Sfoglia per Autore VACCA, AGNESE
Rappresentazione di edifici sacri nella glittica del periodo di Uruk, Jemdet Nasr e Protodinastico I
2008 A. Vacca
Small finds
2011 V. Dobran, A. Vacca
I pesi a forma di anatra
2013 A. Vacca
Natural Resources, Technology and Manufacture Processes at Ebla : A Preliminary Assessment
2013 L. Peyronel, A. Vacca
Form and content : a preliminary functional interpretation of the storage jars from Palace G
2013 M. D'Andrea, A. Vacca
Connections between Syria and Anatolia in the Second half of Third Millennium B.C.: the Tarsus Sequence
2013 C. Mallegni, A. Vacca
Food and Drink preparation at Ebla, Syria : New Data from the Royal Palace G (c.2450–2300 BC)
2014 L. Peyronel, A. Vacca, C. Wachter-Sarkady
The Tuqan IC Pottery Sequence from Area P South
2014 A. Vacca
Chronology and Distribution of 3rd Millennium BC Flasks
2014 A. Vacca
From Clay to Pots: Pottery Production and Workplaces in Syria during the EB III-IV
2014 L. Peyronel, A. Vacca
Recherches sur les périodes pré- et proto-palatiale d'Ebla au Bronze Ancien
2015 A. Vacca
Northern Ubaid and Late Chalcolithic 1-3 Periods in the Erbil Plain. New Insights from Recent Researches at Helawa, Iraqi Kurdistan
2015 L. Peyronel, A. Vacca
Before the royal palace G. The stratigraphic and pottery sequence of the West unit of the central complex: the building G5
2015 A. Vacca
The Northern and the Southern Levant during the Late Early Bronze Age: a Reappraisal of the "Syrian Connection"
2015 M. D'Andrea, A. Vacca
Cronologia della Mesopotamia
2015 A. Vacca, M. D'Andrea
Helawa: a new Northern Ubaid/Late Chalcolithic Site in the Erbil Plain
2016 L. Peyronel, A. Vacca, G. Zenoni
New Data on the EB III–IVA1 of North-Western Syria in the light of Old and Recent Excavations at Tell Mardikh/Ebla and Tell Tuqan
2016 A. Vacca
Tra il Tigri e gli Zagros : ricerche archeologiche dell’Università IULM di Milano nella Piana di Erbil, Kurdistan iracheno
2017 L. Peyronel, A. Vacca, G. Zenoni
Catalogue of the Pottery Materials from Karkemish in the Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Ankara
2017 V. Gallerani, A. Vacca, F. Zaina
The Early Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age Pottery Assemblage
2017 A. Vacca
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