J. Limousin, J.A. Lutz, D. Macias, E.J.B. Mcintire, C.M. Moore, E. Moran, R. Motta, J.A. Myers, T.A. Nagel, K. Noguchi, J. Ourcival, R. Parmenter, I.S. Pearse, I.M. Perez-Ramos, L. Piechnik, J. Poulsen, R. Poulton-Kamakura, M.D. Redmond, C.D. Reid, K.C. Rodman, F. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.D. Sanguinetti, C. Lane Scher, W.H. Schlesinger, H. Schmidt Van Marle, B. Seget, S. Sharma, M. Silman, M.A. Steele, N.L. Stephenson, J.N. Straub, I. Sun, S. Sutton, J.J. Swenson, M. Swift, P.A. Thomas, M. Uriarte, G. Vacchiano, T.T. Veblen, A.V. Whipple, T.G. Whitham, A.P. Wion, B. Wright, S. Joseph Wright, K. Zhu, J.K. Zimmerman, R. Zlotin, M. Zywiec, J.S. Clark
Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees
2023 M. Bogdziewicz, M.A. Acuña, R. Andrus, D. Ascoli, Y. Bergeron, D. Brveiller, T. Boivin, R. Bonal, T. Caignard, M. Cailleret, R. Calama, S.D. Calderon, J.J. Camarero, C. Chang-Yang, J. Chave, F. Chianucci, N.L. Cleavitt, B. Courbaud, A. Cutini, T. Curt, A.J. Das, H. Davi, N. Delpierre, S. Delzon, M. Dietze, L. Dormont, W. Farfan-Rios, C.A. Gehring, G.S. Gilbert, G. Gratzer, C.H. Greenberg, A. Guignabert, Q. Guo, A. Hacket-Pain, A. Hampe, Q. Han, K. Hoshizaki, I. Ibanez, J.F. Johnstone, V. Journé, T. Kitzberger, J.M.H. Knops, G. Kunstler, R. Kobe, J.G.A. Lageard, J.M. Lamontagne, M. Ledwon, T. Leininger, J. Limousin, J.A. Lutz, D. Macias, A. Marell, E.J.B. Mcintire, E. Moran, R. Motta, J.A. Myers, T.A. Nagel, S. Naoe, M. Noguchi, M. Oguro, H. Kurokawa, J. Ourcival, R. Parmenter, I.M. Perez-Ramos, L. Piechnik, T. Podgórski, J. Poulsen, T. Qiu, M.D. Redmond, C.D. Reid, K.C. Rodman, P. Šamonil, J. Holik, C.L. Scher, H.S. Van Marle, B. Seget, M. Shibata, S. Sharma, M. Silman, M.A. Steele, J.N. Straub, I. Sun, S. Sutton, J.J. Swenson, P.A. Thomas, M. Uriarte, G. Vacchiano, T.T. Veblen, B. Wright, S.J. Wright, T.G. Whitham, K. Zhu, J.K. Zimmerman, M. Zywiec, J.S. Clark
L’impatto degli incendi sulla foresta, valutazione emissioni CO2 anche in rapporto alle attività di spegnimento
2023 L. Malanchini, G. Vacchiano
Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services : an EU wide ecosystem assessment in support of the EU biodiversity strategy
2020 J. Maes, A. Teller, M. Erhard, S. Condé, S. Vallecillo, J.I. Barredo, M.L. Paracchini, D. Abdul Malak, M. Trombetti, O. Vigiak, G. Zulian, A.M. Addamo, B. Grizzetti, F. Somma, A. Hagyo, P. Vogt, C. Polce, A. Jones, A.I. Marin, E. Ivits, A. Mauri, C. Rega, B. Czúcz, G. Ceccherini, E. Pisoni, A. Ceglar, P. De Palma, I. Cerrani, M. Meroni, G. Caudullo, E. Lugato, J.V. Vogt, J. Spinoni, C. Cammalleri, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. San Miguel, S. San Román, P. Kristensen, T. Christiansen, N. Zal, A. De Roo, A.C. Cardoso, A. Pistocchi, I. Del Barrio Alvarellos, K. Tsiamis, E. Gervasini, I. Deriu, A. La Notte, R. Abad Viñas, M. Vizzarri, A. Camia, N. Robert, G. Kakoulaki, E. Garcia Bendito, P. Panagos, C. Ballabio, S. Scarpa, L. Montanarella, A. Orgiazzi, O. Fernandez Ugalde, F. Santos-Martín
Mapping forest ecosystem functions for landscape planning in a mountain Natura2000 site, Central Italy
2015 M. Vizzarri, U. Chiavetta, G. Santopuoli, D. Tonti, M. Marchetti
Mapping forest ecosystem services perception for landscape planning: the case of Collemeluccio-Montedimezzo Alto Molise Biosphere Reserve, Central Italy
2015 M. Vizzarri, A. Tavone, P. Di Marzio, C. Giancola, B. Lasserre, D. Marino, M. Minotti, M. Mura, M. Ottaviano, M. Marchetti, P. Di Martino
Mapping the role of Raw Materials in Sustainable Development Goals : A preliminary analysis of links, monitoring indicators, and related policy initiatives
2019 G. Grassi, L. Mancini, M. Vizzarri, D. Wittmer, D. Pennington, B. Vidal Legaz
Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients
