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Mostrati risultati da 407 a 426 di 4.252
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Bicalutamide and Trehalose Ameliorate Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy Pathology in Mice 2023 Galbiati, MariaritaMeroni, MarcoRusmini, PaolaCrippa, ValeriaCristofani, RiccardoPiccolella, MargheritaFerrari, VeronicaTedesco, BarbaraCasarotto, ElenaChierichetti, MartaCozzi, MartaMina, FrancescoCicardi, Maria ElenaPedretti, SilviaMitro, NicoSala, AngeloPoletti, Angelo + Article (author) -
Bicalutamide and Trehalose as a therapeutic approach for SBMA 2023 Mariarita GalbiatiPaola RusminiValeria CrippaRiccardo CristofaniVeronica FerrariElena CasarottoBarbara TedescoMarta ChierichettiMarta CozziAngelo Poletti + Conference Object -
Bicarbonate transport, double ion exchange and Na+-Cl- symport are all inhibited by hydrochlorothiazide in the apical membrane of the epithelium of rabbit gallbladder 1993 Porta CristinaCremaschi DarioAgostoni Emilio Article (author) -
Bilateral deficit magnitude increases with velocity during a half-squat exercise 2022 Johnny PaduloFabio EspositoEmiliano Cè + Article (author) -
Bilateral motor resonance evoked by observation of a one-hand movement : role of the primary motor cortex 2008 P. BorroniM. MontagnaG. CerriF. Baldissera Article (author) -
Bilberry adulteration : identification and chemical profiling of anthocyanins by different analytical methods 2014 C. GardanaS. CiappellanoL. MarinoniP. Simonetti + Article (author) -
Binding characteristics of delta opioid receptors in different regions of the brain of young and old male rats as studied with the highly selective ligand [D-Pen2-D-Pen5] enkephalin 1992 D. DondiR. MaggiP. LimontaL. MartiniF. Piva Article (author) -
Binding characteristics of hypothalamic mu opioid receptors throughout the estrous cycle in the rat 1993 R. MaggiD. DondiG.E. RovatiL. MartiniF. PivaP. Limonta Article (author) -
Binding of the auxiliary subunit TRIP8b to HCN channels shifts the mode of action of cAMP 2013 A. SaponaroA. Moroni + Article (author) -
Bioaccessibility and bioavailability of phenolic compounds in bread: A review 2017 A. MartiM. ZanolettiD. Martini + Article (author) -
Bioavailability of carotenoids from spinach and tomato 2004 P. RisoA. BrusamolinoM. Porrini + Article (author) -
Bioavailability of stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana in human volonteers: preliminary data 2004 C. GardanaP. Simonetti + Article (author) -
Bioavailability of stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana in human volonteers: preliminary report 2004 P. SimonettiC. Gardana + Book Part (author) -
Biochemical and electrophysiological studies on the mechanism of action of PNU-151774E, a novel antiepileptic compound 1999 MAZZANTI M + Article (author) -
Biochemical and physiological principles on CO2 2017 pecchiari Conference Object -
Biochemical behavior of SOD1 in two cell models of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2008 E. OnestoM. GalbiatiD. SauV. CrippaP. RusminiE. BolzoniA. Poletti Conference Object -
Bioenergetics and biomechanics of cycling: the role of ‘internal work’ 2011 A.E. Minetti Article (author) -
Biofisica e fisiologia a confronto 1993 G. Monticelli Article (author) -
Biologic effects of prolonged exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields in rats : II. 50 Hz magnetic fields 1995 V. MargonatoA. VeicsteinasP. Cerretelli + Article (author) -
Mostrati risultati da 407 a 426 di 4.252
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