Sfoglia per SSD Settore AGR/05 - Assestamento Forestale e Selvicoltura
The ecology and evolution of synchronized reproduction in long-lived plants
2021 M.B. Pesendorfer, D. Ascoli, M. Bogdziewicz, A. Hacket-Pain, I.S. Pearse, G. Vacchiano
Effect of avalanche frequency on forest ecosystem services in a spruce-fir mountain forest
2015 G. Vacchiano, M. Maggioni, G. Perseghin, R. Motta
The effect of forest management on endangered insects assessed by radio-tracking: The case of the ground beetle Carabus olympiae in European beech Fagus sylvatica stands
2017 M. Negro, E. Caprio, K. Leo, U. Maritano, A. Roggero, G. Vacchiano, C. Palestrini, A. Rolando
The effect of gap openings on soil reinforcement in two conifer stands in northern Italy
2016 G.B. Bischetti, C. Bassanelli, E.A. Chiaradia, G. Minotta, C. Vergani
Effect of mixture and management of a Southern European beech forest on carbon stocks and sinks
2023 L.M.W. Rossi, S. Oggioni, S. Brocco, S. Djachenko, M. Vizzarri, G. Vacchiano
Effect of stand-replacing fires on Mediterranean plant species in their marginal alpine range
2013 M. Lonati, G. Vacchiano, R. Berretti, R. Motta
Effects of forest management on ground beetle diversity in alpine beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands
2014 M. Negro, G. Vacchiano, R. Berretti, D.E. Chamberlain, C. Palestrini, R. Motta, A. Rolando
Effects of the lack of forest management on spatiotemporal dynamics of a subalpine Pinus cembra forest
2017 F. Giammarchi, G. Vacchiano, A. Bertagnolli, M. Ventura, P. Panzacchi, P. Cherubini, G. Tonon
Effects of tree spacing and thinning on root reinforcement in mountain forests of the European Southern Alps
2021 A. Cislaghi, E. Alterio, P. Fogliata, A. Rizzi, E. Lingua, G. Vacchiano, G.B. Bischetti, T. Sitzia
Effects of twenty years of ungulate browsing on forest regeneration at Paneveggio Reserve, Italy
2020 D. D’Aprile, G. Vacchiano, F. Meloni, M. Garbarino, R. Motta, V. Ducoli, P. Partel
Evaluating the Contribution of Trees outside Forests and Small Open Areas to the Italian Landscape Diversification during the Last Decades
2018 L. Sallustio, M. di Cristofaro, M. Hashmi, M. Vizzarri, T. Sitzia, B. Lasserre, M. Marchetti
Evidences of drought stress as a predisposing factor to Scots pine decline in Valle d'Aosta (Italy)
2012 G. Vacchiano, M. Garbarino, E. Borgogno Mondino, R. Motta
Exploring Correlation between Stand Structural Indices and Parameters across Three Forest Types of the Southeastern Italian Alps
2021 E. Alterio, A. Cislaghi, G.B. Bischetti, T. Sitzia
Fire severity, residuals and soil legacies affect regeneration of Scots pine in the Southern Alps
2014 G. Vacchiano, S. Stanchi, G. Marinari, D. Ascoli, E. Zanini, R. Motta
Fire-smart solutions for sustainable wildfire risk prevention: Bottom-up initiatives meet top-down policies under EU green deal
2023 D. Ascoli, E. Plana, S.D. Oggioni, A. Tomao, M. Colonico, P. Corona, F. Giannino, M. Moreno, G. Xanthopoulos, K. Kaoukis, M. Athanasiou, M.C. Colaco, F. Rego, A.C. Sequeira, V. Acacio, M. Serra, A. Barbati
Forest carbon allocation modelling under climate change
2019 K. Merganicova, J. Merganic, A. Lehtonen, G. Vacchiano, M.Z.O. Sever, A.L.D. Augustynczik, R. Grote, I. Kyselova, A. Makela, R. Yousefpour, J. Krejza, A. Collalti, C.P.O. Reyer
Forest disturbances under climate change
2017 R. Seidl, D. Thom, M. Kautz, D. Martin-Benito, M. Peltoniemi, G. Vacchiano, J. Wild, D. Ascoli, M. Petr, J. Honkaniemi, M.J. Lexer, V. Trotsiuk, P. Mairota, M. Svoboda, M. Fabrika, T.A. Nagel, C.P.O. Reyer
Forest dynamics and disturbance regimes in the Italian Apennines
2017 G. Vacchiano, M. Garbarino, E. Lingua, R. Motta
Forest Ecosystem Services: Issues and Challenges for Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management in Italy
2015 M. Vizzarri, R. Tognetti, M. Marchetti
Forest ecosystems functionality evaluation by multiscale and multitemporal analysis of ecological network
2015 D. Tonti, M. Vizzarri, M. Ottaviano
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