2023 T. Qiu, M. Aravena, D. Ascoli, Y. Bergeron, M. Bogdziewicz, T. Boivin, R. Bonal, T. Caignard, M. Cailleret, R. Calama, S.D. Calderon, J.J. Camarero, C. Chang-Yang, J. Chave, F. Chianucci, B. Courbaud, A. Cutini, A.J. Das, N. Delpierre, S. Delzon, M. Dietze, L. Dormont, J.M. Espelta, T.J. Fahey, W. Farfan-Rios, J.F. Franklin, C.A. Gehring, G.S. Gilbert, G. Gratzer, C.H. Greenberg, A. Guignabert, Q. Guo, A. Hacket-Pain, A. Hampe, Q. Han, J. Holik, K. Hoshizaki, I. Ibanez, J.F. Johnstone, V. Journé, T. Kitzberger, J.M.H. Knops, G. Kunstler, H. Kurokawa, J.G.A. Lageard, J.M. Lamontagne, F. Lefevre, T. Leininger, J. Limousin, J.A. Lutz, D. Macias, A. Marell, E.J.B. Mcintire, C.M. Moore, E. Moran, R. Motta, J.A. Myers, T.A. Nagel, S. Naoe, M. Noguchi, M. Oguro, R. Parmenter, I.S. Pearse, I.M. Perez-Ramos, L. Piechnik, T. Podgorski, J. Poulsen, M.D. Redmond, C.D. Reid, K.C. Rodman, F. Rodriguez-Sanchez, P. Samonil, J.D. Sanguinetti, C.L. Scher, B. Seget, S. Sharma, M. Shibata, M. Silman, M.A. Steele, N.L. Stephenson, J.N. Straub, S. Sutton, J.J. Swenson, M. Swift, P.A. Thomas, M. Uriarte, G. Vacchiano, A.V. Whipple, T.G. Whitham, A.P. Wion, S.J. Wright, K. Zhu, J.K. Zimmerman, M. Zywiec, J.S. Clark
MASTREE+: Time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continents
2022 A. Hacket-Pain, J.J. Foest, I.S. Pearse, J.M. Lamontagne, W.D. Koenig, G. Vacchiano, M. Bogdziewicz, T. Caignard, P. Celebias, J. van Dormolen, M. Fern('(a))ndez-Mart('(i))nez, J.V. Moris, C. Palaghianu, M. Pesendorfer, A. Satake, E. Schermer, A.J. Tanentzap, P.A. Thomas, D. Vecchio, A. Wion, T. Wohlgemuth, T. Xue, K. Abernethy, M. Daniel Barrera, J.H. Barton, S. Boutin, E.R. Bush, S. Donoso Calder('(o))n, F.S. Carevic, C. Volkmer de Castilho, J. Manuel Cellini, C.A. Chapman, H. Chapman, F. Chianucci, P. da Costa, L. Crois('(e)), A. Cutini, B. Dantzer, R. Justin DeRose, J. Thoussaint Dikangadissi, E. Dimoto, F. Lopes da Fonseca, L. Gallo, G. Gratzer, D.F. Greene, M.A. Hadad, A. Huertas Herrera, K.J. Jeffery, J.F. Johnstone, U. Kalbitzer, W. Kantorowicz, C.A. Klimas, J.G.A. Lageard, J. Lane, K. Lapin, M. Ledwon, A.C. Leeper, M. Vanessa Lencinas, A. Cl('(a))udia Lira-Guedes, M.C. Lordon, P. Marchelli, S. Marino, H. Schmidt Van Marle, A.G. Mcadam, L.R.W. Momont, M. Nicolas, L. Helena de Oliveira Wadt, P. Panahi, G. Mart('(i))nez Pastur, T. Patterson, P. Luis Peri (L)ukasz Piechnik, M. Pourhashemi, C. Espinoza Quezada, F.A. Roig, K. Pe(~(n))a Rojas, Y. Micaela Rosas, S. Schueler, B. Seget, R. Soler, M.A. Steele, M. Toro-Manr('(i))quez, C.E.G. Tutin, T. Ukizintambara, L. White, B. Yadok, J.L. Willis, A. Zolles, M.(. (Z))ywiec, D. Ascoli
Meta-analysis Reveals Different Competition Effects on Tree Growth Resistance and Resilience to Drought
2021 D. Castagneri, G. Vacchiano, A. Hacket-Pain, R. Justin DeRose, T. Klein, A. Bottero
The MIMOSE approach to support large-scale statistics on forest ecosystem services
2016 M. Vizzarri, F. Bottalico, L. Antonello, A. Barbati, G. Chirici, P. Corona, S. Cullotta, V. Garfì, V. Giannico, R. Lafortezza, D. La Mela Veca, F. Lombardi, F. Maetzke, M. Marchetti, S. Nocentini, L. Pesola, F. Riccioli, D. Travaglini, L. Sallustio
The MIMOSE Approach to Support Sustainable Forest Management Planning at Regional Scale in Mediterranean Contexts
2017 M. Vizzarri, L. Sallustio, D. Travaglini, F. Bottalico, G. Chirici, V. Garfì, R. Lafortezza, D. La Mela Veca, F. Lombardi, F. Maetzke, M. Marchetti
Modeling anthropogenic and natural fire ignitions in an inner-alpine valley
2018 G. Vacchiano, C. Foderi, R. Berretti, E. Marchi, R. Motta
Modeling Italian forests : state of the art and future challenges
2012 G. Vacchiano, F. Magnani, A. Collalti
Modeling the influence of alternative forest management scenarios on wood production and carbon storage: A case study in the Mediterranean region
2016 F. Bottalico, L. Pesola, M. Vizzarri, L. Antonello, A. Barbati, G. Chirici, P. Corona, S. Cullotta, V. Garfì, V. Giannico, R. Lafortezza, F. Lombardi, M. Marchetti, S. Nocentini, F. Riccioli, D. Travaglini, L. Sallustio
Modes of climate variability bridge proximate and evolutionary mechanisms of masting
2021 D. Ascoli, A. Hacket-Pain, I.S. Pearse, G. Vacchiano, S. Corti, P. Davini
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